The best time to start a business is when you are completely broke, you have next to nothing to lose. This presentation provides a guide on how to start a business with zero capital.
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How to Start a Business with Zero Capital.pptx
1. How to Start a Business with
Zero Capital
By Abdulkabir Olajide Olatunji
Owner, General Manager,
2. What is a Business?
ï‚— A business is any legitimate profit-
oriented activity that can be
structured in any form decided by
the owner(s) as allowed by law.
3. What is Money?
ï‚— Money is any legal tender that is
accepted as a means of
exchange, a measure of wealth
and a means of storing value.
4. The Problem
ï‚— Money is required to start and run a
ï‚— You do not have money
ï‚— How do you then start a business?
5. How to solve the lack of
Money Problem
ï‚— Change your mindset (money is not
the end; it is the means to an end).
ï‚— Substitute money for value (think of
trade by barter for example).
ï‚— The secret- money is not the only
means of exchange and storing value.
6. What are the Elements of
Starting a Viable Business?
ï‚— Having a solid idea that will lead to a
product or service.
ï‚— Your product or service must have a
target market.
ï‚— There must be a clear path to
reaching this target market.
ï‚— You must have integrity.
7. Practical Steps to Start Your Business
with Zero Capital
ï‚— Generate solid business ideas.
ï‚— Shortlist the ideas to three.
ï‚— Determine the best suited idea for you.
ï‚— Do a basic plan.
ï‚— Identify people that might have a vested interest in your
business idea.
ï‚— Pitch your idea to them.
ï‚— Improve your capacity to do the business.
ï‚— Find one customer.
ï‚— Learn from the process of finding one customer.
ï‚— Repeat the process.
ï‚— Grow your business.
ï‚— Focus on your wins not failures.
8. Sharing to Start and Grow
your Business
Things you can share to start a business
when you don’t have money:
ï‚— Your skills, time and effort
ï‚— Equity
ï‚— Products and Services
ï‚— Assets
9. You Need Partners
You need partners to succeed when you do not have money to
start a business.
People like:
ï‚· Other broke aspiring entrepreneurs
ï‚· IT Students
ï‚· Corpers
ï‚· New and Existing Companies
ï‚· NGOs
ï‚· Family and Friends
ï‚· Professional Colleagues
ï‚· Religious Group Members
10. Recap
To successfully start a business with zero capital follow
these steps:
ï‚— Exchange money for value in your thinking.
ï‚— Have a viable business idea.
ï‚— Develop a simple plan for it.
ï‚— Pitch it to people that are likely to appreciate the value
in your business idea.
ï‚— Keep improving your capacity in the business.
ï‚— Share value to grow.
ï‚— Find partners to help you succeed.