This document provides guidance on how to sell a company. It outlines the various options for finding buyers, from communities and events to investors and corporations. It emphasizes the importance of clearly communicating your company's vision, objectives, and values to potential buyers. The document then details the steps and documents involved, including an initial introduction, non-disclosure agreement, business profile, letter of intent, due diligence, terms sheet, share purchase agreement, and notary. It stresses the need to provide financial documents like balance sheets and income statements to buyers. The document concludes by noting that investors will evaluate the company's execution, product, and founder when considering an acquisition.
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How to Sell your Business
1. How to
Sell Your
By Antonny Liem, CEO, MerahPutih Inc.
Twitter: @antonnyliem MindTalk: @smutz
2. IPO
The Capital
Working Bank
Ladder Loans
Corporate VCs
Classic VCs
Angels & Small
Venture Capital
Friends & Families
Personal Savings/
Credit Card
Cash, Sweat
6. Steps & Documents
1. Initial Introduction
2. Non Disclosure Agreement
3. Business Profile & Planning Presentation
4. Letter of Intent
5. Due Diligence: Finance, Legal, Tax, Operations
6. Terms Sheet
7. Share Purchase Agreement
8. Share Holders Agreement
9. Notary
7. Business Profile & Planning
Whos the Founder(s)
What is your value?
How does your business run?
SWOT Analysis
Current Financials: Balance Sheet, Income
Statement, Cash Report
Business Forecast: Future planning, Financial
Planning, Expansion
8. Pricing and Negotiation
Cash vs Bonds
Common stocks
Preferred stocks
Convertible Loan
First Right of Refusal
Tag Along
Minority Protection
Board Membership
Employment Contract