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3rd Edition, 2012
Hanks guide to

Storing Wheat in CO2
 Storing Grain
 For those who want to store wheat for
 several years this article provides some
 guidelines for successful wheat storage.

 The Big 3

                                                                                                        Photo by HJE CC By-NC 2.0
 However you store your wheat, youll need
 to do these three things: remove oxygen,
 maintain a low moisture level and protect
 it from insects and rodents.

                                                     Low moisture level10% -
                                                     Buy wheat with a low moisture level. i.e.

 Remove Oxygen                                       Store it in dry containers the same day you
                                                     receive it.
 Although removing oxygen is not essential,
 I recommend it. Heres why.                         Check your containers to make sure they keep
                                                     moisture out. Store in a dry cool place.
 Food deteriorates faster when oxygen is
 present. Without oxygen, food retains its
 flavour and tastes nicer, longer.
 Weevil eggs which are present in fresh
 wheat will hatch into an oxygenless
                                                     Pest-Proof and weevil proof.
                                                     Containers must be mice
 environment and die after hatching. Weevil          Rats and mice gnaw through many containers
 will hatch then die.                                though plastic drums are a strong deterrent.

                                                     Mice bite through vacuum-packed plastic with
                                                     ease. Pack these into vermin-proof containers.

 Weevil photo by ken-ichi
 www.flickr.com/photos/ken-ichi/ CC BY-NC-SA 2.0     Stored food is too expensive to feed to mice.
                                                     Also, they might urinate, excrete or die on your
 Oxygen can be removed by vacuum                     food storage. Store it well. Get the containers
 packing. Alternatively, air can be replaced         first, wheat second.
 with a harmless gas like nitrogen or CO2.
                                                     Mouse photo by pshab
                                                     Pshab www.flickr.com/photos/pshab/ CC BY-NC 2.0

Storing Wheat in CO2
Preparation                                                                Get Dry Ice
You will need:                                                             揃   Collect the Dry Ice within an hour of using
                                                                               it. Avoid keeping it for several hours before
揃 Esky or polystyrene chilli-bin                                               use.
揃 240 Space-Saver containers & lids                                        揃   Get an Esky or polystyrene chilli-bin.
揃 Plastic ladle of 1 table-spoon capacity                                  揃   Go to your nearest BOC store. Buy one kg
揃 Hammer to test wheat                                                         dry ice. It will cost about $15.
揃 Labels for containers ( Lid Labels and
  Product Labels)

Hammer Test
Test a wheat sample for it's moisture
content. This will ensure it is dry enough
for long-term storage.
I recommend you use the "Hammer Test."
Take a spoon of wheat from your wheat-                                     揃   Drive back with the window partially open
sack. About twenty grains. Place them                                          so you have air flow in the car.
on something made of solid metal. A
piece of railway line, a vice or steel anvil                               揃   You need to work quickly as a team before
will do. Hit the wheat kernels once, hard,                                     the CO2 evaporates
with a hammer.

                                                                           Assign Team
                                                                           Member Tasks
                                                                           You can do this all alone but its better to get
                                               Photo by HJE CC By-NC 2.0

                                                                           helpers and work as a team.
                                                                           Mormons storing wheat together is similar to
                                                                           the old-fashioned barn-raising of our early
                                                                           pioneers. We work together as a team.
                                                                           Assign people to the roles of a Sack-Man, Pourer,
                                                                           Bin-Man, and an Ice-Guy.
If the wheat shatters into pieces it is dry
enough to store long-term. If it mashes
or does not shatter cleanly, then there's
too much moisture in your wheat for
Longer seeds should snap smartly, cleanly
in half when bent if they are this dry.
Wheat and corn seeds should shatter and
powder when hit with the head of a
                                                                                                                               Photo by HJE CC By-NC 2.0

That's our Dry Seed Test. It is very
reliable. Beans, peas and other large seeds
will shatter if sufficiently dry.

Storing Wheat in CO2
Train your team                                  揃   The Ice-Guy shakes down the wheat to
                                                     settle it so the container can be filled to near
    Teach your team the following:                   maximum capacity.
揃      Warn team that dry-ice is very cold           Fit the lid with one corner slightly raised so
       at minus 78 degrees. They must not            the expanding gas can bubble-off. If you seal
       touch it, eat it, or play with it. Read       it too soon the expanding gas might pop the
       aloud the Safety Data Sheet about             lid of and spread wheat everywhere.
       it.Keep your hands dry when working
       with it.                                  揃   The Sack-Man will remove the Space-
                                                     Savers as they are filled with wheat and stack
揃      Ensure the room is ventilated and has         them at least 4 meters away so your work
       air flow.                                     area is not crowded. Do not stack two layers
                                                     high until after Bubble-off.
揃      Keep the lid on the Dry-Ice Esky as
       much as possible. Avoid inspecting it
       unnecessarily. Some dry ice will
       sublimate every time you open the
       container. Use it within hours. The       Afix Labels
       sooner the better.                        Place labels neatly and squarely on each Space-
                                                 Saver bin with the date packed and contents.

Learn Your Duty
  then begin
揃      The Sack-Man will open all wheat
       sacks. They will also fold and stack
       empty sacks. Keep the area clear.
       The Pourer spours 4 cm wheat in

                                                                                                    Photo by HJE CC By-NC 2.0
       the bottom of each Space-Saver in the
       room. This will cover the bottom of
       each Space-Saver. It prevents the base
       of the Space-Saver freezing.
揃      The Bin-Man will inspect space-
       saver bins for contaminants during
       manufacturing process. Remove any
       loose pieces of plastic. Ensure each
       container is clean. They will supply
       new, empty Space-Saver Bins and to
       keep the Ice-Guy supplied with new
       bins.                                     Bubble-off for 60 minutes (Sublimation)
揃      The Ice-Guy will use a long handled     Bubble-off is the process where the dry-ice
       plastic ladle to deposit 10 grams (a      sublimates (turns from a solid to a gas) in the
       heaped table-spoon) of dry ice into       wheat and turns instantly from a solid to a gas.
       each Space-Saver on top of the small      It expands to 500 times its size in this process.
       amount of wheat in the bottom centre      Excess air will burp out of the partially closed
       of each 15 litre container.               lid. The CO2 is colder than the air in the
       Note: 10 grams is about 3 pellets on a    container so it will fill up from the bottom of
       heaped table-spoon.                       the container, pushing the air out. CO2 is also
                                                 heavier than air.
揃     The Pourer then immediately fills
      the remainder of the container with        The lid should be fully covering the base yet
      wheat from the sack.                       able to allow gas under slight pressure to escape
                                                 from the container so no pressure builds up.
                                                 Air should not be able to get in during bubble-

Storing Wheat in CO2
Allow the wheat to 'bubble off' CO2 as
the dry ice sublimates.                        Oxygen Absorbers
The containers will bubble out excess CO2      Do not use oxygen absorbers when storing wheat
for 40 minutes.                                in CO2. Its unneccessary.

Vacate the room as the CO2 'bubbles off'.      Only use oxygen absorbers when storing small
                                               quantities of wheat in vacuum packs.
CO2 is not poisonous to inhale but people
need to breathe in some oxygen.                You will not need them at all if using dry ice as
                                               the CO2 will drive out all air including the
Ventilate the room. Anticipate children,       oxygen that is in the air.
youth or visitors entering the room
overnight or in the morning.                   About
The room may be filled with CO2 if it          If you have additional information or wish to
there is no air-flow.                          improve this document, please email
                                               Indemnity Clause
                                               No responsibility is taken by the author for the
Secure Lids                                    use of any information provided herein with
                                               regard to health and safety, food stored, loss of
Secure lids firmly 1 hour after filling the    food, damage to food or flavour or any other
Space-Savers. Ensure they are sealed           aspect.
perfectly. The dry ice will have sublimated.
Excess CO2 and air will have bubbled-

Where To Get
Space-Saver containers are good for
storing wheat. They have a 15 Litre
capacity with a lid that seals.
Obtain them second hand for just a few
                                                                                                     Photo by HJE CC By-NC 2.0

dollars each from fruit pie bakeries across
New Zealand. Barkers Orchards package
their processed fruit filling in Space-Saver
containers and send them full to fruit pie
and cake bakeries all across NZ.
They ship with two types of lids. One type
seals much better than the other.              I bought 12 empty containers, 2 sacks
New containers are made by Viscount            of wheat and stored the wheat using
Plastics in Christchurch, Tel 64 09 276        dry ice all on my own. It took me two
8679, sold in bulk.                            hours. I found it easy to store the
www.viscountplastics.co.nz                     wheat alone.
Buying new is much more expensive,
however, it ensures you get the lids that      Hank Ensing has served as a ward welfare specialist
seal best.                                     in the Grandview Ward, Glenview New Zealand
                                               Stake and the Koromatua Ward, Temple View NZ

Storing Wheat in CO2
                                               Drying wheat
                                               I dried wheat on a trampoline in the sun for
                                               several hours. You can dry it on a tarp on the
                                               floor in the sun.
                                               Another way to dry wheat in in buckets with
                                               sloping glass lids.
                                               Allow a gap for the air to circulate. Stir the grain
Check on your wheat after 1 year.              regularly. Cover with a light mesh if you want
                                               to prevent weevil from landing on it.
Is it dry enough?
If it smells like mold then feed it to the     Photo below is by Jacqui Vowles, drying her
hens.                                          family grain in New Zealand.
If it is just damp you can dry it.


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How To Store Wheat

  • 1. 3rd Edition, 2012 Hanks guide to Storing Wheat in CO2 Storing Grain For those who want to store wheat for several years this article provides some guidelines for successful wheat storage. The Big 3 Photo by HJE CC By-NC 2.0 However you store your wheat, youll need to do these three things: remove oxygen, maintain a low moisture level and protect it from insects and rodents. Low moisture level10% - Buy wheat with a low moisture level. i.e. 12.5%. Remove Oxygen Store it in dry containers the same day you receive it. Although removing oxygen is not essential, I recommend it. Heres why. Check your containers to make sure they keep moisture out. Store in a dry cool place. Food deteriorates faster when oxygen is present. Without oxygen, food retains its flavour and tastes nicer, longer. Weevil eggs which are present in fresh wheat will hatch into an oxygenless Pest-Proof and weevil proof. Containers must be mice environment and die after hatching. Weevil Rats and mice gnaw through many containers will hatch then die. though plastic drums are a strong deterrent. Mice bite through vacuum-packed plastic with ease. Pack these into vermin-proof containers. Weevil photo by ken-ichi www.flickr.com/photos/ken-ichi/ CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 Stored food is too expensive to feed to mice. Also, they might urinate, excrete or die on your Oxygen can be removed by vacuum food storage. Store it well. Get the containers packing. Alternatively, air can be replaced first, wheat second. with a harmless gas like nitrogen or CO2. Mouse photo by pshab Pshab www.flickr.com/photos/pshab/ CC BY-NC 2.0 www.ProvidentLiving.org.nz
  • 2. Storing Wheat in CO2 Preparation Get Dry Ice You will need: 揃 Collect the Dry Ice within an hour of using it. Avoid keeping it for several hours before 揃 Esky or polystyrene chilli-bin use. 揃 240 Space-Saver containers & lids 揃 Get an Esky or polystyrene chilli-bin. 揃 Plastic ladle of 1 table-spoon capacity 揃 Go to your nearest BOC store. Buy one kg 揃 Hammer to test wheat dry ice. It will cost about $15. 揃 Labels for containers ( Lid Labels and Product Labels) Hammer Test Test a wheat sample for it's moisture content. This will ensure it is dry enough for long-term storage. I recommend you use the "Hammer Test." Take a spoon of wheat from your wheat- 揃 Drive back with the window partially open sack. About twenty grains. Place them so you have air flow in the car. on something made of solid metal. A piece of railway line, a vice or steel anvil 揃 You need to work quickly as a team before will do. Hit the wheat kernels once, hard, the CO2 evaporates with a hammer. Assign Team Member Tasks You can do this all alone but its better to get Photo by HJE CC By-NC 2.0 helpers and work as a team. Mormons storing wheat together is similar to the old-fashioned barn-raising of our early pioneers. We work together as a team. Assign people to the roles of a Sack-Man, Pourer, Bin-Man, and an Ice-Guy. If the wheat shatters into pieces it is dry enough to store long-term. If it mashes or does not shatter cleanly, then there's too much moisture in your wheat for storage. Longer seeds should snap smartly, cleanly in half when bent if they are this dry. Wheat and corn seeds should shatter and powder when hit with the head of a hammer. Photo by HJE CC By-NC 2.0 That's our Dry Seed Test. It is very reliable. Beans, peas and other large seeds will shatter if sufficiently dry. www.ProvidentLiving.org.nz
  • 3. Storing Wheat in CO2 Train your team 揃 The Ice-Guy shakes down the wheat to settle it so the container can be filled to near Teach your team the following: maximum capacity. 揃 Warn team that dry-ice is very cold Fit the lid with one corner slightly raised so at minus 78 degrees. They must not the expanding gas can bubble-off. If you seal touch it, eat it, or play with it. Read it too soon the expanding gas might pop the aloud the Safety Data Sheet about lid of and spread wheat everywhere. it.Keep your hands dry when working with it. 揃 The Sack-Man will remove the Space- Savers as they are filled with wheat and stack 揃 Ensure the room is ventilated and has them at least 4 meters away so your work air flow. area is not crowded. Do not stack two layers high until after Bubble-off. 揃 Keep the lid on the Dry-Ice Esky as much as possible. Avoid inspecting it unnecessarily. Some dry ice will sublimate every time you open the container. Use it within hours. The Afix Labels sooner the better. Place labels neatly and squarely on each Space- Saver bin with the date packed and contents. Learn Your Duty then begin 揃 The Sack-Man will open all wheat sacks. They will also fold and stack empty sacks. Keep the area clear. The Pourer spours 4 cm wheat in Photo by HJE CC By-NC 2.0 揃 the bottom of each Space-Saver in the room. This will cover the bottom of each Space-Saver. It prevents the base of the Space-Saver freezing. 揃 The Bin-Man will inspect space- saver bins for contaminants during manufacturing process. Remove any loose pieces of plastic. Ensure each container is clean. They will supply new, empty Space-Saver Bins and to keep the Ice-Guy supplied with new Sublimation bins. Bubble-off for 60 minutes (Sublimation) 揃 The Ice-Guy will use a long handled Bubble-off is the process where the dry-ice plastic ladle to deposit 10 grams (a sublimates (turns from a solid to a gas) in the heaped table-spoon) of dry ice into wheat and turns instantly from a solid to a gas. each Space-Saver on top of the small It expands to 500 times its size in this process. amount of wheat in the bottom centre Excess air will burp out of the partially closed of each 15 litre container. lid. The CO2 is colder than the air in the Note: 10 grams is about 3 pellets on a container so it will fill up from the bottom of heaped table-spoon. the container, pushing the air out. CO2 is also heavier than air. 揃 The Pourer then immediately fills the remainder of the container with The lid should be fully covering the base yet wheat from the sack. able to allow gas under slight pressure to escape from the container so no pressure builds up. Air should not be able to get in during bubble- off. www.ProvidentLiving.org.nz
  • 4. Storing Wheat in CO2 Allow the wheat to 'bubble off' CO2 as the dry ice sublimates. Oxygen Absorbers The containers will bubble out excess CO2 Do not use oxygen absorbers when storing wheat for 40 minutes. in CO2. Its unneccessary. Vacate the room as the CO2 'bubbles off'. Only use oxygen absorbers when storing small quantities of wheat in vacuum packs. CO2 is not poisonous to inhale but people need to breathe in some oxygen. You will not need them at all if using dry ice as the CO2 will drive out all air including the Ventilate the room. Anticipate children, oxygen that is in the air. youth or visitors entering the room overnight or in the morning. About The room may be filled with CO2 if it If you have additional information or wish to there is no air-flow. improve this document, please email hank.ensing@gmail.com Indemnity Clause No responsibility is taken by the author for the Secure Lids use of any information provided herein with regard to health and safety, food stored, loss of Secure lids firmly 1 hour after filling the food, damage to food or flavour or any other Space-Savers. Ensure they are sealed aspect. perfectly. The dry ice will have sublimated. Excess CO2 and air will have bubbled- off. Where To Get Containers Space-Saver containers are good for storing wheat. They have a 15 Litre capacity with a lid that seals. Obtain them second hand for just a few Photo by HJE CC By-NC 2.0 dollars each from fruit pie bakeries across New Zealand. Barkers Orchards package their processed fruit filling in Space-Saver containers and send them full to fruit pie and cake bakeries all across NZ. They ship with two types of lids. One type seals much better than the other. I bought 12 empty containers, 2 sacks New containers are made by Viscount of wheat and stored the wheat using Plastics in Christchurch, Tel 64 09 276 dry ice all on my own. It took me two 8679, sold in bulk. hours. I found it easy to store the www.viscountplastics.co.nz wheat alone. Buying new is much more expensive, however, it ensures you get the lids that Hank Ensing has served as a ward welfare specialist seal best. in the Grandview Ward, Glenview New Zealand Stake and the Koromatua Ward, Temple View NZ Stake. www.ProvidentLiving.org.nz
  • 5. Storing Wheat in CO2 Drying wheat I dried wheat on a trampoline in the sun for several hours. You can dry it on a tarp on the floor in the sun. Another way to dry wheat in in buckets with sloping glass lids. Allow a gap for the air to circulate. Stir the grain Check on your wheat after 1 year. regularly. Cover with a light mesh if you want to prevent weevil from landing on it. Is it dry enough? If it smells like mold then feed it to the Photo below is by Jacqui Vowles, drying her hens. family grain in New Zealand. If it is just damp you can dry it. www.ProvidentLiving.org.nz