To transfer a group reservation to a desk folio:
1. Create a desk folio as the master account when the group checks in.
2. Double click the reservation made for one of the halls to see the deposit.
3. Change the nights and rooms to 0 to immediately transfer the reservation and deposit to the new desk folio identified by up to 4 letters related to the group name.
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How to transfer the Group Reservation to a Desk Folio - 2016
1. How to transfer the Group Reservation to a Desk Folio
1. When a group checks inwe needto create adesk folio as the Master
2. We will go tothe reservationthat was made for one of the Halls (Stafford,
Massawippi or Abenaki)
3. Double click the reservationthat is there. Youwill see the deposit that
was givenwhenthe reservationwas made.
2. 4. Change the Nights to0, you will get a message click OK and thenChange
the Rooms to0 and Click OK.
5. This will transfer the reservationimmediately toaDesk Folioand will
transfer the deposit tothis Desk Folio. Depending onthe name of the
Group will dependon the FolioID (Air Canada ¨C we choose AC) It can up
up to 4 Letters.
3. 6. Go to Folios ¨C Desk Folios and you will see the one you just created.