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    March 6, 2012                                      1777 F Street, NW
                                                         Washington, DC

      Corporate CEOs and CFOs                  Institutional investors

      Venture Capital & Private Equity funds   Government officials

      Commercial & Investment banks            Corporate M&A officers
Washington DC | Tuesday, March 6, 2012


      Networking cocktail reception on the
      evening prior to the conference

  8:00AM - 8:30AM          REGISTRATION & BREAKFAST

  8:30AM - 8:50AM STATE OF THE MARKET                    Brought to you by
      Douglas Lloyd
      CEO, Global Security pipeline

  8:50AM    - 9:50AM       COMPANY PRESENTATIONS (1, 2, 3)

  9.50AM    - 10.05AM      NETWORKING BREAK

  10:05AM - 11:25AM        COMPANY PRESENTATIONS (4, 5, 6, 7)

  11:25AM - 11:40AM        NETWORKING BREAK

  11:40AM - 12:20PM M&A PANEL                            Sponsored by
      Understanding, explaining and analyzing the
      current M&A environment and likely future trends

  12:20PM - 1:20PM LUNCH                                 Sponsored by
      Networking lunch sponsored by leading
      international law firm Williams Mullen

      Opening remarks from a senior industry

  1:30PM - 2:50PM          COMPANY PRESENTATIONS (8, 9, 10, 11)               We were delighted to
                                                                              present at the HSFF
  2:50PM - 3:05PM          NETWORKING BREAK
                                                                              seminar in Washington
  3:05PM - 3:45PM          FUNDRAISING PANEL                                  DC. The event
  3:45PM - 4:00PM          NETWORKING BREAK                                   was well attended
                                                                              and professionally

  4:00PM - 5:00PM          COMPANY PRESENTATIONS (12, 13, 14)

      A stylish end to the event with an                                            Vice President of
      opportunity to continue discussions over                                Strategic Development
      canap辿s and cocktails                                                   Universal Detection Technology

Washington DC | Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Partner, Acorn Growth Companies                         Partner, In Q Tel
Chairman, American Security Challenge                   Managing Director, Insite Security
Director, Arcapita Ventures                             CEO, Invincea Browser Protection
Partner, Arent Fox LLP                                  CEO, InZero Systems
Managing Director, Argon Holdings                       CEO, Kratos Defense & Security Solutions Inc.
Managing Director, Aronson Capital Partners             Managing Director, Legend Merchant Group
Chief Technology Officer, Ashcroft                      Senior Vice President, ManTech International Corp.
Managing Director, Bank Street                          President of US Operations, MaxID Corp.
General Partner, Battelle Ventures LP                   Principal, Merrill Advisory Group
Managing Principal, BIA Digital Partners                Vice President, Monument Capital Group
Chairman, Billet Group                                  Managing Director, Morgan Keegan & Co. Inc.
Associate, Booz Allen Hamilton                          President, NetWitness Corporation
Managing Director, Capital Source                       Principal, New Venture Partners
Managing Member, Carillon Capital Partners              CEO, New World Apps Inc.
Managing Principal, Cerca Group LLC                     General Partner, Novak Biddle - Venture Partners
Principal, Chart Venture Partners                       Deputy Commissioner, Office of the Mayor NYC
Vice President, Charter Capital                         Chairman, Omnitru Capital
Managing Director, CI Capital Partners                  CEO, ORIX Venture Finance LLC
Vice President, Cobham plc                              Senior Associate, Paladin
Senior Vice President, CoVant Management                CFO & COO, Passport Systems Inc.
President, Creative Capital Associates                  Managing Director, Pegasus Global LLC
CCO, Department of Homeland Security                    CEO, Perceptics LLC
General Partner, EGIS Capital Partners                  Vice President, PIVOT3
CEO, Enova Technology Corporation                       President, Polimaster Inc.

Managing Director, Entrada Partners Ltd                 CEO, R. Nicholls Distributors
CEO, Entrepreneurial Transitions                        Senior Vice President, Raymond James
Principal, Excellere Partners                           CEO, Republic Capital Access
Managing Director, Focus Capital Group                  CEO, ScanTech Holdings
Senior Vice President, Force Protection Inc.            Principal, SeeView Security Inc.
                                                                                                              Extremely worthwhile
Managing General Partner, FreightWatch International    CMO, SentryLight Emergency Lighting
                                                                                                              one-day event with
Partner, GA Capital Partners                            CEO, Skybitz                                          excellent presentations
Venture Partner, Garage Technology Ventures LLC         Founder & President, Starting Gate Global             and high-quality
Managing Partner, Genacast Ventures                     Managing Director, Sverica International              attendees. A small
Principal, Generation3 Capital                          Strategy Director, Thales                             investment relative to
CFO, Global Defense Technology & Systems                Managing Director, The PrivateBank                    the excellent networking

Executive Vice President & General Counsel, Grid Point Inc. Senior Managing Director, The SPECTRUM Group      opportunities.
Managing Partner, Gryphon Venture Partners LP           Chairman & CEO, The White Oak Group Inc.
Partner, HF Strategy                                    Associate, Torch Hill Investment Partners
CEO, Hudson Fairfax Group                               Vice Consul, UK Trade & Investment
Associate, ICx Technologies                             Vice President, Wells Fargo Finance                                           CEO
Vice President, Identive Group                          Partner, Williams Mullen                                       R Nicholls Distribution

Washington DC | Tuesday, March 6, 2012

HOMELAND SECURITY FINANCE FORUM                                                                 ABOUT HSFF:
                                                                                                Established by Global Security pipeline
The Homeland Security Finance Forum (HSFF) is a senior executive, by-invitation only,         in 2010, the Homeland Security Finance
event where industry leaders and finance professionals in the security industry meet to         Forum (HSFF) is now in its third year.
identify and discuss business opportunities.
                                                                                                Since inception the event has welcomed
                                                                                                attendees from more than 200 leading
In one single day HSFF offers a unique combination of presentations and panels hosted           companies in the sector.
by C-level corporate executives, VC and PE investors, government decision makers and
financial advisors on business and transaction opportunities in the security market globally.   Previous speakers include the Department
                                                                                                of Homeland Security, Cobham, ATAC,
                                                                                                Freightwatch,   Skybitz,     Arent  Fox,
WHY ATTEND                                                                                      NetWitness, Force Protection, and the

If you are eligible to attend by meeting the strict entry criteria, you will be able to:

   Gain direct access to more than 150 C-level corporate executives, investment
   professionals, advisors and stakeholders active in the security sector

   Network with an unrivalled group of corporate and financial decision makers in an
   exclusive and discrete environment throughout the day and at two cocktail receptions

   Hear directly from industry experts about the M&A and fundraising landscape today,
   how it is evolving and how you can succeed in the current economic environment

   Attend individual corporate presentations to understand their strategies and their views
   on where they are identifying new business opportunities
                                                                                                ABOUT US:
   Discuss deals and business partnerships in an informal environment, whilst maintaining

   Build long-lasting relationships with influential business and financial players in the
                                                                                                Global Security pipeline, the online
                                                                                                business news and financial data service,
                                                                                                is the leading independent source of
THE VENUE                                                                                       information and data about the physical,
                                                                                                cyber and identity security and defense
Held just a block from the White House, HSFF is hosted in a modern and intimate location,       sectors. Our news team delivers real-time
                                                                                                business news and identifies the latest
which includes a large conference room for presentations as well as discrete break-out          and most relevant policy announcements,
rooms for more private conversations. The venue also offers an on-site business center          investment, M&A and new funds and
and Wi-Fi access.                                                                               fund closes. This news is supplemented
                                                                                                with opinion-pieces based on in-depth
                                                                                                interviews with senior-level executives,
                                                                                                advisors, investors and policy-makers.

                                                                                                In addition, we offer detailed transaction
                                                                                                data (VC/PE, M&A) and a global directory
                                                                                                of professionals active in the sector, which
                                                                                                is fully searchable online. Global Security
                                                                                                pipeline also offers customized research
                                                                                                and senior-level networking events
                                                                                                including the Homeland Security Finance
                                                                                                Forum and the Cyber Security Finance

                                                                1777 F Street, NW
                                                                Washington DC, 20006

Washington DC | Tuesday, March 6, 2012

HSFF only offers a single track of presentations. This means that every presenter is allocated
a dedicated 20 minute slot to present to more than 150 C-level corporate executives,              The HSFF offers
investment professionals, advisors and stakeholders active in the security sector. Whether        a forum so unique
you are looking to raise equity, acquire or dispose of a business or outline your corporate
strategy, HSFF offers an unrivalled opportunity to promote your business to some of the
                                                                                                  that it achieved a
most senior and well connected decision makers in the industry.                                   perfect setting 
                                                                                                  bringing diverse and
                                                                                                  accomplished leaders
    4 tickets to the Homeland Security Finance Forum 2012
    2 licenses (annual) to Global Security pipeline
                                                                                                  from the world of
    Full page advertisement in the HSFF 2012 Guide                                                Homeland Security
                                                                                                  together for one day 
GOLD PRESENTER PACKAGE                                                                            to exchange valuable

    3 tickets to the Homeland Security Finance Forum 2012                                         business insight.
    1 license (annual) to Global Security pipeline

    2 tickets to the Homeland Security Finance Forum 2012
                                                                                                      President and CEO


Washington DC | Tuesday, March 6, 2012

SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES                                                                          HSFF 2012
  HSFF 2012 FUNDRAISING PANEL                                                                      SPONSORS
            Given the difficulty of raising capital in the current environment, the
            fundraising panel is one of the most important panels during the entire
            event. The fundraising sponsor moderates the panel and personally selects
            up to four panellists to discuss the complexities and best practices of
            raising capital in the sector. The fundraising panel sponsor is also offered
            a full page ad in the HSFF 2012 Guide and four additional guest tickets.

            The networking sponsorship includes signage during each network break,
            the sponsors logo on all online and offline marketing materials, a full page
            advert in the HSFF 2012 Guide and four free tickets to attend the event.

       2012 GUIDE SPONSOR
               The breakfast sponsor will receive a full page in the HSFF 2012 Guide,
               signage at breakfast and four tickets to the event.

               The post-event reception sponsor will receive a full page advert in the HSFF
               2012 Guide, signage, four tickets to the event and one read-only annual
               licence to Global Security pipeline.

       2012 M&A PANEL
               All attendees are required to wear a badge at the event. The badge sponsor
               will have their company logo in clear view of over 150 industry leaders at
               this carefully vetted and exclusive C-level event.                                       FreightWatch
                                                                                                            I N T E R N AT I O N A L

       2012 LUNCH SPONSOR
               The HSFF 2012 Guide offers a very targeted advertising opportunity to
               reach out to key decision makers who reference this source for months
               after the event.

               Platinum supporters receive four tickets to the event and the inclusion of
               their logo on all online and offline marketing materials.

               Gold supporters receive two tickets to the event and the inclusion of their
               logo on all online marketing materials.

Washington DC | Tuesday, March 6, 2012

  ATTENDEE PACKAGE (FULL): pre- & post-event cocktail and 1 day conference pass
         Investors ($645)                                                             Corporates ($845)
         Government officials ($845)                                                  Service providers ($2,995)     Outstanding! We
  ATTENDEE PACKAGE (DAY EVENT): post-event cocktail and 1 day conference pass                                        have more serious
         Investors ($555)                                                             Corporates ($695)              funding opportunities
         Government officials ($705)                                                  Service providers ($2,495)     from this one event
                                                                                                                     than all other efforts

SPONSOR HSFF 2012                                                                                                    combined.
  Advertise in the official HSFF 2012 Guide
  Event sponsor (Platinum / Gold)
  Badge sponsor
  Networking sponsor                                                                                                                  Partner
      Platinum presenter package ($6,995)
                                                                                  LY T ING
         (4 tickets, 2 licenses to Global Security pipeline, full page ad in HSFF 2012 Guide)

         Gold presenter package ($5,995)                                       ON AIN
         (3 tickets, 1 license to Global Security pipeline)

         Silver presenter package ($3,995)
         (2 tickets)

  Rashmi Nelson
  Head of Business Development, North America
  +1 (516) 801 0536

Credit Card Details:                                                      Billing Address:

Cardholder Name:

Card Number:

Expiry Date:                     Security Code:                           Email Address:

Signature:                                                                Date:


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Hsff 2012 Brochure

  • 1. 3RD UAL ANN HOMELAND SECURITY FINANCE FORUM 2012 March 6, 2012 1777 F Street, NW Washington, DC WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Corporate CEOs and CFOs Institutional investors Venture Capital & Private Equity funds Government officials Commercial & Investment banks Corporate M&A officers
  • 2. HSFF 2012 GUIDE SPONSOR HOMELAND SECURITY FINANCE FORUM 2012 Washington DC | Tuesday, March 6, 2012 AGENDA 6.00PM - 8.00PM PRE-EVENT COCKTAIL RECEPTION Sponsored by Networking cocktail reception on the evening prior to the conference 8:00AM - 8:30AM REGISTRATION & BREAKFAST 8:30AM - 8:50AM STATE OF THE MARKET Brought to you by Douglas Lloyd CEO, Global Security pipeline 8:50AM - 9:50AM COMPANY PRESENTATIONS (1, 2, 3) 9.50AM - 10.05AM NETWORKING BREAK 10:05AM - 11:25AM COMPANY PRESENTATIONS (4, 5, 6, 7) 11:25AM - 11:40AM NETWORKING BREAK 11:40AM - 12:20PM M&A PANEL Sponsored by Understanding, explaining and analyzing the current M&A environment and likely future trends 12:20PM - 1:20PM LUNCH Sponsored by Networking lunch sponsored by leading international law firm Williams Mullen 1:20PM - 1:30PM SESSION 2 OPENING REMARKS Opening remarks from a senior industry leader 1:30PM - 2:50PM COMPANY PRESENTATIONS (8, 9, 10, 11) We were delighted to present at the HSFF 2:50PM - 3:05PM NETWORKING BREAK seminar in Washington 3:05PM - 3:45PM FUNDRAISING PANEL DC. The event 3:45PM - 4:00PM NETWORKING BREAK was well attended and professionally 4:00PM - 5:00PM COMPANY PRESENTATIONS (12, 13, 14) organized. 5:00PM - 6:00PM POST-EVENT COCKTAIL RECEPTION A stylish end to the event with an Vice President of opportunity to continue discussions over Strategic Development canap辿s and cocktails Universal Detection Technology www.globalsecuritypipeline.com
  • 3. HSFF 2012 GUIDE SPONSOR HOMELAND SECURITY FINANCE FORUM 2012 Washington DC | Tuesday, March 6, 2012 PAST ATTENDEES Partner, Acorn Growth Companies Partner, In Q Tel Chairman, American Security Challenge Managing Director, Insite Security Director, Arcapita Ventures CEO, Invincea Browser Protection Partner, Arent Fox LLP CEO, InZero Systems Managing Director, Argon Holdings CEO, Kratos Defense & Security Solutions Inc. Managing Director, Aronson Capital Partners Managing Director, Legend Merchant Group Chief Technology Officer, Ashcroft Senior Vice President, ManTech International Corp. Managing Director, Bank Street President of US Operations, MaxID Corp. General Partner, Battelle Ventures LP Principal, Merrill Advisory Group Managing Principal, BIA Digital Partners Vice President, Monument Capital Group Chairman, Billet Group Managing Director, Morgan Keegan & Co. Inc. Associate, Booz Allen Hamilton President, NetWitness Corporation Managing Director, Capital Source Principal, New Venture Partners Managing Member, Carillon Capital Partners CEO, New World Apps Inc. Managing Principal, Cerca Group LLC General Partner, Novak Biddle - Venture Partners Principal, Chart Venture Partners Deputy Commissioner, Office of the Mayor NYC Vice President, Charter Capital Chairman, Omnitru Capital Managing Director, CI Capital Partners CEO, ORIX Venture Finance LLC Vice President, Cobham plc Senior Associate, Paladin Senior Vice President, CoVant Management CFO & COO, Passport Systems Inc. President, Creative Capital Associates Managing Director, Pegasus Global LLC CCO, Department of Homeland Security CEO, Perceptics LLC General Partner, EGIS Capital Partners Vice President, PIVOT3 CEO, Enova Technology Corporation President, Polimaster Inc. Managing Director, Entrada Partners Ltd CEO, R. Nicholls Distributors CEO, Entrepreneurial Transitions Senior Vice President, Raymond James Principal, Excellere Partners CEO, Republic Capital Access Managing Director, Focus Capital Group CEO, ScanTech Holdings Senior Vice President, Force Protection Inc. Principal, SeeView Security Inc. Extremely worthwhile Managing General Partner, FreightWatch International CMO, SentryLight Emergency Lighting one-day event with Partner, GA Capital Partners CEO, Skybitz excellent presentations Venture Partner, Garage Technology Ventures LLC Founder & President, Starting Gate Global and high-quality Managing Partner, Genacast Ventures Managing Director, Sverica International attendees. A small Principal, Generation3 Capital Strategy Director, Thales investment relative to CFO, Global Defense Technology & Systems Managing Director, The PrivateBank the excellent networking Executive Vice President & General Counsel, Grid Point Inc. Senior Managing Director, The SPECTRUM Group opportunities. Managing Partner, Gryphon Venture Partners LP Chairman & CEO, The White Oak Group Inc. Partner, HF Strategy Associate, Torch Hill Investment Partners CEO, Hudson Fairfax Group Vice Consul, UK Trade & Investment Associate, ICx Technologies Vice President, Wells Fargo Finance CEO Vice President, Identive Group Partner, Williams Mullen R Nicholls Distribution www.globalsecuritypipeline.com
  • 4. HSFF 2012 GUIDE SPONSOR HOMELAND SECURITY FINANCE FORUM 2012 Washington DC | Tuesday, March 6, 2012 HOMELAND SECURITY FINANCE FORUM ABOUT HSFF: Established by Global Security pipeline The Homeland Security Finance Forum (HSFF) is a senior executive, by-invitation only, in 2010, the Homeland Security Finance event where industry leaders and finance professionals in the security industry meet to Forum (HSFF) is now in its third year. identify and discuss business opportunities. Since inception the event has welcomed attendees from more than 200 leading In one single day HSFF offers a unique combination of presentations and panels hosted companies in the sector. by C-level corporate executives, VC and PE investors, government decision makers and financial advisors on business and transaction opportunities in the security market globally. Previous speakers include the Department of Homeland Security, Cobham, ATAC, Freightwatch, Skybitz, Arent Fox, WHY ATTEND NetWitness, Force Protection, and the UKTI. If you are eligible to attend by meeting the strict entry criteria, you will be able to: Gain direct access to more than 150 C-level corporate executives, investment professionals, advisors and stakeholders active in the security sector Network with an unrivalled group of corporate and financial decision makers in an exclusive and discrete environment throughout the day and at two cocktail receptions Hear directly from industry experts about the M&A and fundraising landscape today, how it is evolving and how you can succeed in the current economic environment Attend individual corporate presentations to understand their strategies and their views on where they are identifying new business opportunities ABOUT US: Discuss deals and business partnerships in an informal environment, whilst maintaining privacy Build long-lasting relationships with influential business and financial players in the sector Global Security pipeline, the online business news and financial data service, is the leading independent source of THE VENUE information and data about the physical, cyber and identity security and defense Held just a block from the White House, HSFF is hosted in a modern and intimate location, sectors. Our news team delivers real-time business news and identifies the latest which includes a large conference room for presentations as well as discrete break-out and most relevant policy announcements, rooms for more private conversations. The venue also offers an on-site business center investment, M&A and new funds and and Wi-Fi access. fund closes. This news is supplemented with opinion-pieces based on in-depth interviews with senior-level executives, advisors, investors and policy-makers. In addition, we offer detailed transaction data (VC/PE, M&A) and a global directory of professionals active in the sector, which is fully searchable online. Global Security pipeline also offers customized research and senior-level networking events including the Homeland Security Finance Forum and the Cyber Security Finance Forum. 1777 F Street, NW Washington DC, 20006 USA www.globalsecuritypipeline.com
  • 5. HSFF 2012 GUIDE SPONSOR HOMELAND SECURITY FINANCE FORUM 2012 Washington DC | Tuesday, March 6, 2012 COMPANY PRESENTATION OPPORTUNITIES HSFF only offers a single track of presentations. This means that every presenter is allocated a dedicated 20 minute slot to present to more than 150 C-level corporate executives, The HSFF offers investment professionals, advisors and stakeholders active in the security sector. Whether a forum so unique you are looking to raise equity, acquire or dispose of a business or outline your corporate strategy, HSFF offers an unrivalled opportunity to promote your business to some of the that it achieved a most senior and well connected decision makers in the industry. perfect setting bringing diverse and PLATINUM PRESENTER PACKAGE accomplished leaders 4 tickets to the Homeland Security Finance Forum 2012 2 licenses (annual) to Global Security pipeline from the world of Full page advertisement in the HSFF 2012 Guide Homeland Security together for one day GOLD PRESENTER PACKAGE to exchange valuable 3 tickets to the Homeland Security Finance Forum 2012 business insight. 1 license (annual) to Global Security pipeline SILVER PRESENTER PACKAGE 2 tickets to the Homeland Security Finance Forum 2012 President and CEO SkyBitz PAST PRESENTERS INCLUDE www.globalsecuritypipeline.com
  • 6. HSFF 2012 GUIDE SPONSOR HOMELAND SECURITY FINANCE FORUM 2012 Washington DC | Tuesday, March 6, 2012 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES HSFF 2012 HSFF 2012 FUNDRAISING PANEL SPONSORS AVAILABLE Given the difficulty of raising capital in the current environment, the fundraising panel is one of the most important panels during the entire event. The fundraising sponsor moderates the panel and personally selects up to four panellists to discuss the complexities and best practices of raising capital in the sector. The fundraising panel sponsor is also offered a full page ad in the HSFF 2012 Guide and four additional guest tickets. HSFF 2012 NETWORKING SPONSOR AVAILABLE The networking sponsorship includes signage during each network break, the sponsors logo on all online and offline marketing materials, a full page advert in the HSFF 2012 Guide and four free tickets to attend the event. HSFFLD 2012 GUIDE SPONSOR SO HSFF 2012 BREAKFAST SPONSOR AVAILABLE The breakfast sponsor will receive a full page in the HSFF 2012 Guide, signage at breakfast and four tickets to the event. HSFF 2012 POST-EVENT COCKTAIL RECEPTION SPONSOR AVAILABLE The post-event reception sponsor will receive a full page advert in the HSFF 2012 Guide, signage, four tickets to the event and one read-only annual licence to Global Security pipeline. HSFFLD 2012 M&A PANEL SO HSFF 2012 BADGE SPONSOR AVAILABLE All attendees are required to wear a badge at the event. The badge sponsor will have their company logo in clear view of over 150 industry leaders at this carefully vetted and exclusive C-level event. FreightWatch I N T E R N AT I O N A L HSFFLD 2012 LUNCH SPONSOR SO HSFF 2012 GUIDE ADVERTISING AVAILABLE The HSFF 2012 Guide offers a very targeted advertising opportunity to reach out to key decision makers who reference this source for months after the event. HSFFLD 2012 PRE-EVENT COCKTAIL RECEPTION SPONSOR SO PLATINUM SUPPORTER AVAILABLE Platinum supporters receive four tickets to the event and the inclusion of their logo on all online and offline marketing materials. GOLD SUPPORTER AVAILABLE Gold supporters receive two tickets to the event and the inclusion of their logo on all online marketing materials. www.globalsecuritypipeline.com
  • 7. HSFF 2012 GUIDE SPONSOR HOMELAND SECURITY FINANCE FORUM 2012 Washington DC | Tuesday, March 6, 2012 BOOK YOUR PLACE NOW ATTENDEE PACKAGE (FULL): pre- & post-event cocktail and 1 day conference pass Investors ($645) Corporates ($845) Government officials ($845) Service providers ($2,995) Outstanding! We ATTENDEE PACKAGE (DAY EVENT): post-event cocktail and 1 day conference pass have more serious Investors ($555) Corporates ($695) funding opportunities Government officials ($705) Service providers ($2,495) from this one event than all other efforts SPONSOR HSFF 2012 combined. Advertise in the official HSFF 2012 Guide Event sponsor (Platinum / Gold) Badge sponsor Networking sponsor Partner SentryLight SECURE A PRESENTATION SLOT PRESENTER PACKAGES: Platinum presenter package ($6,995) WO LY T ING (4 tickets, 2 licenses to Global Security pipeline, full page ad in HSFF 2012 Guide) Gold presenter package ($5,995) ON AIN REM (3 tickets, 1 license to Global Security pipeline) Silver presenter package ($3,995) (2 tickets) CONTACT Rashmi Nelson Head of Business Development, North America +1 (516) 801 0536 rashmi.nelson@vbresearch.com CREDIT CARD DETAILS: Credit Card Details: Billing Address: Cardholder Name: Card Number: Expiry Date: Security Code: Email Address: Signature: Date: www.globalsecuritypipeline.com