Creating a two piece mold involves:
1) Sinking the pattern into clay until half is exposed to create the parting line.
2) Applying vents and inlets before pouring the second half of silicone.
3) Pouring the second half of silicone carefully to avoid disturbing the vents and inlets.
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Howto2 two piece mold
1. How To Make a Two Piece Mold
Creating a Parting Line
In order to create a mold of an entire part
you must first split the part in half. This can
be accomplished in many ways. For this
demonstration clay was used. To achieve
this you will simply ¡°sink¡± your pattern into
the clay until only half of your part remains
exposed. If there are undercuts (areas that
will not allow the mold to pull straight off)
you will need to clay up to those points and
allow the second half or second pouring of
silicone to complete that detail. Also, re-
member that your pattern must be resting on
at least 1/4 inch of clay. The clay will be
replaced with silicone later in the process.
After you have the clay to desired points
you can now smooth the clay out. This will
leave your mold with a smooth surface. At
this time you will also need to put some
type of shallow groove in the clay. This
will leave mirrored features in the mold
2. Apply a Release Agent
It is always a good practice to apply some
type of release agent to your parts before
pouring any type of liquid material on them.
This will prevent the mold making material
from sticking to your pattern. It will also
make it easier to remove the mold from
your pattern after your mold has cured.
Pouring Your Mold
When making a mold with silicone it is al-
ways important to take your time. Whe n-
ever possible you should pour the silicone
in an area that is not in contact with your
pattern and allow the silicone to roll over
your pattern slowly. This will help prevent
air bubbles from being trapped against the
Brushing Off Bubbles
No matter how careful you are when mixing and
pouring silicone you will always have some air
in the material This air will rise to the surface.
If these bubbles are allowed to remain they will
create holes against your lid and could cause
deformation in your parts when you begin pour-
ing parts. These bubbles can be popped by
lightly scraping across the surface or by blow-
ing air across the surface.
Applying The Lid
After most of the bubbles have risen to the
surface and popped it is now time to put the
first lid on. Begin by applying the lid in one
corner and allow it to lie down toward the
opposite corner. This will force excess sili-
cone in one direction and make it easier to
close. You will tighten the lid down using
the same method.
3. Removing The Clay
After the silicone is hardened you can now
remove the clay. Most of the clay should
come out in one mass. You will then need
to clean the remaining clay that sticks in
corners and in finer details. All of the clay
must be removed for the second half of the
mold to be consistent with your pattern.
Applying Inlets and Vents
Inlets and vents can be applied to your pat-
tern in many ways. The inlet will give you
a place to pour your parts through. The
vents will provide a place for air bubbles
that would be trapped in details to escape
while pouring your parts.
Applying Mold Release
After all of the vents are in place you will
need to spray the mold with a release agent.
If release is not used at this point the two
halves of the mold will stick together and
you run the risk of damaging your pattern.
Mixing and Pouring
You will follow the same steps in mixing
and pouring as you did for the first half.
During this pour, however, you will need to
take care as to not bump the inlets and vents
which could cause them to break loose.
4. Allow The Silicone to Flow
As in the first pour allow the silicone to
flow over the pattern and into the details of
the pattern. This will also enable the sili-
cone to slowly fill in around the inlets and
vents and prevent air from being trapped. It
will also place less pressure on the vents
which could displace them.
Allow Bubbles to Rise and Silicone
to Level
Regardless of how careful you are in mixing
and pouring silicone there will be air
trapped. You will need to allow the air time
to rise out of the mold. During this time the
silicone will level itself. This will make it
easier to attach the lid to the box.
Brushing Off Bubbles
Just as you did in the first half, you will
need to lightly brush off the bubbles. The
only difference this time will be that you
need to be careful not to disturb the inlet as
it will break off.
Applying the lid
Holes will need to be drilled into the lid to
make a place for the inlets to pass through.
These holes will need to be large enough for
silicone to fill in around the inlets. Apply
the lid in the same way you did the first but
again take care as to not disturb the inlets.
5. Preparing to Pour Parts
After the mold has hardened and you have
removed the pattern you are now ready to
begin pouring parts. You will first spray a
release agent on the mold. This will prevent
the material you are pouring from adhering
to the mold. A consistent coat of release
before every pour will also greatly improve
you mold life.
Mixing Material
Pour each of the components together and
begin mixing. Take care to make sure that
the material is thoroughly mixed. Scrape
the sides of the container and the bottom oc-
Pouring the Material
You will need to have some type of funnel
to pour into. It is always a good idea to
pour down the inside wall and allow the
material to roll down the side. This will
keep the material from splashing and also
help reduce the possibility of putting air into
the mold.
Filling The Mold
The mold should be sitting at about a 45o
angle. This will give you one single high
point. Having this one high point will allow
the air that is in the mold to all be pushed
toward this one single spot, thus evacuating
as much air as possible, leaving you will a
part that should have few voids in it.
6. Pulling Your Part
After allowing the required amount of time
for your material to harden you can pull
your part out of the mold. The silicone will
be flexible and allow you to bend it off of
the part. You will need to be more careful
in tight areas as to not place undo stress on
the mold and damage details on your part.
The Final Product
If all of the steps have been completed suc-
cessfully then you should have a final part
that is a replica of your original. You can
now take that part and perform final clean
up and sanding processes to finish out your
part and make it look great.
These are the basic steps in making and using a two piece mold. Finer details may have
been omitted as every project has individual characteristics that may require more steps. If
you have any questions about the process please do not hesitate to give us a call.