How to Source Talent in Japan through LinkedIn.
LinkedIn in 2013 and 2014 is will continue to grow in popularity and usage in Japan. Learn effective ways to find and source people for recruiting or a "buyer persona" that you`re looking for your business.
2. LinkedIn has a growing user base in
We see a stable growth rate in the amount of interest and user base in
Japan since 2011.
6. What keywords are relevant to the
What keywords are relevant to the position?
Job Title
-Talent Management
-HR Software
-Japanese & English
7. Which companies would this person
work at?
1) Talent Vendor Software companies
1) External Onsite Recruitment Agencies that have
RPO or other Talent Management Process in
8. Start with a simple Boolean Search
for this person
Start with a basic Boolean keyword search in the Advanced People Search
Enter keywords and separate them with the OR operator. The OR
Boolean operator will include ALL relevant search items entered into the
string. For more information on the Boolean Operators you can go here =
9. Use the OR operator in your
search string
The search string may look something like this:
(Human Capital OR Talent Management OR RPO OR Candidate Pipeline OR
Candidate Management OR Candidate Sourcing OR Recruitment
Management OR HR Software OR Human Capital OR Human Capital
Industry etc
Don`t forget to enclose your search string with a closing parentheses ) and you
can add a NOT operator to exclude third-party agencies with NOT or the minus
sign -.
14. Refining
Our first result set was this profile, and, if we look down in her
summary we find additional keywords that we can use in our
initial search string
Create a new one based on the keywords that we may not have
thought of.
Keywords in
17. How to contact a person
By using LinkedIn`s InMail
feature you can
confidentially approach
someone without their
network knowing
18. InMail to contact a person
Using a well-crafted InMail has a higher
hit and response rate than cold-calling
by over 76.6%
Have a compelling
subject line
Keep message short and
to the point
Reference a common
20. LinkedIn Japan Sourcing Recap
1. Develop a good understanding of the position and job
requirements for the job
2. Create a list of potential competitor companies that the person
may work at
3. Draw a list of keywords related to the job and industry
4. Refine, refine, refine your search and iterate until you come up
with 10-20 strong profiles for the role
5. Contact via InMail and go in with a warm-introduction or lead, if
you are unable to get a response after a set number of tries, you
may want to ask for an introduction, or, email via corporate or
other address
6. Surveying a number of candidates in Japan, Cold Calling, is the
least effective in approaching people for a potential job or
opportunity, especially in Japan.