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Chapter 3
Equal Employment Opportunity andEqual Employment Opportunity and
Human Resources ManagementHuman Resources Management
Objective 1
Historical Perspective of EEOHistorical Perspective of EEO
Three factors seem to haveThree factors seem to have
influenced the growth of EEOinfluenced the growth of EEO
legislation: (1) Changing attitudeslegislation: (1) Changing attitudes
toward employmenttoward employment
discrimination; (2) Publisheddiscrimination; (2) Published
reports highlighting the economicreports highlighting the economic
problems of women, minorities,problems of women, minorities,遺壊鞄温姻一息20
Historical Perspective of EEOHistorical Perspective of EEO
1.1.Changing National ValuesChanging National Values
2.2.Economic DisparityEconomic Disparity
3.3.Early Legal DevelopmentEarly Legal Development
Government Regulation Of Equal Employment OpportunityGovernment Regulation Of Equal Employment Opportunity
1.1. Major Federal LawsMajor Federal Laws
2.2. Equal Pay ActEqual Pay Act
3.3. Civil Rights Act of 1964Civil Rights Act of 1964
-Bona Fide Occupational Qualification-Bona Fide Occupational Qualification
-Religius Preference-Religius Preference
4. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 19674. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
5. Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 19725. Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972
6. Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 19786. Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978
7. Americans with Disabilities Act of 19907. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
8. Civil Rights Act of 19918. Civil Rights Act of 1991
9. Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 19949. Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994
10. Other Federal Laws and Executive Orders10. Other Federal Laws and Executive Orders
11. Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 197311. Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973
12. Executive Order 1124612. Executive Order 11246
13. Fair Employment Practice Law13. Fair Employment Practice Law
Objective 2
Objective 3
Other Equal Employment Opportunity IssuesOther Equal Employment Opportunity Issues
1.1. Sexual HarassmentSexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment is Bullying or coercion of aSexual Harassment is Bullying or coercion of a
sexual nature or the unwelcome orsexual nature or the unwelcome or
inappropriate promise of rewards in exchangeinappropriate promise of rewards in exchange
for sexual favors.for sexual favors.
Other Equal Employment Opportunity IssuesOther Equal Employment Opportunity Issues
2.2. Sexual OrientationSexual Orientation
Sexual Orientation is an enduring personal qualitySexual Orientation is an enduring personal quality
that inclines people to feel romantic or sexualthat inclines people to feel romantic or sexual
attraction (or a combination of these) to personsattraction (or a combination of these) to persons
of the opposite sex or gender, the sense sex orof the opposite sex or gender, the sense sex or
gender, or both sexes or more than one gender.gender, or both sexes or more than one gender.
3. Immigration Reform and Control3. Immigration Reform and Control
The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA)The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA)
enacted November 6, 1986, also Simpson-enacted November 6, 1986, also Simpson-
Mazzoli Act is an Act of congress whichMazzoli Act is an Act of congress which
reformed United States immigration law.reformed United States immigration law.
Other Equal Employment Opportunity IssuesOther Equal Employment Opportunity Issues
Uniform Guidelines on Employee
Selection Procedures
A procedural document published in the Federal Register to helpA procedural document published in the Federal Register to help
employers comply with federal regulations against discriminatoryemployers comply with federal regulations against discriminatory
Objective 4
Adverse Impact and Disparate TreatmentAdverse Impact and Disparate Treatment
A concept that refers to the rejection of aA concept that refers to the rejection of a
significantly higher percentage of asignificantly higher percentage of a
protected class for employment,protected class for employment,
placement, or promotion when comparedplacement, or promotion when compared
with the successful, non protected class.with the successful, non protected class.
Objective 5
Adverse Impact and Disparate TreatmentAdverse Impact and Disparate Treatment
1.1. Adverse Rejection Rate, or Four-fifth RuleAdverse Rejection Rate, or Four-fifth Rule
A rule of thumb followed by the EqualA rule of thumb followed by the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission inEmployment Opportunity Commission in
determining adverse impact for use indetermining adverse impact for use in
enforcement proceedings.enforcement proceedings.
Adverse Impact and Disparate TreatmentAdverse Impact and Disparate Treatment
2. Disparate Treatment2. Disparate Treatment
A situation in which protected class membersA situation in which protected class members
receive unequal treatment or are evaluated byreceive unequal treatment or are evaluated by
different standards.different standards.
Two basic ways that adverse impact exist:Two basic ways that adverse impact exist:
1.1. Adverse Rejection Rate, or four-fifth rule.Adverse Rejection Rate, or four-fifth rule.
A rule of thumb followed by the equal equalA rule of thumb followed by the equal equal
employment opportunity commission inemployment opportunity commission in
determining adverse impact for use indetermining adverse impact for use in
enforcement proceeding.enforcement proceeding.
2.2. Restrict PolicyRestrict Policy
Any evidence that an employer has a selectionAny evidence that an employer has a selection
procedure that exclude member of aprocedure that exclude member of a
protective class.protective class.
Adverse Impact and Disparate TreatmentAdverse Impact and Disparate Treatment
Workforce Utilization AnalysisWorkforce Utilization Analysis
A process of classifying protected-classA process of classifying protected-class
members by number and by the type ofmembers by number and by the type of
job they hold within the organization.job they hold within the organization.
Record-Keeping and Posting RequirementsRecord-Keeping and Posting Requirements
Law to maintain specific employment records and reports.Law to maintain specific employment records and reports.
Employers are required to post selected equal employmentEmployers are required to post selected equal employment
opportunity notices and to summarize the composition ofopportunity notices and to summarize the composition of
their workforce in order to determine the distribution oftheir workforce in order to determine the distribution of
protected individualsprotected individuals..
Objective 6
For Example :For Example :
Managers must generate and retain for specific timeManagers must generate and retain for specific time
periods different employment data under each ofperiods different employment data under each of
following laws : Title VII, Age Discrimination infollowing laws : Title VII, Age Discrimination in
Employment Act, and Equal Pay Act. When federalEmployment Act, and Equal Pay Act. When federal
contractors are required to have written affirmativecontractors are required to have written affirmative
action programs, these must be retained along withaction programs, these must be retained along with
supporting documents (such as names of jobsupporting documents (such as names of job
applicants, rejection ration, and seniority lists). Theapplicants, rejection ration, and seniority lists). The
data must file annually andata must file annually an EEO-1 report (EmployerEEO-1 report (Employer
Information Report)Information Report)
EEO-1 Report is..EEO-1 Report is..
 An employer information report that mustAn employer information report that must
be filed annually by employers of 100 orbe filed annually by employers of 100 or
more employees (except state and localmore employees (except state and local
government employers) and governmentgovernment employers) and government
contractors and subcotractors to determinecontractors and subcotractors to determine
an employers workforce composition.an employers workforce composition.
 In preparing the EEO-1 report, employeeIn preparing the EEO-1 report, employee
self-identification is the preferred method ofself-identification is the preferred method of
identifying gender, race, and ethnicidentifying gender, race, and ethnic
Example :
Processing Discrimination Charges
A discrimination complaint filed with the EEOCA discrimination complaint filed with the EEOC
by employees or a job applicants.by employees or a job applicants.
Objective 7
Filing a ChargeFiling a Charge ofof DiscriminationDiscrimination
Charge filedCharge filed
Employer receives
copy of charge
Employer receives
copy of charge
Deferred to state
Deferred to state
SuccessfulSuccessfulSuit filed by
Suit filed by
SettlementSettlementFinding of
reasonable cause
Finding of
reasonable cause
Determination to
dismiss charge
Determination to
dismiss charge
Failure to file suit
within 180 days
Failure to file suit
within 180 days
Individual may sue
within 90 days
Individual may sue
within 90 days
suit filed by
suit filed by
Federal District CourtFederal District Court
Managers and supervisor are the key toManagers and supervisor are the key to
preventing and correcting discrimination, theypreventing and correcting discrimination, they
must be trained to understand employee rightsmust be trained to understand employee rights
and managerial obligations.and managerial obligations.
Preventing Discrimination Charges
Objective 8
Diversity Management: Affirmative ActionDiversity Management: Affirmative Action
1.1.Establishing Affirmative Action ProgramsEstablishing Affirmative Action Programs
2.2.Managing Diversity Affirmative ActionManaging Diversity Affirmative Action

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Hrm ch. 3 Equal Employment Opportunity

  • 2. Chapter 3 Equal Employment Opportunity andEqual Employment Opportunity and Human Resources ManagementHuman Resources Management 遺壊鞄温姻一息20
  • 3. Objective 1 Historical Perspective of EEOHistorical Perspective of EEO LegislationLegislation Three factors seem to haveThree factors seem to have influenced the growth of EEOinfluenced the growth of EEO legislation: (1) Changing attitudeslegislation: (1) Changing attitudes toward employmenttoward employment discrimination; (2) Publisheddiscrimination; (2) Published reports highlighting the economicreports highlighting the economic problems of women, minorities,problems of women, minorities,遺壊鞄温姻一息20
  • 4. Historical Perspective of EEOHistorical Perspective of EEO LegislationLegislation 1.1.Changing National ValuesChanging National Values 2.2.Economic DisparityEconomic Disparity 3.3.Early Legal DevelopmentEarly Legal Development 遺壊鞄温姻一息20
  • 5. Government Regulation Of Equal Employment OpportunityGovernment Regulation Of Equal Employment Opportunity 1.1. Major Federal LawsMajor Federal Laws 2.2. Equal Pay ActEqual Pay Act 3.3. Civil Rights Act of 1964Civil Rights Act of 1964 -Bona Fide Occupational Qualification-Bona Fide Occupational Qualification -Religius Preference-Religius Preference 4. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 19674. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 5. Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 19725. Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 6. Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 19786. Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 7. Americans with Disabilities Act of 19907. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 8. Civil Rights Act of 19918. Civil Rights Act of 1991 9. Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 19949. Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA)(USERRA) 10. Other Federal Laws and Executive Orders10. Other Federal Laws and Executive Orders 11. Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 197311. Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 12. Executive Order 1124612. Executive Order 11246 13. Fair Employment Practice Law13. Fair Employment Practice Law Objective 2 遺壊鞄温姻一息20
  • 6. Objective 3 Other Equal Employment Opportunity IssuesOther Equal Employment Opportunity Issues 1.1. Sexual HarassmentSexual Harassment Sexual Harassment is Bullying or coercion of aSexual Harassment is Bullying or coercion of a sexual nature or the unwelcome orsexual nature or the unwelcome or inappropriate promise of rewards in exchangeinappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favors.for sexual favors. 遺壊鞄温姻一息20
  • 7. Other Equal Employment Opportunity IssuesOther Equal Employment Opportunity Issues 遺壊鞄温姻一息20 2.2. Sexual OrientationSexual Orientation Sexual Orientation is an enduring personal qualitySexual Orientation is an enduring personal quality that inclines people to feel romantic or sexualthat inclines people to feel romantic or sexual attraction (or a combination of these) to personsattraction (or a combination of these) to persons of the opposite sex or gender, the sense sex orof the opposite sex or gender, the sense sex or gender, or both sexes or more than one gender.gender, or both sexes or more than one gender.
  • 8. 3. Immigration Reform and Control3. Immigration Reform and Control The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA)The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) enacted November 6, 1986, also Simpson-enacted November 6, 1986, also Simpson- Mazzoli Act is an Act of congress whichMazzoli Act is an Act of congress which reformed United States immigration law.reformed United States immigration law. Other Equal Employment Opportunity IssuesOther Equal Employment Opportunity Issues 遺壊鞄温姻一息20
  • 9. Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures A procedural document published in the Federal Register to helpA procedural document published in the Federal Register to help employers comply with federal regulations against discriminatoryemployers comply with federal regulations against discriminatory actions.actions. Objective 4 遺壊鞄温姻一息20
  • 10. Adverse Impact and Disparate TreatmentAdverse Impact and Disparate Treatment A concept that refers to the rejection of aA concept that refers to the rejection of a significantly higher percentage of asignificantly higher percentage of a protected class for employment,protected class for employment, placement, or promotion when comparedplacement, or promotion when compared with the successful, non protected class.with the successful, non protected class. Objective 5 遺壊鞄温姻一息20
  • 11. Adverse Impact and Disparate TreatmentAdverse Impact and Disparate Treatment 1.1. Adverse Rejection Rate, or Four-fifth RuleAdverse Rejection Rate, or Four-fifth Rule A rule of thumb followed by the EqualA rule of thumb followed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission inEmployment Opportunity Commission in determining adverse impact for use indetermining adverse impact for use in enforcement proceedings.enforcement proceedings. 遺壊鞄温姻一息20
  • 12. Adverse Impact and Disparate TreatmentAdverse Impact and Disparate Treatment 2. Disparate Treatment2. Disparate Treatment A situation in which protected class membersA situation in which protected class members receive unequal treatment or are evaluated byreceive unequal treatment or are evaluated by different standards.different standards. 遺壊鞄温姻一息20
  • 13. Two basic ways that adverse impact exist:Two basic ways that adverse impact exist: 1.1. Adverse Rejection Rate, or four-fifth rule.Adverse Rejection Rate, or four-fifth rule. A rule of thumb followed by the equal equalA rule of thumb followed by the equal equal employment opportunity commission inemployment opportunity commission in determining adverse impact for use indetermining adverse impact for use in enforcement proceeding.enforcement proceeding. 2.2. Restrict PolicyRestrict Policy Any evidence that an employer has a selectionAny evidence that an employer has a selection procedure that exclude member of aprocedure that exclude member of a protective class.protective class. 遺壊鞄温姻一息20
  • 14. Adverse Impact and Disparate TreatmentAdverse Impact and Disparate Treatment Workforce Utilization AnalysisWorkforce Utilization Analysis A process of classifying protected-classA process of classifying protected-class members by number and by the type ofmembers by number and by the type of job they hold within the organization.job they hold within the organization. 遺壊鞄温姻一息20
  • 15. Record-Keeping and Posting RequirementsRecord-Keeping and Posting Requirements Law to maintain specific employment records and reports.Law to maintain specific employment records and reports. Employers are required to post selected equal employmentEmployers are required to post selected equal employment opportunity notices and to summarize the composition ofopportunity notices and to summarize the composition of their workforce in order to determine the distribution oftheir workforce in order to determine the distribution of protected individualsprotected individuals.. Objective 6 遺壊鞄温姻一息20
  • 16. For Example :For Example : Managers must generate and retain for specific timeManagers must generate and retain for specific time periods different employment data under each ofperiods different employment data under each of following laws : Title VII, Age Discrimination infollowing laws : Title VII, Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and Equal Pay Act. When federalEmployment Act, and Equal Pay Act. When federal contractors are required to have written affirmativecontractors are required to have written affirmative action programs, these must be retained along withaction programs, these must be retained along with supporting documents (such as names of jobsupporting documents (such as names of job applicants, rejection ration, and seniority lists). Theapplicants, rejection ration, and seniority lists). The data must file annually andata must file annually an EEO-1 report (EmployerEEO-1 report (Employer Information Report)Information Report) 遺壊鞄温姻一息20
  • 17. EEO-1 Report is..EEO-1 Report is.. An employer information report that mustAn employer information report that must be filed annually by employers of 100 orbe filed annually by employers of 100 or more employees (except state and localmore employees (except state and local government employers) and governmentgovernment employers) and government contractors and subcotractors to determinecontractors and subcotractors to determine an employers workforce composition.an employers workforce composition. In preparing the EEO-1 report, employeeIn preparing the EEO-1 report, employee self-identification is the preferred method ofself-identification is the preferred method of identifying gender, race, and ethnicidentifying gender, race, and ethnic information.information. 遺壊鞄温姻一息20
  • 19. Processing Discrimination Charges A discrimination complaint filed with the EEOCA discrimination complaint filed with the EEOC by employees or a job applicants.by employees or a job applicants. Objective 7 遺壊鞄温姻一息20
  • 20. Filing a ChargeFiling a Charge ofof DiscriminationDiscrimination Charge filedCharge filed Employer receives copy of charge Employer receives copy of charge Deferred to state agency Deferred to state agency SuccessfulSuccessfulSuit filed by individual Suit filed by individual SettlementSettlementFinding of reasonable cause Finding of reasonable cause Determination to dismiss charge Determination to dismiss charge EEOC investigation EEOC investigation Failure to file suit within 180 days Failure to file suit within 180 days ConciliationConciliation Individual may sue within 90 days Individual may sue within 90 days Unsuccessful suit filed by EEOC Unsuccessful suit filed by EEOC Federal District CourtFederal District Court
  • 21. Managers and supervisor are the key toManagers and supervisor are the key to preventing and correcting discrimination, theypreventing and correcting discrimination, they must be trained to understand employee rightsmust be trained to understand employee rights and managerial obligations.and managerial obligations. Preventing Discrimination Charges 遺壊鞄温姻一息20
  • 22. Objective 8 Diversity Management: Affirmative ActionDiversity Management: Affirmative Action 1.1.Establishing Affirmative Action ProgramsEstablishing Affirmative Action Programs 2.2.Managing Diversity Affirmative ActionManaging Diversity Affirmative Action 遺壊鞄温姻一息20