2. Christmas is popularly known as
Christmas is popularly known as
'Craciun' in Romania
'Craciun' in Romania
It falls on December 25
It falls on December 25th
and it is
and it is
generally considered one of the most
generally considered one of the most
important religious holiday.
important religious holiday.
3. The real celebrations begin with the
The real celebrations begin with the
decoration of the Christmas tree on
decoration of the Christmas tree on
"Ajunul Craciunului" (Christmas Eve)
"Ajunul Craciunului" (Christmas Eve)
4. Romanian children believe that 'Mos
Romanian children believe that 'Mos
Craciun' (the Romanian equivalent of
Craciun' (the Romanian equivalent of
Santa Claus) is the one who delivers
Santa Claus) is the one who delivers
them their presents
them their presents
5. Singing carols is a very important part of Romanian
Singing carols is a very important part of Romanian
Christmas festivities. Throughout the Christmas
Christmas festivities. Throughout the Christmas
season, little Romanian children (especially those in
season, little Romanian children (especially those in
the villages) visit every house in the local place
the villages) visit every house in the local place
singing carols such as Steaua ('The Star'), Trei
singing carols such as Steaua ('The Star'), Trei
Pastori ('The Three Shepherds') and Mos Craciun
Pastori ('The Three Shepherds') and Mos Craciun
('Santa Claus
('Santa Claus')
6. While urban children receive expensive gifts and
While urban children receive expensive gifts and
money, those in the villages are very happy
money, those in the villages are very happy
receiving sweets, fruit, nuts, and pastries as
receiving sweets, fruit, nuts, and pastries as
Christmas gifts. A common and popular gift is knot-
Christmas gifts. A common and popular gift is knot-
shaped bread roll, which, in Romania, symbolizes an
shaped bread roll, which, in Romania, symbolizes an
abundant harvest
abundant harvest.
7. Christmas meal
Christmas meal
In Romanian families, all the women cook for
In Romanian families, all the women cook for
three days before 'Craciun (Christmas Day).
three days before 'Craciun (Christmas Day).
Christmas dinner in Romania is a rich with a
Christmas dinner in Romania is a rich with a
large variety of dishes served in several
large variety of dishes served in several
couses for the main meal.
couses for the main meal.
8. On the top of the menu comes various kinds of pork sausages,
On the top of the menu comes various kinds of pork sausages,
along with plum brandy and home made pickles. 'Sarmale'
along with plum brandy and home made pickles. 'Sarmale'
(Meatballs rolled in -cabbage), an indispensable item for the
(Meatballs rolled in -cabbage), an indispensable item for the
festive dinner, comes next.
festive dinner, comes next.
Other dishes to follow are roasted pork and turkey with red
Other dishes to follow are roasted pork and turkey with red
wine. The wine is drunk to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
wine. The wine is drunk to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
9. The last item is 'cozonaci(Christmas cake), a cake
The last item is 'cozonaci(Christmas cake), a cake
filled with nuts and raisins. All the members of the
filled with nuts and raisins. All the members of the
extended family enjoy the feast together.
extended family enjoy the feast together.
10. Children preparing for Christmas in our school
Children preparing for Christmas in our school
We make decorations for the Christmas tree
We make decorations for the Christmas tree
Sarmale cu Mamaliguta, winter or summer dish as prepared
with cabbage or vine leaves
There is no Romanian traditional meal without Sarmale. Usually
prepared during winter time and Christmas holidays, Sarmale is a
dish made of rolled minced meat (usually pork) mixed with rice and
herbs and covered in cabbage leaves. It is usually accompanied
by Mamaliga (or Mamaliguta) - polenta made of boiled corn flour,
as well as by hot peppers and sour cream. There are also other
specialties of sarmale, in some Romanian regions, mostly prepared
during warm seasons, replacing the cabbage with vine leaves.
Secret: The cabbage used is in fact sauerkraut (pickled cabbage),
which gives a particular taste to the dish.The meat has to be quite
fatty; sometimes pork greaves are added to increase the taste.
18. Presentation made by:
Presentation made by:
Teachers and students from
Teachers and students from