This is a very basic overview of the Human Resources application I created for Binghamton University. The application is web-based, using HTML, CSS, and jQuery. The application queries a database of HR information via AJAX and presents it to the users in a tabbed wizard-style format that leads the user through the data entry process.
2. HR Forms
The following four slides are a very basic overview of the new HR Forms application. I created this to give an
idea of what the application looks like and what it does.
The application is a web-based application. It uses HTML, CSS and jQuery to create the layout and dynamic
functions. The application queries a database with the HR information via AJAX calls and presents the data
to the user.
The form uses a tabbed wizard style to gather information from the users and lead them through the process
of entering the data.
3. Home Page
This is the Home Page that
users see after logging into
the application. The page
consists of:
News - The HR
Department can update
from within the application.
Dashboard - displays
current forms in process
that the user may need to
work with.
Action Buttons, ability to
start a new form or view the
users form list right from
the home page.
4. Form Page
Users start a new form by
entering look up
information, either a
campus B Number or Last
Name and Date of Birth.
Clicking search will display
any matching results from
which the user may choose.
5. Form Page
After selecting the role, the
user may enter a Payroll,
Effective Date, Form,
Action, and Transaction.
If the role has a payroll
associated with it, the Select
Payroll is automatically
populated and locked.
Form, Action and
Transaction are dependent
options, not every Form has
Actions, and not every
Action has Transactions. In
addition Forms can have
different Actions, which can
have different Transactions.
6. Form Page
After clicking the Next
button new tabs are
dynamically created based
on the Form, Action, and
Transaction selected. Each
combination can have
different tabs and sub-tabs
depending on what
information is needed.
From here the user will
continue to navigate
through the form entering
information required for the
7. The End
This was just a quick overview of the HR Forms. I will be
adding more content in the future.
If you would like to contact me, send an email to: