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How Valuable Product Managers Win
Over the last several years I have collaborated with quite
a few product managers in high-tech organizations. It
appears to me that all good product managers have in
common a set of qualities which I will show you with
this article.
Keep an eye on your business case: Your senior
management has financial expectations from your
product. These requirements are the foundations for
revenue growth targets or at the minimum expenditure
management. Ensure that you routinely update your
business case. If the business case will not satisfy the
expectations of management, you have three options:.
a) modify the product, b) modify the expectations, c) kill
the product.
Display empathy: During product development there
will always be change and there will often be issues. The
engineering team often has to implement these changes
or handle those problems, which can mean loads of
additional hard work for them. It is very simple for them
fault the product manager, which may subvert the
relationship. Do not forget that as a product manager,
you are a leader and good leaders show empathy.
Be excited (or fake it): Nobody would like to work on or
support a product that they can not swear by. Your duty
as a product manager is to ensure employees believe in
the product. That implies you have to be passionate
about the product. In case you cannot do that, attempt
to transfer to a product you feel a lot better about or
imitate passion.
Finally: Product Management is a demanding, but very
satisfying role. Watching your product come to life is a
very enjoyable experience. To help you flourish as a
product manager consider what I explained earlier.
Good luck in your career as a product manager.

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How Valuable Product Managers Win

  • 1. How Valuable Product Managers Win
  • 2. Over the last several years I have collaborated with quite a few product managers in high-tech organizations. It appears to me that all good product managers have in common a set of qualities which I will show you with this article.
  • 3. Keep an eye on your business case: Your senior management has financial expectations from your product. These requirements are the foundations for revenue growth targets or at the minimum expenditure management. Ensure that you routinely update your business case. If the business case will not satisfy the expectations of management, you have three options:. a) modify the product, b) modify the expectations, c) kill the product.
  • 4. Display empathy: During product development there will always be change and there will often be issues. The engineering team often has to implement these changes or handle those problems, which can mean loads of additional hard work for them. It is very simple for them fault the product manager, which may subvert the relationship. Do not forget that as a product manager, you are a leader and good leaders show empathy.
  • 5. Be excited (or fake it): Nobody would like to work on or support a product that they can not swear by. Your duty as a product manager is to ensure employees believe in the product. That implies you have to be passionate about the product. In case you cannot do that, attempt to transfer to a product you feel a lot better about or imitate passion.
  • 6. Finally: Product Management is a demanding, but very satisfying role. Watching your product come to life is a very enjoyable experience. To help you flourish as a product manager consider what I explained earlier. Good luck in your career as a product manager.