The double page spread features a photo of singer Adam Lambert with a brooding, sexualized expression and pose. His dark clothing matches the background, reflecting his mysterious personality. The masthead uses dramatic fonts and colors like red and yellow dots to portray Lambert as a flamboyant, Broadway-style performer. The text describes Lambert as "wild" but young, drawing on his American Idol past to portray him as exciting and attention-grabbing. Words like "leather" and "glitter" have sexual connotations. The minimalist layout and mature language suggest the magazine targets an adult audience.
The document analyzes the front cover of a student magazine. It summarizes the key elements of the cover including the masthead, main image, website information, selling line, features aimed at students, main headline, and prizes/quizzes. Overall, the analysis concludes that the magazine is clearly aimed at male and female students ages 16-19 based on the cover design and topics addressed in a generally formal but somewhat informal tone.
The document outlines codes and conventions for magazine contents pages, including that they always have the title "Contents" and list page numbers without specifying "page". Pictures on contents pages link to stories and include the starting page number. The main story usually has the largest picture, and contents pages often include a web address and consistent color scheme with the cover while using a "dog leg layout".
The document contains the results of various surveys about music magazine readers' preferences. The key findings are:
1) The most popular age range that reads music magazines is 16-18, so the magazine will target this age group using relevant language and style.
2) Females make up 65% of readers so the magazine will have a more feminine style.
3) The Arctic Monkeys are a very popular band, so they will be featured in the magazine.
4) Monthly magazines are the most popular release schedule, so the new magazine will also be monthly.
5) Readers are willing to pay between ?2-?2.50, so the magazine will be pr
The survey found that respondents had a wide range of ages and genders, allowing the filmmaker to understand what appeals to a mass audience for a comedy film trailer. Analysis of the results suggested including a variety of shots like close-ups, fast-paced editing with smooth transitions, exaggerated costumes and props to showcase silly humor, and upbeat sound to maintain a fun and happy mood throughout the trailer.
This lesson was the final one for the student's production work where they completed a double page spread for their music magazine. They had already prepared the photo and article text prior to the lesson. During the lesson, they added a gradient background to the artist photo, cropped the photo, and inserted it onto the double page spread. Finally, they inserted the text and adjusted positioning to complete the magazine spread.
The document describes the process of creating a title for a contents page using blending options in 4 steps: reducing the text color fill opacity to make it clear, adding an outline stroke to the text, adding a satin effect and adjusting its opacity to make it a solid color, and editing the satin effect distance to transform the text into overlapping shapes for the final title.
Helenismos relacionados con θε??, divinidad. Contiene im│genes y una hoja de ejercicios para completar el significado de prefijos, sufijos y otras ra┴ces griegas.
Este bloque se enfoca en el uso del editor de textos para expresar ideas. Los estudiantes tendr│n 24 sesiones para redactar un ensayo utilizando las herramientas del editor de texto y demostrando habilidades como la estructuraci┏n clara de ideas y el trabajo colaborativo. El bloque eval┣a las competencias iniciales de los estudiantes en el uso b│sico de herramientas de edici┏n a trav└s de un examen diagn┏stico.
Сети и системы телекоммуникаций. Протоколы маршрутизацииAndrey Sozykin
Презентация лекции "Протоколы маршрутизации".
План лекции:
Место протоколов маршрутизации в моделях OSI и TCP/IP
Маршрутизация по вектору расстояний
Маршрутизация с учетом состояния канала
Протоколы внутренней маршрутизации (RIP, OSPF)
Структура Интернет
Протокол внешней маршрутизации BGP
Miley Cyrus naci┏ en 1992 en Tennessee y creci┏ en una granja. Alcanz┏ la fama en 2006 por interpretar a Miley Stewart/Hannah Montana en la exitosa serie de Disney Channel. Hija de los cantantes Billy Ray y Tish Cyrus, Miley comenz┏ su carrera como actriz y cantante protagonizando Hannah Montana durante 4 temporadas, donde ocultaba su identidad como estrella pop. Actualmente contin┣a desarrollando su carrera musical y actuando en pel┴culas.
This document appears to be a logging sheet for video production shots taken for a project titled "Let's Get Physical". It contains over 200 entries listing the shot number, description, length and whether it was a good take or not. The shots include interviews, activities like horse riding, football, boxing and workouts. The logging sheet tracks the media collected by the production group of Annie Ward, Charlotte Coleman and Richard Wood.
This lesson was the final one for the student's production work where they completed a double page spread for their music magazine. They had already prepared the photo and article text prior to the lesson. During the lesson, they added a gradient background to the artist photo, cropped the photo, and inserted it onto the double page spread. Finally, they inserted the text and adjusted positioning to complete the magazine spread.
The document describes the process of creating a title for a contents page using blending options in 4 steps: reducing the text color fill opacity to make it clear, adding an outline stroke to the text, adding a satin effect and adjusting its opacity to make it a solid color, and editing the satin effect distance to transform the text into overlapping shapes for the final title.
Helenismos relacionados con θε??, divinidad. Contiene im│genes y una hoja de ejercicios para completar el significado de prefijos, sufijos y otras ra┴ces griegas.
Este bloque se enfoca en el uso del editor de textos para expresar ideas. Los estudiantes tendr│n 24 sesiones para redactar un ensayo utilizando las herramientas del editor de texto y demostrando habilidades como la estructuraci┏n clara de ideas y el trabajo colaborativo. El bloque eval┣a las competencias iniciales de los estudiantes en el uso b│sico de herramientas de edici┏n a trav└s de un examen diagn┏stico.
Сети и системы телекоммуникаций. Протоколы маршрутизацииAndrey Sozykin
Презентация лекции "Протоколы маршрутизации".
План лекции:
Место протоколов маршрутизации в моделях OSI и TCP/IP
Маршрутизация по вектору расстояний
Маршрутизация с учетом состояния канала
Протоколы внутренней маршрутизации (RIP, OSPF)
Структура Интернет
Протокол внешней маршрутизации BGP
Miley Cyrus naci┏ en 1992 en Tennessee y creci┏ en una granja. Alcanz┏ la fama en 2006 por interpretar a Miley Stewart/Hannah Montana en la exitosa serie de Disney Channel. Hija de los cantantes Billy Ray y Tish Cyrus, Miley comenz┏ su carrera como actriz y cantante protagonizando Hannah Montana durante 4 temporadas, donde ocultaba su identidad como estrella pop. Actualmente contin┣a desarrollando su carrera musical y actuando en pel┴culas.
This document appears to be a logging sheet for video production shots taken for a project titled "Let's Get Physical". It contains over 200 entries listing the shot number, description, length and whether it was a good take or not. The shots include interviews, activities like horse riding, football, boxing and workouts. The logging sheet tracks the media collected by the production group of Annie Ward, Charlotte Coleman and Richard Wood.