This document provides tips for surviving a marathon job interview that can last an entire day. It recommends extensively preparing for the interview by researching the company and your potential interviewers, and having three short stories prepared about your experiences and challenges. During the interview, maintain your energy and focus on listening. Take notes during breaks rather than when being interviewed. Be prepared to not eat lunch and bring a snack. After the interview ends, collect business cards and make notes to follow up with thank you notes.
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How to survive a marathon job interview
1. How To Survive A Marathon
Job Interview
Jomar A. Cerich
Angel Manuelle
Luis Gerardo Cruz
Inco 3006 Comunicaci坦n Comercial
Profesora Helvia Guzman
2. How To Survive A Marathon Job Interview
Our presentation talks about how we are supposed
to act in front of recruiters and the series of steps to
have a successful interview. for many job seekers, a
bigger challenge comes once they have jumped
through the initial job search hoops, including a
phone screen and an initial one-on-one meeting at
their prospective employers office. Once they are
being seriously considered for a job, they may wind
up in whats known as a marathon job interview.
These sessions can last an entire day, running straight
through lunch and on to after-work drinks.
3. Prepare, prepare and prepare some more.
Plan to spend as much time as possible getting ready
for your all-day interview.
How many people will you meet?
What are their job titles?
What topics do they expect you to cover?
Will you be presented with a case study?
Will there be a group session with other candidates?
Will the interviews run through lunch?
Will there be any other opportunity for socializing,
like after-hours drinks, that you are expected to
4. Get Ready with stories
Arrive armed with at least three short but detailed
anecdotes about yourself. They should each illustrate
challenges you faced, either organizationally or
substantively or both, and how you overcame them.
If you havent led an activity, describe your
contribution as an effective team member.
How To Survive A Marathon Job Interview
5. Research your potential employers field.
Study up beforehand on the debates within the field.
Read and digest every page of the company website, do demonstrate you are
You want to be prepared to talk intelligently.
Keep your focus on the positive
Stick to a positive
Talk about your past successes and how excited you are at the prospect of e
new challenge.
How To Survive A Marathon Job Interview
6. Be prepared to listen rather than talk
The challenge is to listen closely , appear as though you care about what the
interviewer is saying and try to retain as much as possible.
Dont expect to eat at lunch
This is a good opportunity to ask questions.
Remember that you are still being evaluated.
You may not manage more than a few bites of food.
Lierman recommends that you pack a small water bottle and snack in your
bag which you can nibble when you excuse yourself to go to restroom.
How To Survive A Marathon Job Interview
7. How To Survive A Marathon Job Interview
During the interview
Maintain your energy high .
Stay focus to your interviewer.
Express your passion about getting the job.
Jot down important notes
Take important notes during bathroom breaks,
not when being interviewed.
8. How To Survive A Marathon Job Interview
Take everyones business cards and offer yours.
You will not be able to remember everyone that interview you so , get
everyones business card and offer yours.
Make notes before calling it a day.
At the end of the day write down the points of interest of the interview.
Send thank you notes to everyone that interview you.