This document provides instructions for using the plagiarism checking tool Urkund. It outlines three main steps: 1) Register for an Urkund account through the learning management system. 2) Create an assignment for students and set the submission deadline. 3) Receive a plagiarism report on student submissions and begin grading. The document emphasizes that Urkund checks all student work equally and helps institutions create their own database of submitted works to prevent future plagiarism.
2. Summary
Why should you use Urkund ?
What differences with an assigment ?
I. Register on 束 Urkund Connection 損 ;
II. Draw up a paper ;
III. Receive the similarities report of Urkund.
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3. Why should you use Urkund ?
Expand the survey of some documents (master thesis, internship reports)
to ALL your students :
- True equality before the anti-plagiarism system (one of each students is
checked in the same way) ;
- 100% of checked master thesis prevent next years students from cheating,
exchanging information and buying already existing thesis online.
- 100% of checked master thesis enable your institution to create its own
database ;
- The check is fairer ; indeed, the system will check the quality of the document
according to the quality of other students documents to provide the best
2016 Created by Manon CASUCCIO
4. What differences with an assigment ?
Urkund is a different tool than an 束 assigment 損:
- The exercise is individual ; no group work
- Same rules and process for every student
- Only one try available
It makes the use and the configuration of Urkund far simpler.
2016 Created by Manon CASUCCIO
5. I. Register on 束 Urkund connection 損
1) Log in on
2) In 束 Course management 損, open the
tab named 束 Course Tools 損
3) Click on 束 Urkund Connection 損
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4) Choose 束 Register
URKUND Analysis
Account 損
5) In 束 Account 損, enter your
email adress like this :
束 firstname.lastname.kedgebs@a
6) Click on
I. Register on 束 Urkund connection 損
2016 Created by Manon CASUCCIO
7. II. Draw up a paper
1) In 束 Assesment 損, choose the
tap named 束 Tools 損
2) Click on 束 Urkund assigment 損
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II. Draw up a paper
3) Fill in the information :
Test title
Choose the maximum number of
points and the deadline
Write the tests instructions
Make your test available or not
Choose the number of days the test
will be available
2016 Created by Manon CASUCCIO
9. III. Receive the similarities report of
Click on this link to get the
You will receive this mail in your mailbox :
2016 Created by Manon CASUCCIO
10. III. Receive the similarities report of
Should you click on the analysis :
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11. IV. Start grading your students
1) In 束 Course Management 損, select 束 Grade Centre 損
2 ) Click on 束Needs Marking 損
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IV. Start grading your students
3) Click on 束 Grade all
users 損
2016 Created by Manon CASUCCIO