A new leader has come to a workplace where there is conflict between two factions over a new leadership style. The document provides options for how the new leader could act to normalize the psychological climate in the team: try to understand both sides of the conflict; influence opponents through example and discussion; select authoritative members to help resolve the situation; or focus on new strategic tasks while respecting labor traditions.
2. Task 1.
Source data. Between the two highest subordinates
(colleagues) there was a conflict that prevents them from
working successfully. Each of them separately appealed
to You with a request to understand and support his
Problem statement. Choose and justify your behavior in this situation:
a) to stop the conflict at work and to recommend to resolve the conflict relationship in off-duty
b) to ask to understand the conflict of experts of laboratory of sociological researches or other
division of service of management of the person, whose function it is;
C) personally try to understand the motives of the conflict and find an acceptable option for both
sides of reconciliation;
d) to find out who from members of collective serves as authority for conflicting, and to try to
influence through it these people.
3. Self-test questions:
1. What is the personnel of the enterprise?
2. What are the two main categories of personnel of the
3. Who are the workers? What is the result of their labor
activities? What are the two main categories of workers
You know?
4. Who are employees? What is the result of their
5. How do managers differ from specialists?
4. Task 2.
Source data. In the labor collective, where there is a
conflict between the two factions over the introduction of a
new leadership style, a new leader came, invited from the
Problem statement. How, in Your opinion, is it better for him to act to normalize the psychological climate in th
a) establish contact with adherents of the new style and without accepting
take seriously the arguments of the supporters of the old order, to work on the introduction of innovation
influencing opponents by the power of his example and the example of others;
b) to try to dissuade and to attract to the party adherents of former style of work, opponents of innovations,
influence them belief in the course of discussion;
C) select the most authoritative members of the labor collective, instruct them to understand and propos
measures to normalize the situation, relying on the support of the administration, the trade Union, etc.;
d) to study prospects of development of collective, to put before collective new strategic tasks of joint labor activit
relying on the best achievements and labor traditions of collective and not to oppose new to old.
5. Self-test questions:
6. What classifications of executives do You know?
7. How do line managers differ from functional ones? Main
is an accountant a line Manager or a functional one?
8. What groups of managers are distinguished by levels of
management? What is the most numerous level of
9. Give examples of managers at each level of
10. What groups of specialists are allocated at the
6. Task 3.
Source data. The subordinate (colleague) ignores Your
advice and instructions, does everything in his own way,
not paying attention to the comments, not correcting what
You point out to him.
Problem statement. How Will you deal with this subordinate (colleague) in the future:
a) having understood the motives of persistence and seeing their insolvency, apply the usual
administrative penalties;
b) in the interests of the case, try to call him for a Frank conversation, try to find a common language
with him, set up a business contact;
C) appeal to the team-let them pay attention to the wrong behavior of colleagues and apply measures of
public influence;
d) try to understand whether you do not make mistakes in the relationship with this subordinate
(colleague), then decide what to do.
7. Self-test questions:
11. What is the concept of HRM?
12. Does every Manager have to participate in HRM or
HRM specialists? Should HRM be represented at the
highest level of company management?
13. What can you call HRM tasks?
14. What resource groups does the organization use? Are
people considered a special kind of resource among
others in the HRM concept?
15. What is the specificity of human resources compared
to other types of resources?
8. Task 4.
Source data. You have recently been appointed head of
the labor collective, in which you have been an ordinary
employee for several years. On 8 hours 15 minutes You
summoned to itself in Cabinet subordinate to clarify
causes his frequent lateness on work, but themselves
suddenly were late on 15 minutes. The subordinate came
on time and is waiting for You.
Problem statement. How Do you start a conversation when you meet:
a) regardless of his lateness immediately demand his explanation about the lateness to work;
b) apologize to him and start a conversation;
C) say Hello, explain the reason for being late and ask him: "What do you think you can expect from a
Manager who is as often late as You are?";
d) cancel the conversation and move it to another time.
9. Self-test questions:
16. What are the two types of effectiveness should strive
to implement when setting goals in the field of up?
17. What does economic efficiency mean? What ratio is it
18. Give an example, through what is measured labor
19. What is social efficiency? Is it possible to Express with
the help of indicators?
20. Is it possible to regulate economic efficiency and how?
21. Is it possible to regulate social effectiveness and how?
22. The goals of economic and social efficiency compete
with each other.
friend or complement each other? What does this mean?