This PPT gives specifics for how to register to take the TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean - 한국어능력시험). It has been prepared for the 31st TOPIK on July 21, 2013, but should be applicable for all following tests as well (unless they change things dramatically) with minor adjustments.
The original PPT and any updates to this file (plus other TOPIK and Korean language hints) can be downloaded from our website:
4. Announcements
Left side (TOPIK Exam):
1. 시험일자 = Test date
2. 접수기간 = Registration date
3. 결제기간 = Payment period
4. 환불기간 = Refund period
5. 수험표출력기간 = Ticket
output period
6. 성적발표 = Results
Right (Mock Exam 모의시험):
1. 대상자 = Test name
2. 시험일시 = Test times
3. 접수기간 = Registration date
4. 모의시험장소 = Location
5. 모의시험 응시를 원하는 … =
“If you want the mock test…”
To close the ads:
1. 닫기 = Close
2. 1일동안 열지않음 = Don’t
open again for 1 day.
5. Test Regulations
Currently (Changes after this test)
Division 1: If test ID is missing
1. Can submit within 3 days
after the test
2. Change: Can’t take test
Division 2: Acceptable ID forms
1. Passport
2. Foreign registration card
3. Korean driver’s license
4. Korean national ID card
5. Student ID card (removed)
Division 3: Photo differences
1. Take another picture at that
location if not current
2. Can’t take the test (if
admission ticket, ID, face
don’t match)
Division 4: Cheating
1. Receive no score
2. Can’t take the test for 1 year
Division 5: Someone else takes
your test for you
1. Receive no score
2. Can’t take the test, 2 years
3. Go to court
Regulations will change after the 7.21 test
7. Download & Install
This page will prompt you to
1. An ActiveX control (at top)
2. XecureWeb (button)
Install both to continue.
(i.e. Internet Explorer = your
only hope)
An ActiveX control will also appear in IE…
11. Join form
1. 아이디 = ID (username)
a. 중복체크 = check available
2. 비밀번호 = password
3. 비밀번호 확인 = confirm
4. 한글성명 = name in Hangul
5. 영문성명 = name in English
6. 생년월일 = birth Y/M/D
7. 성별 = sex
8. 국적 = country
a. 찾기 = search
9. 회원구분 = member type
a. 한국인 = Koreans in Korea
b. 재외국인 = Koreans abroad
c. 재한외국인 = Foreigners
living in Korea
d. 외국인 = Foreigners outside
10. 주소 = address
11. 이메일 = email
12. 전화번호 = phone #
13. 핸드폰 = cell phone #
14. SMS 수신여부 = Can we
send you SMS texts to your
15. 이메일 수신여부 = Can we
send you email?
Next page
Check your username
12. 찾기 = Search; 검색 = Select
Search for country Search for address
Search by your 동. You may have to scroll
down a bit to get to your city.
13. The Completed Form
Here’s what the completed
form looks like.
Oops. I made a mistake.
I should be 재한외국인, not
just 외국인 since I live in
등록 = Enroll
취소 = Cancel
15. Now login!
(Leave the “일반회원” button checked. That means “Regular Members”. The other button
is for “Managers”.)
16. Online Enrollment
1. Top half 2. Bottom half
“Motive of Application” details 2 slides
“Photo” details & “Testing Area” selection
details on next slide
Next slide
2 slides later
1. 2.
17. 1. Photo & Test location details
Photo specifics Test location
Select your city first
Select your testing place second
잔여인원 = Seats remaining
Must look like a passport pic (white bg)
Have a ratio of 3:4
Be less than 200KB in size
Less than 3 months old
How many spots left?
18. 2. “Motive of Application” details
“Motive of
1. 방송 = Broadcasting
2. 신문 = Newspaper
3. 잡지 = Magazine
4. 교육기관 = Educational
5. 포스터 = Poster
6. 친지 = Relative
7. 친구 = Friend
8. 인터넷 = Internet
9. 기타 = Other
“Purpose of
1. 유학 = School
2. 취업 = Job
3. 관광 = Tourism
4. 학술연구 = Research
5. 실력확인 = To check your
6. 한국문화이해 = Understand
Korean culture
7. 기타 = Other
20. Test Payment options
Now you owe 40,000won. How
will you pay?
1. 신용카드 = Credit card
2. 실시간 계좌이체 = Real-time
bank transfer (Online. Now.)
3. 가상계좌 = ATM transfer
I recommend the ATM transfer.
It’s the simplest method.
21. Now you pay.
Payment request page Payment details (last 4 lines)
1. 입금은행 = Deposit bank
2. 가상계좌주명 = Name on account
3. 가상계좌번호 = Acct #
4. 승인시간 = Approval time
Check your details and fill in the phone
numbers if you want.
22. Check your email for a payment reminder
입금마감일 = Payment deadline
23. Now head on over to that ATM
and pay before the deadline!
Good luck on TOPIK!