This presentation is in Slovak language and show how can be use processes aproacht to simplification of IT usage.
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How to use preoces intenal guides
1. T辿maJednoduch邸ie s IT alebo ako procesy pom叩haj炭 zjednodu邸i泥 pr叩cuProcesn辿 riadenie2009Ing. Rastislav Neczli, PhD.riadite直ITMG, s.r.o.T辿matick辿 zameranie: Procesn辿 riadenie ako n叩stroj na zn鱈転enie dopadov hospod叩rskej kr鱈zy
3. Kto smeSkupina expertov zameran叩 na tvorbu efekt鱈vnych syst辿mov riadenia.M叩me schopnosti budova泥 strat辿giu rozvoja aprev叩dzkovania IS vs炭lade so strat辿giou spolonosti.M叩me kompetenn辿 centrum pre oblasti:Projektov辿 riadenie (metodika PRINCE2) grid portalBusiness Intelligence (nez叩visl箪 n叩vrh reportingu)Riadenie procesov (Pr鱈prava z叩kazn鱈ka na implement叩ciu IS a riadenie zmien)
4. PortfolioZjednodu邸me ITPr鱈prava z叩kazn鱈ka na implement叩ciuIT strat辿giaPodpora u転鱈vatelov Business intelligence....Riadime projekty radiPr鱈prava projektovej kancel叩rie (MS Project server, HP, CA, ...)Podpora projektov箪ch mana転辿rov (in house, grid portal)Pren叩jom PMVzdel叩vanie4
6. o je ERP?Enterprise resource planning hr叩 k直炭ov炭 炭lohu pre riadenie spolonosti z r担znych poh直adovriadenie zdrojovr箪chla adapt叩cia procesov koordin叩cia a riadenie r担znych aktiv鱈tredukcia n叩kladovPodstatn叩 vlastnos泥: n叩rast vyu転itelnosti inform叩cie, redukcia papierovej pr叩ce, sledovanie skladov, ..... inform叩cie v re叩lnom ase
7. o je ERP?Typick箪 ERP sa sklad叩 z nasledovn箪ch komponentovFinancieLogistika捗udsk辿 zdrojeObchodMIS (mana転辿rsky IS) modul ktor箪 umo転nuje strategick辿 pl叩novanie (TOP zakazn鱈ci, top dod叩vatelia, ..., sledovanie hotovosti, .... denn辿 aktivity)Implement叩cia je vo v辰邸ine pr鱈padov nelacn叩 z叩le転itos泥, ale v箪hody z jej implement叩cie aleho presahuj炭 n叩klady. Generuje hlbok辿 zmeny v podnikov箪ch procesoch. V tom pr鱈pade je ROI v箪znamn箪m faktorom.
8. Faktory 炭spechu implement叩cieNe炭spechyNepripraven鱈 pou転鱈vateliaNepripraven辿 prostredie v organiz叩ciiNepochopenie procesov spolonosti zo strany dod叩vate直aFunkcionalita nezodpoved叩 funkci叩m v spolonostiZameranie sa iba na ist箪 v箪kon funkci鱈OchranaV箪ber spr叩vneho partnera (m叩 referencie v rovnakej vertik叩le)Z鱈skanie sponzora zo strany top mana転mentuVy邸kolenie pou転鱈vate直ov
14. Pr鱈nosy Pribl鱈転enie kult炭ry k IS a k procesomZjednodu邸enie vyu転itia ISLah邸ie za邸kolenieDodr転anie legislat鱈vnych noriem
Editor's Notes
#7: Enterprise resource planning plays an important role in the organization. Nowadays, with the fast developing of industries, technologies and the need for managing business processes and resources, it has become vital to have an ERP system which can help you coordinate and control several activities. There are many advantages of havingERP system. It gives you the opportunity of integrating all processes of your business while improving the quality of several areas and reducing the cycle time simultaneously. It helps to increase your production levels, WIP control, proper utilization of resources and control your costs more efficiently. After integrated software system in place you will be able to control the whole organization more efficiently.Importantfeatures of the ERP systemsare that they increase the availability of the information, reduce paper work, control inventory in a better way, helping companies to have information in real time to make decisions on information based and accurate prognostics regarding the organization. It is very important to mention that software system is a very powerful tool when it comes to processing and organizing financial data and any other data. It improves the development of the business process of all the departments in the short and long term.
#8: In the MIS (management information system) module you can perform integral strategic planning, gives birds eye view of the organization processes, top customers, top suppliers, cash in hand, cash in bank, daily activities, and having fluent communication with the investors. The HRM (human resource management) module allows you to make decisions and helps to optimize the companys resources properly regarding employees. You might find that implementing anERP systemcould be expensive and time taking and generates deep changes in business processes, but when you start getting ROIs on this you will be happy. Thebenefits of ERPare bigger than the cost invested in software system.