The document provides a 15 point plan for career success, with tips such as working for a challenging boss to learn skills quickly, maintaining good communication with employees, dressing professionally, showing integrity, being on time and meeting deadlines, having self-reflection about life goals, and maintaining a positive attitude. The overall message is that following basic principles like treating others well, developing skills continuously, and pursuing work with passion can help one achieve career success.
2. 2
How to Succeed
Don't talk negatively about
people behind their backs.
If you gossip, people won't
confide in you.
Mind your own business.
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3. 3
How to Succeed
Try to work for someone who'll challenge yyoouurr ppoowweerrss..
YYoouu''llll lleeaarrnn mmoorree iinn aa yyeeaarr tthhaann 44 yyeeaarrss ooff ccoolllleeggee..
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4. 4
How to Succeed
Successful bosses have good communication skills.
They learn from people, including their employees.
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5. 5
How to Succeed
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Work in such a way that makes your boss look good.
It's not flattery.
8. 8
How to Succeed
Workout to get in good physical shape.
Unless exceptionally skilled, the unhealthy are
at a comparative disadvantage.
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11. 11
How to Succeed
Strive your best ttoo kkeeeepp aa ddeeaaddlliinnee..
IIff yyoouu ccaannnnoott mmeeeett iitt,, tthheenn aappoollooggiizzee &&
aasskk ffoorr aann eexxtteennssiioonn
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12. 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 1100 1111 1122 1133 1144 1155
DDoonn''tt ttaakkee tthhiinnggss ppeerrssoonnaallllyy..
How to Succeed
If some people aarree uunnhhaappppyy wwiitthh
yyoouu,, iitt''ss tthheeiirr pprroobblleemm..
BBuutt aallwwaayyss ssttrriivvee ttoo ggiivvee yyoouurr bbeesstt..
13. 13
How to Succeed
1 2 3 44 55 66 77 88 99 1100 1111 1122 1133 1144 1155
If you must correct someone,
don't get personal about it.
Do it never in front of others.
14. 14
How to Succeed
Spend some time aalloonnee eevveerryyddaayy..
WWhhaatt''ss tthhee mmiissssiioonn ooff mmyy lliiffee??
WWhhaatt ddoo II wwaanntt ttoo bbee??
AAnndd hhooww ttoo ggoo aabboouutt iitt..
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15. 15
How to Succeed
As you move along Plan A of your career,
maintain a Plan B as well
an alternative course to rely
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16. 16
How to Succeed
11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 1100 1111 1122 1133 1144 1155
Always remember that the secret of ssuucccceessss iiss ppaassssiioonn..
AAllwwaayyss tthhiinnkk bbiigg.. SSpprreeaadd lloovvee && jjooyy..
YYoouu''llll hhaavvee bblliissssffuull yyeeaarrss aahheeaadd