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How To Use NoveList to Find a Series
Go to the Tewksbury Public Library website
(www.tewksburypl.org) and select Find Articles &
Search Databases
Once you are on the Databases
page, select N for NoveList.
Select NoveList
Enter your 14-digit library card number
with no spaces or dashes. Select Login.
You are now on the NoveList home page. You have four
options when searching. All will search everything. Author
will just search the author fields. Title will just search the
title fields. Series will search just the series fields.
We are going to focus on doing a series search.
Select the Series button and type a series title
into the search box. Select Search. If you made a
mistake, you can select Clear to start over.
If more than one series contains the same search words, they will display in
the results list.
The Cedar Cove series is the first series in the
list, and the one I wanted. If your not sure, you can
read the descriptions of the other series to narrow
your choices down. Select the link Cedar Cove
series which will bring you to the next step.
This is the Cedar Cove series page. NoveList
provides information about the series and lists the
book titles below general information.
Here is a partial list of the books in the Cedar Cove
series. Note they are numbered for you. Selecting a
book title in the series will lead you to more
information about the book.
On the right of the series page, you will also find
links to similar books (read-alikes) that might
interest you. NoveList usually suggests nine titles
and selecting these titles will lead you to more
information about each one. It will also lead you to
more read-alikes!
Select the More About This Series tab for
additional series information.
When you look at a books record, you can check to
see if the Library owns the book by selecting Check
the library catalog. If we do you can place a hold
on the book.
A new page opens with the results. There are 10
results (different formats and editions). You can
place your hold here, or you can leave the page and
go back to NoveList.
You can find more information about each title by
selecting the tabs just above the list of titles. Any
articles or further information about the
book/author/series will be here.
And Finally
0 You can search for book titles or authors the same
way you can search for a series. If you dont know the
full title of the book or authors name, try selecting the
All button and entering as much as you do know into
the search box.
0 Please feel free to call us at (978)640-4490 ext. 207 if
you need additional assistance using NoveList or any
of our web resources. We are happy to assist you!

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How To Use NoveList to Find a Series

  • 2. Go to the Tewksbury Public Library website (www.tewksburypl.org) and select Find Articles & Search Databases
  • 3. Once you are on the Databases page, select N for NoveList.
  • 5. Enter your 14-digit library card number with no spaces or dashes. Select Login.
  • 6. You are now on the NoveList home page. You have four options when searching. All will search everything. Author will just search the author fields. Title will just search the title fields. Series will search just the series fields.
  • 7. We are going to focus on doing a series search. Select the Series button and type a series title into the search box. Select Search. If you made a mistake, you can select Clear to start over. If more than one series contains the same search words, they will display in the results list.
  • 8. The Cedar Cove series is the first series in the list, and the one I wanted. If your not sure, you can read the descriptions of the other series to narrow your choices down. Select the link Cedar Cove series which will bring you to the next step.
  • 9. This is the Cedar Cove series page. NoveList provides information about the series and lists the book titles below general information.
  • 10. Here is a partial list of the books in the Cedar Cove series. Note they are numbered for you. Selecting a book title in the series will lead you to more information about the book.
  • 11. On the right of the series page, you will also find links to similar books (read-alikes) that might interest you. NoveList usually suggests nine titles and selecting these titles will lead you to more information about each one. It will also lead you to more read-alikes!
  • 12. Select the More About This Series tab for additional series information.
  • 13. When you look at a books record, you can check to see if the Library owns the book by selecting Check the library catalog. If we do you can place a hold on the book.
  • 14. A new page opens with the results. There are 10 results (different formats and editions). You can place your hold here, or you can leave the page and go back to NoveList.
  • 15. You can find more information about each title by selecting the tabs just above the list of titles. Any articles or further information about the book/author/series will be here.
  • 16. And Finally 0 You can search for book titles or authors the same way you can search for a series. If you dont know the full title of the book or authors name, try selecting the All button and entering as much as you do know into the search box. 0 Please feel free to call us at (978)640-4490 ext. 207 if you need additional assistance using NoveList or any of our web resources. We are happy to assist you!