Anu George Enchackal contributed to the Openstack Keystone project by setting up a development environment, learning gerrit workflow, identifying bugs, and making code commits. She also deployed a web application using HPE Helion Stackato VirtualBox, improving her JavaScript, HTML, PHP skills. Looking forward, she wants to learn more about how Keystone integrates with Openstack and focus on Python. She expresses gratitude to HP Enterprise, her mentor Allison Randal, and others for the learning opportunity.
4. Steps
I was in touch with my mentor Allison Randal and Keystone contributor Samuel
to seek help in
ï‚´ setting up the development environment
ï‚´ Understanding gerrit work flow
ï‚´ Identifying bugs and related tasks
ï‚´ Making code commits
5. I learned how to..
ï‚´ Set up development environment for Openstack Keystone on an Ubuntu
ï‚´ To make code commits to gerrit
ï‚´ Troubleshoot development environment issues
ï‚´ Identify bugs that I can work on
ï‚´ Identify necessary skillset needed to fix certain issues
6. Looking Forward
ï‚´ I need to learn how Keystone work with Openstack to move forward with
my contribution to Openstack. This is something I want to spend some time
ï‚´ I need more awareness on Openstack software as a developer.
ï‚´ I need to focus on my Python Skills
8. Steps taken
ï‚´ Signed up on
ï‚´ Downloaded HPE Helion Stackato VirtualBox
ï‚´ Installed Stackato VirtualBox using
ï‚´ Developed a hybrid application ( Backend: laravel-mysql , Frontend: HTML-
5, CSS-3 )
ï‚´ Deployed above application on Stackato VirtualBox
9. Lessons Learned
ï‚´ Learned how to use HPE Helion Stackato VirtualBox
ï‚´ Improved JavaScript, html, php programming skills
10. A Note of Gratitude
ï‚´ I thank Hewlett Packard Enterprise for giving me an opportunity to learn a
lot and improve my skillset by being part of this program.
ï‚´ I thank my mentor Allison Randal for her support during this time.
ï‚´ I thank Samuel de Medeiros Queiroz for his time and help.
ï‚´ I am grateful to Maritza for her support.
ï‚´ I hope this program will give more students the opportunity to grow and