The document proposes a new standardized cleaning operation process for Menatel. It involves:
1. Defining new job descriptions and responsibilities for cleaning contractors, field supervisors, and Menatel staff to improve communication and quality control.
2. Implementing a new sampling-based quality checking methodology to standardize evaluations across branches and address inconsistencies. Checks will focus on cleaning quality, daily operations, and staff cooperation.
3. Revising the invoice checking process to introduce objective measures of locations, work days, and cleaning quality based on the new quality standards. Overall contractor performance will be evaluated based on indicators like quality checks, reporting, and technician feedback.
The goal is to plan a
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Hr and change management report
1. Rennes International School of Business
Executive Master of Business Administration
COHORT 1 (2003 - 2004)
HR & Change Management
Conducted by:
Dr. Donald MINDAY
Changing and standardize the Cleaning operation
For Menatel
Magdy A. Sattar
March, 2004
Cairo, Egypt
2. EXECUTEVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................. II
1- REPORT OBJECTIVE. ............................................................................................................... 1
2- MENATEL PROFILE.................................................................................................................. 1
5- CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................... 11
6- RECOMMENDATION .............................................................................................................. 11
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In this report, we analyze, evaluate and then recommend a method through which
Menatel and the sub-contractors assigned to the cleaning operation satisfy their
business needs and achieve effective and efficient communication.
First, we will analysis the current situation (figures and performance) to identify the
Second, we shall go through explanation and description of the proposed new
cleaning operation by its three phase¡¯s unfreeze ¨Cmovement ¨Crefreeze, describing the
job duties assigned to the concerned parties and the expected output of their
communication, the new basis of Menatel checking methodology for both cleaning
quality and invoice checking. How we are going to communicate and explain the new
process. Illustrate the sources of resistances, the movement phase strategies, and the
refreezing techniques.
Third, the conclusion and recommended decision that we think it should be taken.
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4. 1- Report Objective.
The purpose of this report is to allow me to demonstrate my understanding of the
principles and techniques covered during the HR and change management course. I
will submit a business report that will address a proposed new cleaning operation
process showing how Menatel will manage the changing process. I will analyze
Menatel cleaning sub contractor situation through evaluating their performance
quality compared to Menatel needs and quality standard, also revise all the contracts
in order to present the new cleaning operation process by which both parties are
satisfied and Menatel¡¯s image is maintained.
2- Menatel profile
Late in 1998 Menatel was born as a joint stock company, under investment low
number 8/1997 registered in 1998 under number 314030. Menatel is granted a ten
years; renewable license, to install, operate, and manage a telecommunication
network of at least 30,000 public payphone. Egyptian shares are 53 % and foreign
shares are 47 %. By the end of 2003 Menatel has been operating a payphone network
with near to 30,000 payphones in operation, and work force of more than 400
employees. Thanks to our customers love, appreciation, and trust Menatel¡¯s two
colors (green and yellow) are now a trend, they can be seen every where, not only
Menatel payphones but also kiosks, bill-boards or sometimes even buildings are
painted in those two colors. This proves the fact that Menatel has succeeded to
become an integral part of people¡¯s daily life in Egypt.
2.1 Menatel Vision
To be the leaders in the field of telecommunication services, as well as the leader in
creating a national base of accumulated expertise of high Egyptian telecom engineers.
2.2 Menatel Goals
? Exceptional Customer Satisfaction.
? Inspired, innovative and empowered Employees.
? Depending on local sourcing whenever possible.
? Superior Financial Results.
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5. 2.3 Menatel Values
? Customer First.
? Integrity in All we do.
? Excellence through Total Quality.
? Respect for others.
? Respect for our environment.
? Growth through change.
3- Current Situation Analysis & Idintifing the problem.
3.2 Current situation figures analysis.
Sub- Price (LE) Contract Contract
Branch Zone Area (Governorates)
contractors PD2 PD1 WM Start End
Giza, El-Fayoum, Baniswef
Cairo 1 Pyramids, 0.40 0.25 0.20 24/12/01 31/12/03
Cairo 2 East & south Cairo Pyramids, 0.40 0.25 0.20 24/12/01 31/12/03
West & north Cairo, 10th of Alpha,
Cairo 3 Ramadan, shoubra el khaima, Pyramids, 0.40 0.25 0.20 24/12/01 31/12/03
kanater , kalubia, and khanka United
Alex 4 East Alex., and Behera Alpha 0.40 0.25 0.20 24/12/01 31/12/03
West Alex., north coast, and
Alex 5 Alpha 0.40 0.25 0.20 24/12/01 31/12/03
Marsa matroh
Port said, Damiatta, north
Canal 6 Adam Siag 0.40 0.25 0.20 24/12/01 31/12/03
Canal 7 Suze, Ismailia, and south Sina Adam Siag 0.40 0.25 0.20 24/12/01 31/12/03
Kafer el sheikh, Dakhlia, and
Delta 8 El Kods 0.40 0.25 0.20 7/3/02 31/12/03
Monofia, Gharbia, banha,
Delta 9 tokh, Kafer shoker, shebeen el Alpha 0.40 0.25 0.20 24/12/01 31/12/03
MUE 10 El-Minia Alpha 0.45 0.27 0.25 24/12/01 31/12/03
MUE 11 Assiut, and New valley High care 0.49 0.29 0.24 24/12/02 31/12/03
MUE 12 Sohag High care 0.49 0.29 0.24 24/12/02 31/12/03
SUE 13 Quena, and Louxer Alpha 0.45 0.27 0.25 24/12/01 31/12/03
SUE 14 Aswan Alpha 0.45 0.27 0.25 24/12/01 31/12/03
SUE 15 Red Sea Alpha 0.45 0.27 0.25 24/12/01 31/12/03
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6. The table above shows the following
? A total of six sub-contractors assigned to clean Menatel booths
distributed over 15 different zones.
? All contracts ended 31/12/2003.
? There are three different prices.
3.3 Current situation performances analysis.
The table below shows the average cleaning quality per branch for the year 2003,
from which we can see the big gap in the performance from branch to another, which
indicates different methodology of evaluating the cleaning quality which of course
generates a lot of conflicts.
Branch Cairo Alex Canal Delta MUE SUE
Average 91.5 % 94 % 65 % 83 % 97 % 96 %
3.4 Problem Identification
By the above analysis the problem can be stated as a vague understanding or conflict
among the partners (Menatel, and the cleaning contractors). This poor environment of
work, in additional to the economical situation drop in 2003, forces Menatel to revise
the whole cleaning operation and try to find or adapt a planned change that will match
the new environment and new strategies of Menatel to optimize our resources. For
that I was assigned as a change agent to propose and plan the change process for the
cleaning operation. My objectives are:
? To plan a clear, controlled and standard cleaning quality operation
? To plan standard invoice checking process
? To revise old contracts and plan a new contract to fit the new change
4- The proposed new cleaning operation standralization
Based on Lewin¡¯s change model I divided the change process to three phases
4.1 The unfreeze phase
This phase where we unfreeze the old operation and plan the new one which is
composed of:
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7. 4.1.1 Operation partners and job descriptions
? Contractors field labor tasks
? Daily tasks
In additional to his daily cleaning tasks, for urgent notes to be reported the field labor
contacts Menatel directly in cases of any fault or problem that would make the
payphone not available to the customer to use. for example, a cut handset, an out of
order payphone, an inserted card, an open PP¡¯s case shell, or the phone is ripped of
the booth.
In such cases the field labor has to make an immediate contact with the technician
assigned to the area or the maintenance Eng. if either of them is not available to reach
for any reason he should call the customer service center and report the case.
For cases that might cause the payphone to be out of order in one to three days, for
example, the booth is not fixed tight to the ground which can be a threat to the
customers, lack of U-guard or cables are not fixed. In such cases the field labor must
report these cases to his direct field supervisor.
? Weekly tasks
Cases that affect the image of Menatel (booth or payphone status) such as, ribbed off
sides, broken or scratched display, broken fibers or lack of boosters. These notes
should be reported first to the contractor field supervisor, then, it should be put into a
detailed weekly report that to be sent to Menatel
? Contractors field supervisor
? Daily tasks
Each for his assigned area contact Menatel assigned supervisor to report any cases
that might affect directly the efficiency of the payphones service quality or cause it to
be out of order within the next 48hours.
? Weekly tasks
Represent a weekly report in which all the notes and the needs of booth maintenance
operation might need to maintain the image of Menatel. The accuracy and on time
commitment of delivering this report is to be considered in evaluating the cleaning
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8. ? Contractors project manager
He is to be in touch with Menatel CCs. Supervisor to make sure that the operation is
working in smooth way and all the resources are available to do the assigned tasks in
the field (tools, equipments).
? Menatel cleaning controller
He is assigned by menatel to implement menatel cleaning quality methodology and to
make sure that the cleaning contractor¡¯s labors are doing what they should be doing
according to Menatel standards.
? Menatel CCs. supervisor
He is the operation controller assigned by menatel to do all the necessary actions to
maintain Menatel image in the field following up closely the quality of the booths and
payphones (cleaning, shaping, conditioning).
4.1.2 Checking methodology
? Cleaning quality checking
Menatel team of cleaning controllers and their supervisor are assigned to perform this
check through the sampling plan techniques and prepare its plan, daily check list, and
reports needed. Their calculations to the QS of the cleaning (based on the cabinet
body sets values) in their assigned area is the main reference.
The area assigned to the contractor shall be divided into routes on which the CC. Shall
makes his check rounds 2 to 3 rounds per month (or according to the area nature and
the no. of Menatel CCs). In each of these rounds a different random sample -around
10%-of total locations in every City or district in the route shall be taken as a
reference by one member of the team. So that by the end of the month the whole area
assigned to the contractor is checked over three times, each time by a different CC.
Cleaning Controller are checking over 3 main things:
? Checking the cleaning quality of the booths
? Contractor commitment to daily cleaning operation
(whether or not the city or district is cleaned daily)
? Contractor staff (field labors and supervisors)
cooperation and their effective communication
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9. The technician team is involved also in evaluating the contractor's staff cooperation
and response to the field needs.
? Sampling plan elements (proposed).
acceptance rejection criteria
Branch lot size sample size number of samples
criteria Cl Cp
Cairo 12200 10 % =1220 4/month 5% = 61 Booth 20% = 244 Booth
Alex 4700 10 % =470 4/month 5% = 23 Booth 20% = 94 Booth
Delta 4200 10 % =420 4/month 5% = 21 Booth 20% = 84 Booth
Canal 4100 10 % =410 4/month 5% = 20 Booth 20% = 82 Booth
MUE 2600 10 % =260 4/month 5% = 13 Booth 20% = 52 Booth
SUE 2200 10 % =220 4/month 5% = 11 Booth 20% = 44 Booth
Menatel 30000 10 % =3000 4/month 5% = 150 Booth 20% = 600 Booth
? Cabinet body parts
Set (1) 20% Set (2) 25%
Set (3) 30%
Set (4) 15%
Set (5) 10%
The contractor should be very careful to use the proper means (water, cleansers,
ladders and brushes) which does not affect the efficiency of the PP. or distort its
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10. ? Invoice checking
There are 3 factors in the contractors' invoice that conclude the invoice and over
which Menatel is revising
? Numbers and type of locations.
? Numbers of actual working (cleaning) days.
? Cleaning Quality of the assigned area
As for the No. and type of the booths in field, Menatel monthly updated report from
Menaprod (Menatel data base) is the reference in this issue, Meaning that any
deviation from Mantel's report (positive or negative) will be calculated and deducted
from the contractor's total figures. As for the actual working days, Menatel emphasis
that, any National holidays occurring in the month shall be deducted from the invoice.
Cleaning Invoices Evaluation
Field On Time & Communication Cleaning
Monthly Accurate & Co-operation Checking
Visit Reporting
10 % 10 % 10 % 70 %
Measurement Measurement Measurement Measurement
Tool Tool Tool Tool
Sampling Data Accuracy & Global QS per Sampling
No. of Reports Technician
As for the cleaning quality of the cleaning operations the above chart clarifies the
suggested process of evaluating the Contractor Cleaning Invoices according to the
agreed upon indicators and its weights.
Cleaning Checking Indicator Weight (70%) its measurement tool is sampling its
calculation will be as follows:
Should the Sample result meet the CI (Acceptance criteria (5%) Commented upon
cabinets) the contractor evaluation in this indicator is 100% (70%).
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11. Should the sample result meet the CP (Rejection criteria (20%) commented upon
cabinets) the whole sample result is rejected and the contractor evaluation in this
indicator is 0%.
Should the sample result varies between CI and CP (from 6%to 19%) the result of this
sample will be put as it is and the contractor will be evaluated by the average the
whole sample results.
The assigned Menatel Engineer will represent a monthly report of the result of the
Communication and cooperation indicator Weight (10%) Its Measurement tool is
technicians feed back upon the global QS. Maintenance Engineer will represent a
monthly report of the Technician feed back.
The payphones QS, target is no less than 98% the percentage of negative deviation
from the target is deducted from the weight indicator
On time and Accurate Reporting indicator Weight (10%) its measurement is:
Four weekly reports to be delivered per month to Menatel, and accurate data in the
reports. The commitment of delivering these weekly reports and the accuracy of these
reports will be put in a monthly report.
Field Monthly Visit indicator Weight (10%) its Measurement tool is sampling. The
report of this visit result signed by both parties shall be represented monthly.
There are two final notes that are:
The cover of the invoice presented from the contractor should be unified but the
details inside the invoice could vary from according to the branch or the department
assigned area (Territory, Governorate, and Area).
Each branch or department can decide the sample size, number of samples per month
and the locations in the samples in accord to two main factors the area needs and the
branch resources (transportation, cleaning controller, and technician)
4.1.3 Communicate & explanation of the new process
The new cleaning process will be communicated to all partners through lectures done
by the change agent to cover and explain the new terminology of the new process and
to clear any misunderstandings or conflict and according to the below table this will
take place all over Menatel branches and some of the contractors locations, and will
address all the key persons of the new cleaning operation.
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12. Presentation
Dates Location Attendance Concerned company/branch
Sunday 15-2-2004 HQ S-12 am/E-4pm Menatel Directors, and Managers
Wednesday 18-2-2004 HQ S-12 am/E-4pm The companies owners or the General Managers
HQ/distribution Cairo branch, Delta branch, accountant dep., alpha,
Monday 15-3-2004 S-11am/E-3pm 25 persons
room united group, Pyramids, and Elkods.
Tuesday 16-3-2004 Asute Branch S-12am/E-3pm 15 persons Asute branch, high care, and alpha.
Wednesday 17-3-2004 Luxer Branch S-12am/E-3pm 15 persons Luxer branch and alpha.
Thursday 18-3-2004 Port S. Branch S-12am/E-3pm 15 persons Port S. branch, and Adam Siage.
Sunday 21-3-2004 Alex. Branch S-12am/E-3pm 15 persons Alex. Branch, and alpha
Alpha company representatives and the company
Monday 29-3-2004 Alpha company S-11am/E-3pm 7 persons
4.1.4 Sources of resistances
Change resistance is a law of nature also it is an obstacle in the way of the new
process and stand against the smooth movement of it. This obstacle is generated by
two main sources, organizational sources or individual sources.
? Organizational sources
The main source of resistance we expect it to be the organization structural inertia for
both Menatel and the cleaning companies. The running mechanism now is geared
with a group of shaped people doing what seems to be, for them, a satisfying job. The
resistance will be in breaking this (rusty) old geared system, polish it, newly shaping
it, and redesign it for the new mechanism. Another source of resistance will be the
powerful relationships between Menatel technicians and the companies¡¯ labors.
Redesigning the cleaning quality evaluation decision and reducing the weight of
Menatel technicians¡¯ evaluation will generate a kind of threat for them. This is why
they will try to oppose the new process.
? Individual sources
Every day routine (habits) is the main source of individual resistance especially for
the technicians, labors, and even supervisors level as this type of employees have no
self confidant, it¡¯s hard for them to learn new skills or to do things differently.
Another source of resistance by the cleaning labors (temporary workers) is their
feeling of having unsecured jobs, in addition their fear of the unknown new process
its unknown effects over their income or job security.
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13. 4.2 The movement phase
The movement phase is an action plan to overcome the resistance resources, by
increasing the driving forces to change and reduce the restraining forces for change, to
do so we need to be persistence and patience. The action plan strategy is as follows:
? Communicate the new process to all partners (lectures, documents).
? Get all concerned Menatel managers and cleaning companies¡¯ inputs
and feedback of the new process, and share the responsibility.
? Negotiate the new process with key contractors (Alpha).
? Facilitate and encourage the new process (price increase).
? Standardize the documentation cycles (reports, invoice).
? Generate new contract to fit with the new process (standard contract).
4.3 The refreezing phase
The objective of this phase is to balance the driving and restraining forces over the
new cleaning process in order to do so we need to follow and evaluate the movement
of the new process, also to monitor and measure results. The evaluation indicators
techniques are one of the new process measurement tool and they are:
? The cleaning checking indicator
? Effective communication indicator
? The on-time and accurate reporting indicator
? The field monthly random inspection visit indicator
Another measurement tool is the new penalty article that will help differentiates the
accepted and not accepted performance which in away rewarding the good
performing company by adding new locations to its assigned area.
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In the process of analyzing and evaluating the Sub-Contractors performance in the
assigned tasks, we put in mind two factors. The current economic situation (increase
V /// Ex
V Ex Ex
of inflation rate is affecting our business and their business). The Sub-Contractors`
services is indispensable to Menatel. This is mainly why we should change the
cleaning process to lead them to the most effective way to perform the assigned tasks
efficiently. This is the time to change, the time to do things differently.
It¡¯s obvious from the above stated that the decision should be going for change and
we strongly believe that it is time for change and we for that recommend the
following actions:
? Implement the new cleaning operation (1-4-2004).
? Apply the new modified contract (1-4-2004).
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