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-Air Travel’s Greatest Show on Earth
Presented by: Group 12 (Akshay, Joel and Sejal)
“Professionals” Need Not Apply
Hire For Attitude, Train For Skills
?At SA, leadership is a distributed
?One supervisor for every 10 to 12
frontline people
?The supervisors act as “player coaches”
?Since the supervisors work alongside
the employees, they have a high
degree of credibility and influence
?Most coaching takes the form of
problem solving and providing advice
rather than disciplining mistakes
?Supervisors are provided with
leadership training so they know how
to go about their responsibilities. They
start out as supervisors-in-training,
next become functioning supervisors
and then continue to receive ongoing
and regular in-service training sessions.
Invest in
?Preference when hiring is given to
new people who will be able to
integrate smoothly with other
members on a team
?Allows a trial employment period
before a long-term commitment is
?Involves ongoing training
?Focuses on the overall work process
?Incorporates regular job exchanges
?Stresses internal promotion as the
preferred way to fill management
Hire and
Train for
“Our turnaround time isn’t the result of tricks, but the result of our dedicated employees who
have the willpower and pride to do whatever it takes”
? The parties themselves are encouraged to
use every means available to resolve the
conflict themselves first. If that’s not
possible, managers are expected to take
an active role in developing a solution
which will be suitable
? An information gathering meeting is held,
at which both sides of the conflict put
forward their perspectives on the issues
involved. Many times, conflicts sort
themselves out at this stage mainly
because better communication is achieved
? If the conflict is still unresolved, the
managers hold what is called unofficially a
“Come to Jesus” meeting. This is a face-to-
face meeting which takes an entire day. By
the end of this meeting, most problems
have been able to be resolved because of
the dialogue that takes place between the
parties and the managers.
Use Conflicts
to build
? At Southwest everyone’s job description
is clear and specific but there is an added
requirement that each employee is
expected to “do whatever is needed to
enhance the overall operation – even if
that means helping out with a different
type of job as required”
? Herb Kelleher was an excellent role
model in this regard as well since he
often pitched in to help ground staff
when visiting different ground stations
? Boundary Spanning helps in building a
holistic perspective, building relations
across boundaries and more agility to the
Flexible Job
“It’s the way you treat people on a daily basis that impacts the degree of success when you
officially sit down to work out a contract”
? .Some firms spend more time analysing
which department is at fault when
problems occur than they do on trying to
fix the problem itself. Southwest avoids
this by measuring performance broadly.
? Delays are recorded as “team delays”. By
being less precise about the cause of the
delay and measuring performance by the
metrics which matter to customers,
Southwest puts more emphasis on
learning how to avoid a repeat in the
future than on accountability.
? There is a good deal of two-way
communication occurring, which allows
the lessons learned in one station to be
communicated to other stations.
Use Broad
? Southwest is actually the most highly
unionized U.S. airline. Southwest treats
its unions as partners rather than
? Southwest accepts the unions as
legitimate representatives of employees
and as valued partners in the
organization. And doing this removes the
traditional anti-union bias.
? Southwest employees have chosen to
belong to six different unions, there is
anticipation the other unions will help
ensure none of their members make
excessive demands.
? Southwest supplies each union with
accurate information so negotiations can
move forward without confusion and
Partner with
the Unions
? On-time
? Creating satisfied
Shared Goals
? Understand the links between
each other’s works
? Enhances the coordination and
emergence of innovative ideas
Knowledge ? Each employee treats
others with respect
? Value the contribution of
Because of the company’s
outstanding reputation, it does
not need to rely on
headhunters or employment
The emphasis is on doing things
better, faster and cheaper and
not worry about other
Labor Relations
Non-hierarchical and personal
culture of trust that has been
created over time.
Pay Culture
Collective compensation,
relatively low executive pay and
consistent treatment
Value System
Unique CultureBusiness Environment
The People System
“Often Imitated But Never Duplicated”
? Company culture that keeps employees
motivated and happy.
? Set goals and targets for the company as a
? Empowered to make decisions on the spot
Work should be fun; it can
be play, enjoy it
Work is important, don’t
spoil it with seriousness
People are
each one
makes a

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HR Practices at SouthWest Airlines

  • 1. SOUTHWEST Airlines -Air Travel’s Greatest Show on Earth dcasd Presented by: Group 12 (Akshay, Joel and Sejal)
  • 2. “Professionals” Need Not Apply Hire For Attitude, Train For Skills ?At SA, leadership is a distributed process ?One supervisor for every 10 to 12 frontline people ?The supervisors act as “player coaches” ?Since the supervisors work alongside the employees, they have a high degree of credibility and influence ?Most coaching takes the form of problem solving and providing advice rather than disciplining mistakes ?Supervisors are provided with leadership training so they know how to go about their responsibilities. They start out as supervisors-in-training, next become functioning supervisors and then continue to receive ongoing and regular in-service training sessions. Invest in Front-line Leaders ?Preference when hiring is given to new people who will be able to integrate smoothly with other members on a team ?Allows a trial employment period before a long-term commitment is made ?Involves ongoing training ?Focuses on the overall work process ?Incorporates regular job exchanges ?Stresses internal promotion as the preferred way to fill management positions Hire and Train for Relationship Excellence
  • 3. “Our turnaround time isn’t the result of tricks, but the result of our dedicated employees who have the willpower and pride to do whatever it takes” ? The parties themselves are encouraged to use every means available to resolve the conflict themselves first. If that’s not possible, managers are expected to take an active role in developing a solution which will be suitable ? An information gathering meeting is held, at which both sides of the conflict put forward their perspectives on the issues involved. Many times, conflicts sort themselves out at this stage mainly because better communication is achieved ? If the conflict is still unresolved, the managers hold what is called unofficially a “Come to Jesus” meeting. This is a face-to- face meeting which takes an entire day. By the end of this meeting, most problems have been able to be resolved because of the dialogue that takes place between the parties and the managers. Use Conflicts to build relationships ? At Southwest everyone’s job description is clear and specific but there is an added requirement that each employee is expected to “do whatever is needed to enhance the overall operation – even if that means helping out with a different type of job as required” ? Herb Kelleher was an excellent role model in this regard as well since he often pitched in to help ground staff when visiting different ground stations ? Boundary Spanning helps in building a holistic perspective, building relations across boundaries and more agility to the workforce. Highly Flexible Job Descriptions
  • 4. “It’s the way you treat people on a daily basis that impacts the degree of success when you officially sit down to work out a contract” ? .Some firms spend more time analysing which department is at fault when problems occur than they do on trying to fix the problem itself. Southwest avoids this by measuring performance broadly. ? Delays are recorded as “team delays”. By being less precise about the cause of the delay and measuring performance by the metrics which matter to customers, Southwest puts more emphasis on learning how to avoid a repeat in the future than on accountability. ? There is a good deal of two-way communication occurring, which allows the lessons learned in one station to be communicated to other stations. Use Broad Performance Metrics ? Southwest is actually the most highly unionized U.S. airline. Southwest treats its unions as partners rather than adversaries. ? Southwest accepts the unions as legitimate representatives of employees and as valued partners in the organization. And doing this removes the traditional anti-union bias. ? Southwest employees have chosen to belong to six different unions, there is anticipation the other unions will help ensure none of their members make excessive demands. ? Southwest supplies each union with accurate information so negotiations can move forward without confusion and mistrust Partner with the Unions
  • 5. ? On-time performance ? Creating satisfied customers Shared Goals ? Understand the links between each other’s works ? Enhances the coordination and emergence of innovative ideas Shared Knowledge ? Each employee treats others with respect ? Value the contribution of everyone Mutual Respect Recruiting Because of the company’s outstanding reputation, it does not need to rely on headhunters or employment agencies. Training The emphasis is on doing things better, faster and cheaper and not worry about other competitors. Labor Relations Non-hierarchical and personal culture of trust that has been created over time. Pay Culture Collective compensation, relatively low executive pay and consistent treatment Value System Unique CultureBusiness Environment The People System THE SOUTHWEST SYSTEM “Often Imitated But Never Duplicated” ? Company culture that keeps employees motivated and happy. ? Set goals and targets for the company as a whole. ? Empowered to make decisions on the spot Work should be fun; it can be play, enjoy it Work is important, don’t spoil it with seriousness People are important, each one makes a difference