Lingr was an early social networking site built in 2005. It used an AJAX-based "Comet" system for messaging in real-time. The site was developed by Infoteria Corporation using Ruby on Rails, Java, MySQL and other open source technologies. It gained popularity with features like messaging, chatbots, widgets and apps. The founders prioritized team happiness and spreading positive feelings to users and the world.
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1. How we built Lingr
Kenn Ejima
Infoteria Corporation USA
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44. Technology
? Ruby on Rails
? Java / Jetty
? Ferret
? Memcached
? Ajax / Comet
45. Team
Chris Boone - Designer Danny Burkes - Architect
Kenn Ejima - Philosopher Satoshi Nakagawa - Programmer
50. Chain of Happiness
People unhappy cannot make people happy.
And nothing but happiness can make the world a better place.
Thus we place the highest value on our team¨s happiness.
We believe our happiness will spread out into the `chain of happiness¨: our
family¨s fortune, our partners¨ success, our customers¨ satisfaction, and to the