Manuela Matinez C., Daniela Martinz C., Erika Y. Pachon F., Paula A. Ospina, Yeraldine Marin E., Luisa F Valero V., Isamar Osorio T., Daniela Ocampo N., Leidy J Ria単o S., Jhenifer Rodriguez M. are located in London.
London is the capital of England and the United Kingdom. It is a major global center for arts, commerce, education, entertainment, fashion, finance, media, and tourism. London is home to over 8 million people from many different cultures who speak over 300 languages. Some of London's most famous landmarks are Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London
Las Tecnolog鱈as de la Informaci坦n y la Comunicaci坦n (TIC) son herramientas computacionales que procesan y sintetizan informaci坦n de varias formas para facilitar el acceso a la informaci坦n y su uso en aplicaciones educativas. Aunque las TIC son medios y no fines en s鱈 mismas, son instrumentos 炭tiles para el aprendizaje que abarcan diversos temas y han determinado la evoluci坦n econ坦mica y social de los pa鱈ses a nivel mundial.
Dipole switching speeds of GIZO/P(VDF-TrFE) based FeFETs: evaporated gold and...IOSR Journals
1) The document compares the dipole switching speeds of two types of ferroelectric-gate field-effect transistors (FeFETs) - one with an evaporated gold top gate and one with an ink-jet printed silver top gate.
2) Measurements showed the device with evaporated gold had a dipole switching speed of less than 10 ms, while the device with ink-jet printed silver had a much slower switching speed of approximately 10 seconds.
3) The slower switching speed of the silver top gate device is believed to be due to moisture exposure affecting the printed silver and allowing silver migration into the ferroelectric layer.
El documento describe tres trastornos espec鱈ficos del aprendizaje: trastorno de la lectura, trastorno de la expresi坦n escrita, y trastorno del c叩lculo. Para cada uno, se単ala que las habilidades medidas mediante pruebas normalizadas se sit炭an por debajo de lo esperado para la edad del sujeto, y que esto interfiere con el rendimiento acad辿mico o actividades diarias. Adem叩s, indica pruebas para evaluar cada trastorno y que exceden las dificultades asociadas a d辿ficits
El documento presenta una descripci坦n del Instituto de Econom鱈a Social y Cooperativismo (INDESCO) de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. INDESCO se encarga de desarrollar la cultura y pr叩ctica cooperativa en la universidad y en el sector cooperativo y solidario a nivel nacional e internacional. Ofrece servicios de educaci坦n, asistencia t辿cnica y promoci坦n de acuerdo a la ley y realiza investigaciones en cooperativismo y econom鱈a solidaria. Su estructura organizativa incluye una direcci坦n nacional y coordinaciones de investigaci坦n, educaci坦n, relaciones
Homer and Marge Sims were passengers in a car accident in Wildwood, NJ. Homer suffered severe injuries when their car was hit by a tour bus, driven into a storefront, and had a sign fall on the car. They are suing the bus driver, tour company, store owner, and city traffic department. Homer claims medical bills, lost wages, and suffering. Marge claims loss of marital services. They allege the bus driver was negligent, the store sign was loose, and the traffic lights were malfunctioning.
Este documento describe las caracter鱈sticas y responsabilidades de un tutor virtual efectivo. Un buen tutor debe ser planificador, emp叩tico, receptivo, persuasivo, observador y atento. Debe asegurarse de que los estudiantes comprendan las herramientas tecnol坦gicas, facilitar la comprensi坦n de los contenidos acad辿micos, motivar la interacci坦n social y dar orientaci坦n y organizaci坦n al curso. El tutor debe realizar un seguimiento constante para verificar la comprensi坦n de los estudiantes y guiarlos hacia el logro de los objetivos a trav
El documento discute el costo de la educaci坦n en Espa単a y la Uni坦n Europea. Explica que el costo por estudiante universitario es un 40% m叩s alto que el de secundaria y el doble que primaria, debido a la estructura educativa y pol鱈ticas salariales. Tambi辿n se単ala que Espa単a tiene altas tasas de abandono escolar y que los recortes presupuestarios est叩n dificultando el acceso a la educaci坦n, lo que podr鱈a empeorar las cifras de fracaso escolar.
Este documento proporciona estrategias para mejorar el aprendizaje de estudiantes en el aula, incluyendo ubicar al estudiante cerca del maestro y compa単eros tranquilos, mantener un ambiente relajado y divertido, establecer rutinas predecibles, ense単ar organizaci坦n y planificaci坦n, trabajar en proyectos, dar instrucciones claras y cortas, establecer pocas normas claras, y reforzar la conducta positiva.
Este documento presenta una introducci坦n a los organigramas como herramienta para representar la estructura formal de una organizaci坦n. Explica conceptos clave como estructura formal e informal, departamentalizaci坦n y criterios comunes de departamentalizaci坦n. Luego describe las ventajas y desventajas de los organigramas, sus principios y simbolog鱈a. Finalmente, incluye ejemplos de estructuras organizacionales tipo y ejercicios pr叩cticos.
El documento describe la importancia de las herramientas 3.0 para la educaci坦n. Estas herramientas permiten a los usuarios crear y publicar contenido en la web, lo que les da un doble papel como creadores y como publicadores con acceso a una amplia audiencia.
Las nuevas tecnolog鱈as se convierten indispensables en el aulaBel辿n D鱈az D鱈az
Las nuevas tecnolog鱈as como ordenadores, tabletas y pizarras digitales se est叩n convirtiendo en herramientas indispensables en las aulas, ya que permiten a los profesores impartir las clases de forma m叩s din叩mica e interactiva y a los alumnos aprender de una manera m叩s pr叩ctica y visual.
Roofing in Wixom Michigan USA - Twelve Oaks RoofingChristos Pittis
Are you seeking the most reliable, trusted roofing contractor in Wixom, MI? Look no further than Twelve Oaks Roofing. We are a licensed, certified roofing company owned by a proud U.S. military veteran, and offer discounts to all service men and women. Whether you need a tear-off, re-roof, protective roof coating, roofing repairs, roof maintenance, new roof installation, roof ventilation and upgrades, roof shoveling, roof ice dam removal, or a roof inspection, weve got you covered.
We are located in the heart of Novi, Michigan, very close by to other cities in Oakland County such as Farmington, Farmington Hills, South Lyon, Northville, Walled Lake, and West Bloomfield.
At Twelve Oaks Roofing, we always use 100% certified GAF and CertainTeed roofing products we never skimp on quality when it comes to our customers. All of our expert roofing professionals have more than 20 years of collective experience, and are trained on the latest roofing styles including flat and metal roofing.
Every year, our customers in Wixom, Michigan vote us #1 in every category you can think of, a fact we are proud to tell the world. Were recognized as Oakland Countys best of the best, and strive to become better every day, listening to our customers needs and demands. We specialize in identifying and inspecting commercial and residential roofs for loosing and missing shingles, wear and tear, curling shingles, leaks, and holes. We conduct thorough interior and exterior roofing inspections to determine if you need roofing repairs or a total roof replacement.
If you need a new roof, we offer affordable, budget-friendly payment plans and financing options. We also offer:
Most roofs installed in just one day
Lifetime warrantee and 100% money back guarantee on all new roof installations
Assistance with insurance claims paperwork and processing
24/7 Emergency Roofing Response Team available to answer your call, year round
An owner that is always on site and available to answer your questions
Give our Twelve Oaks Roofing contractors a call at 248-525-6950 to take advantage of our free commercial or residential roofing estimate. Also take a look at our company website at, and check us out on Twitter and Facebook. Were excited to show you all the latest trends and samples in roofing for your business or home in Wixom, Michigan.
The document asks teachers about their experiences with coaching from both perspectives - as the observed teacher and as the coach. It inquires about what they valued in each role and any challenges or concerns they had during the coaching process.
El documento presenta una descripci坦n del Instituto de Econom鱈a Social y Cooperativismo (INDESCO) de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. INDESCO se encarga de desarrollar la cultura y pr叩ctica cooperativa en la universidad y en el sector cooperativo y solidario a nivel nacional e internacional. Ofrece servicios de educaci坦n, asistencia t辿cnica y promoci坦n de acuerdo a la ley y realiza investigaciones en cooperativismo y econom鱈a solidaria. Su estructura organizativa incluye una direcci坦n nacional y coordinaciones de investigaci坦n, educaci坦n, relaciones
Homer and Marge Sims were passengers in a car accident in Wildwood, NJ. Homer suffered severe injuries when their car was hit by a tour bus, driven into a storefront, and had a sign fall on the car. They are suing the bus driver, tour company, store owner, and city traffic department. Homer claims medical bills, lost wages, and suffering. Marge claims loss of marital services. They allege the bus driver was negligent, the store sign was loose, and the traffic lights were malfunctioning.
Este documento describe las caracter鱈sticas y responsabilidades de un tutor virtual efectivo. Un buen tutor debe ser planificador, emp叩tico, receptivo, persuasivo, observador y atento. Debe asegurarse de que los estudiantes comprendan las herramientas tecnol坦gicas, facilitar la comprensi坦n de los contenidos acad辿micos, motivar la interacci坦n social y dar orientaci坦n y organizaci坦n al curso. El tutor debe realizar un seguimiento constante para verificar la comprensi坦n de los estudiantes y guiarlos hacia el logro de los objetivos a trav
El documento discute el costo de la educaci坦n en Espa単a y la Uni坦n Europea. Explica que el costo por estudiante universitario es un 40% m叩s alto que el de secundaria y el doble que primaria, debido a la estructura educativa y pol鱈ticas salariales. Tambi辿n se単ala que Espa単a tiene altas tasas de abandono escolar y que los recortes presupuestarios est叩n dificultando el acceso a la educaci坦n, lo que podr鱈a empeorar las cifras de fracaso escolar.
Este documento proporciona estrategias para mejorar el aprendizaje de estudiantes en el aula, incluyendo ubicar al estudiante cerca del maestro y compa単eros tranquilos, mantener un ambiente relajado y divertido, establecer rutinas predecibles, ense単ar organizaci坦n y planificaci坦n, trabajar en proyectos, dar instrucciones claras y cortas, establecer pocas normas claras, y reforzar la conducta positiva.
Este documento presenta una introducci坦n a los organigramas como herramienta para representar la estructura formal de una organizaci坦n. Explica conceptos clave como estructura formal e informal, departamentalizaci坦n y criterios comunes de departamentalizaci坦n. Luego describe las ventajas y desventajas de los organigramas, sus principios y simbolog鱈a. Finalmente, incluye ejemplos de estructuras organizacionales tipo y ejercicios pr叩cticos.
El documento describe la importancia de las herramientas 3.0 para la educaci坦n. Estas herramientas permiten a los usuarios crear y publicar contenido en la web, lo que les da un doble papel como creadores y como publicadores con acceso a una amplia audiencia.
Las nuevas tecnolog鱈as se convierten indispensables en el aulaBel辿n D鱈az D鱈az
Las nuevas tecnolog鱈as como ordenadores, tabletas y pizarras digitales se est叩n convirtiendo en herramientas indispensables en las aulas, ya que permiten a los profesores impartir las clases de forma m叩s din叩mica e interactiva y a los alumnos aprender de una manera m叩s pr叩ctica y visual.
Roofing in Wixom Michigan USA - Twelve Oaks RoofingChristos Pittis
Are you seeking the most reliable, trusted roofing contractor in Wixom, MI? Look no further than Twelve Oaks Roofing. We are a licensed, certified roofing company owned by a proud U.S. military veteran, and offer discounts to all service men and women. Whether you need a tear-off, re-roof, protective roof coating, roofing repairs, roof maintenance, new roof installation, roof ventilation and upgrades, roof shoveling, roof ice dam removal, or a roof inspection, weve got you covered.
We are located in the heart of Novi, Michigan, very close by to other cities in Oakland County such as Farmington, Farmington Hills, South Lyon, Northville, Walled Lake, and West Bloomfield.
At Twelve Oaks Roofing, we always use 100% certified GAF and CertainTeed roofing products we never skimp on quality when it comes to our customers. All of our expert roofing professionals have more than 20 years of collective experience, and are trained on the latest roofing styles including flat and metal roofing.
Every year, our customers in Wixom, Michigan vote us #1 in every category you can think of, a fact we are proud to tell the world. Were recognized as Oakland Countys best of the best, and strive to become better every day, listening to our customers needs and demands. We specialize in identifying and inspecting commercial and residential roofs for loosing and missing shingles, wear and tear, curling shingles, leaks, and holes. We conduct thorough interior and exterior roofing inspections to determine if you need roofing repairs or a total roof replacement.
If you need a new roof, we offer affordable, budget-friendly payment plans and financing options. We also offer:
Most roofs installed in just one day
Lifetime warrantee and 100% money back guarantee on all new roof installations
Assistance with insurance claims paperwork and processing
24/7 Emergency Roofing Response Team available to answer your call, year round
An owner that is always on site and available to answer your questions
Give our Twelve Oaks Roofing contractors a call at 248-525-6950 to take advantage of our free commercial or residential roofing estimate. Also take a look at our company website at, and check us out on Twitter and Facebook. Were excited to show you all the latest trends and samples in roofing for your business or home in Wixom, Michigan.
The document asks teachers about their experiences with coaching from both perspectives - as the observed teacher and as the coach. It inquires about what they valued in each role and any challenges or concerns they had during the coaching process.