This document discusses several tips for healthy aging. It states that 70% of aging is affected by lifestyle choices and recommends doing all you can to enjoy a long, high quality life. Simple things like drinking water, reducing stress through laughter, regular exercise, good nutrition, and balance training can help promote health and prevent falls as you age.
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How to stay young
2. Most of us think aging happens like this: We go
on our way, moving happily through life, until
one day we start to feel old, and the symptoms
domino right before our cataract-clouded eyes.
In fact, 70% of aging is affected by simple
things you do -- or don't do."
So make sure you're doing all that you can to
enjoy not only a much longer life but a higher
quality one as well.
3. The following foods are both
heart-healthy and have
strong anti-inflammatory
Fruits and Vegetables
Olive Oil
Foods with Magnesium
Dark Chocolate
4. Of all the reasons H2O is oh-
so-good for you, the work it
does for your guts is one of
the best.
You've probably heard that you
should drink eight 8-ounce
glasses every day, but there's
no magic to this number. And
the right amount varies
according to your activity level
and size; just drink enough
water so that your urine is
5. So why do stress reduction
techniques -- laughter in
particular-- reduce the risk of
heart disease? To answer that,
it helps to know how mental
stress can potentially damage
your heart.
"When you're under a lot of stress
there are chemicals that are
released that cause blood
pressure and the heart rate to
go up.
Make things just for fun
6. One of the greatest things
you can do for your health
takes about half a second.
If that's not incentive, what
is? Taking 162 milligrams of
aspirin a day with a half
glass of warm water before
and after may decrease the
risk of colon cancer,
esophageal cancer,
prostate cancer, ovarian
cancer, and breast cancer.
7. Map out your to-do list rather
than actually listing it. That is,
draw a picture of your task in
the middle of a piece of paper,
and then branch out from that
centerpiece with smaller
subsections and keywords
related to that task.
For example, if you want to
lose 25 pounds, draw a picture
of yourself on a scale in the
middle. Instead of making a
list of ways to do it, draw lines
from the center to things like
food, exercise, supports, and
other broad categories that will
help you.
8. The combo of fiber and
water also makes you feel
full, which helps your overall
health, because it keeps you
from eating other things that
are more likely to lead to
problems associated with
obesity, like heart disease
and diabetes.
Where to get it? Fiber is
found in fruits, vegetables,
whole grains, oats, beans,
and some cereals. Your
goal: 25 grams a day for
women and 35 grams a day
for men. And don't forget the
9. Cardiovascular activity lowers
both the top (systolic) and the
bottom (diastolic) numbers of
your blood pressure. Cardio
exercise may also help keep
your blood vessels more elastic
by forcing them to dilate.
In addition to 30 minutes of daily
walking, aim for a minimum of 1
hour a week of sweaty activity --
ideally in three 20-minute
sessions -- during which you
raise your heart rate to 80% its
age-adjusted maximum (220
minus your age) for extended
periods of time.
10. Aim for 10 deep breaths in
the morning, 10 at night,
and as many as you need in
between to help relieve
Take a deep breath in --
When your lungs feel full,
exhale slowly -- taking
about 7 seconds to let all
the air out.
11. The fact is that most people
still don't get enough
calcium for optimal bone
density. So even if you've
heard it before, aim for
1,500 milligrams (mg) a day
from foods and/or
Here's a tip: Get chewable
calcium-citrate tablets, put
them in the car, and take
one every time you put the
key in the ignition.
12. It's inevitable -- all of us
will take an occasional
If you can't prevent the
slip, then work to prevent
the fall. Train your body to
adapt to unstable
Try doing standing
exercises on one leg at a
time and that will help you
develop better balance.