HPWS RWP provides factor treatment to hemophilia patients at four Hemophilia Treatment Centers in Rawalpindi and surrounding areas. During the COVID-19 pandemic, they have faced challenges in maintaining a safe environment for staff and patients and ensuring a continuous supply of factors with closed borders. They have developed standard operating procedures to mitigate risks, including temperature checks, hand sanitization, masks, and protective equipment for staff. Their objectives are to provide affordable treatment and spread awareness about hemophilia.
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Hpws adjusting to covid realities
1. Saving Lives and Preventing Disabilities
Hemophilia Patient Management at HPWS
Adjusting to the New Normal
HPWS RWP the Rawalpindi Chapter of Hemophilia Federation of Pakistan (HFP)/ National Member Organization(NMO) of
World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) is providing factors to hemophilia patients. HPWS RWP includes four Hemophilia
Treatment Centers (HTC). They are serving the hemophilia patients community as the major provider of factors in Rawalpindi and
adjoining areas. This is being done having over come various challenges to keeping functional during COVID 19 pandemic.
? Number one challenge is keeping the environment safe for the HTC staff and the patients who come from far and wide.
? The second major challenge is to keep the supply of factor continuous in a time when countries borders have been closed.
2. Saving Lives and Preventing Disabilities
Hemophiliac Patient Management at HPWS
The main objectives of HPWS RWP are:
? To fund and provide affordable hemophilia treatment to patient located the country over with special focus on Rawalpindi and the
adjoining areas.
? To spread awareness about Hemophilia among medical professionals and patients.
To this end they organize events for patients, professionals, volunteers and donors.
With COVID 19 and onset of social distancing, the donor events and awareness events are no more being held. To aggravate the
situation, difficulty is being faced while maintaining a continuous stream of needed factors at a time when borders are closed.
Steps taken to make a COVID 19 safe environment for the staff of HTC and the hemophiliac patient
A SOP has been developed to mitigate dangers of keeping the HTC functional during COVID. This SOP is being rigorously
followed. It includes:
? Hand sanitization at the entrance to HTC
? Gloves and masks are available for all staff members and
? patient if required.
? Temperature check of all persons entering the HTC.
? Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for frontline nursing staff.
Donate Now:
Account Name: HPWS RWP
Account No: 0504-003166320-3
IBAN: PK21 HABB 0005 0400 3166 3203
Bank Name: Habib Bank Ltd; Satellite Town Branch
Rawalpindi (Commercial Centre Branch)
Branch Code: 0504
Swift Code: HABBKKA007