This document provides instructions for unlocking users in a pluggable database called pdborcl. It involves opening a command prompt as the admin user, connecting to the database as sysdba, setting the container to pdborcl, checking if it is open or mounted, opening it if mounted, and then unlocking the hr and oe users.
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1. 1. Se deschide cmdcudreptde admin (ne vaintrebadaca dorimsa permitemaplicatiei saruleze =>apasam Yes)
2. ne conectamla baza de date ca admincu ajutorul comenzii: sqlplus / as sysdba; < Enter>
3. setamcontainerul (adicadam urmatoareacomanda):
alter session set container = pdborcl; <Enter>
4. verificamdacapdborcl este OPEN sau nu
select name, open_mode from v$pdbs; <Enter>
5.1. daca este MOUNTED, atunci excutamcomanda:
alter pluggable database open;
2. 5.2. daca este READWRITE
trecemdirectla punctul 6
6. deblocamuserii hrsi oe
alter user hr identified by hr account unlock; <Enter>
alter user oe identified by oe account unlock; <Enter>