A step-by-step guide showing you how to use TweetLevel - your GPS for navigating Twitter influence created by @jonnybentwood from Edelman
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How to use TweetLevel
1. How to use TweetLevel
TweetLevel is a purpose built tool for PR and marketing to help people and
brands use twitter effectively. It will help you navigate the media cloverleaf to
make your social media engagement successful. To use TweetLevel to the best
effect, we recommend you follow this process:
Influence without context is
irrelevant which is why the first
< task is to search via topic. >
You can perform advanced
searching to focus on specific
dates, languages, words,
hashtags and web links.
Engage How
Listen What
Plan search Analyse Who to have
are people
topic is influential impactful
talking about
2. Listen to regular people
Now that you have identified a topic, you can listen to what key people are
talking about, refine your search, compare to other areas and understand what
web links people are most frequently sharing.
Listening to regular people
is at the heart of public
engagement. TweetLevel
< analyses every tweet over >
the past 30 days to give you
information to help you
understand what is
important around this
conversation topic.
Engage How
Listen What
Plan search Analyse Who to have
are people
topic is influential impactful
talking about
3. Influence not popularity in context
TweetLevel will provide you with a list of the tweeters who have the largest
share of voice on your topic before calculating their influence score. Without
performing this critical first step, it is impossible to find out who is influential.
Import the names into
TweetLevel by entering your
email address (this wont be
kept) and you will quickly be
mailed with the list of the
< most influential tweeters as >
oppose to the most popular.
Influence is also calculated
by understanding who
starts, spreads or is a niche
expert in the conversation.
Engage How
Listen What
Plan search Analyse Who to have
are people
topic is influential impactful
talking about
4. Participate in the always-on conversation
TweetLevel has now provided you with a list of the most important tweeters by
relevance, location and influence, you can now engage. The secret to
successful engagement is understanding more about the person you are
having a conversation with.
Engaging with regular
people that have a credible
voice based on expertise or
< passion is critical. >
TweetLevel will help you
understand when they talk,
what they talk about, who
influences them and the
best way to engage so that
your tweets resonate.
Engage How
Listen What
Plan search Analyse Who to have
are people
topic is influential impactful
talking about