This document provides information about the Homeland Security Finance Forum 2012 conference, including the agenda, past attendees, and details about the event. The conference will take place on March 6, 2012 in Washington DC and will feature company presentations, panels on M&A trends and fundraising, and networking opportunities. It is intended for senior executives, investors, and government officials in the homeland security industry.
Behavioral Economics At Work Nunnally, Steadman, Baxter Las Vegas Finalksteadman
The document summarizes a presentation on behavioral economics and judgment risk given by Tyler Nunnally, the founder and CEO of Upside Risk. The presentation discusses concepts from behavioral economics like heuristics and biases that can lead to judgment errors, and examines how risk appetite can impact decision making and business performance. Best practices for managing judgment risk and reducing biases are also covered.
The document summarizes the Homeland Security Finance Forum 2012 event which was to take place on March 6, 2012 in Washington DC. The forum was intended to bring together corporate CEOs and CFOs, investors, and government officials in the homeland security industry to identify new business opportunities. Attendees would hear presentations from industry leaders and have networking opportunities. Previous attendees found the forum to be well-organized and provided valuable opportunities to make connections in the homeland security sector.
This document is an e-newsletter from the Department of Gerontology at Virginia Commonwealth University. It summarizes several events that occurred in Fall 2009, including a keynote speech at the Fall Symposium exploring what it means to be a gerontologist and the importance of branding for the field. It also discusses an Alzheimer's walk fundraiser and a family fun day that raised money. Several student and alumni accomplishments are highlighted, including conference attendance and new jobs. Finally, it provides an announcement of upcoming elective course offerings in the Spring semester.
This document is an e-newsletter from the Department of Gerontology at Virginia Commonwealth University. It summarizes several events that occurred in Fall 2009, including a keynote speech at the Fall Symposium exploring what it means to be a gerontologist and the importance of branding for the field. It also discusses an Alzheimer's walk fundraiser and a family fun day that raised money. Several student and alumni accomplishments are highlighted, including conference attendance and new jobs. Finally, it provides an announcement of upcoming elective course offerings in the Spring semester.
Homeland Security Finance Forum 2011 Brochurenelsonrs
The document summarizes the Homeland Security Finance Forum 2011 event. It was presented by Global Security Pipeline on March 29, 2011 in Washington DC. The forum brought together homeland security companies seeking funding with qualified investors. It featured 20 company presentations, industry panels on raising capital and M&A, and a networking reception. The goal was to connect validated companies to over 100 investors actively investing in the security sector through a targeted one-day event.
The document summarizes the 2nd Annual Cyber Security Finance Forum taking place on October 15-16, 2012 in Washington, DC. The forum will bring together industry leaders, advisers, and investors to discuss opportunities and challenges in the cyber security sector. It will include expert panels, company presentations, and networking sessions focused on topics like market trends, government priorities, mergers and acquisitions, and how private companies can work with the government. Attendees will include corporate executives, investors, government officials, and services providers. The event aims to help participants gain access to decision-makers, hear the latest solutions, and build business partnerships. Sponsorship opportunities are available to promote companies and products.
Homeland Security Finance Forum 2011 Brochurenelsonrs
The document summarizes an upcoming event called the Homeland Security Finance Forum 2011 that will take place on March 29, 2011 in Washington DC. The forum is intended to bring together companies seeking funding in the homeland security sector with qualified investors. It will include 20 company presentations, panel discussions on raising capital and M&A, and networking opportunities. Sponsorship opportunities are available for the event.
The document summarizes tensions and disputes between America and Britain in the early 19th century that led to an undeclared "War of Words". It discusses attacks on American culture in British publications, American debt to British lenders after costly infrastructure projects, a boundary dispute over land claimed by Maine and Canada, and the eventual settlement of the Maine boundary dispute through negotiations.
Whiplash Injury
Presented To AMLED (Association of Medicolegal Doctors) in London
1st December 2006.
Tour de force of the main topics regarding Whiplash injury
Pollution is the contamination of air, soil, or water that makes the environment harmful or unable to sustain life. There are several types of pollution including air, water, land, noise, and radioactive pollution. Air pollution involves chemicals and particles in the atmosphere. Water pollution is the contamination of water sources. Land pollution impacts soil quality through waste accumulation and chemical changes. Noise pollution occurs from loud machinery and vehicles. Radioactive pollution stems from nuclear energy use and testing.
Neuropathic Pain
Causes, Mechanisms and Treatment of Neuropathic Pain
Presented At Primed, QE2 Conference Centre, Westminster, London to National Audience of Primary Care Doctors
5th November 2009
This document discusses whiplash injury, providing definitions, clinical findings, management, and prognosis. Whiplash is defined as a sudden hyperextension or hyperflexion injury to the neck caused by an acceleration/deceleration mechanism. It most commonly results from rear-end motor vehicle collisions. Clinical findings can include neck pain, stiffness, reduced range of motion, headaches, and neurological symptoms. Treatment involves education, medications, physical therapy, and potentially minimally invasive procedures like injections. Most people recover within a month, though a small percentage may have long-term issues. Factors like additional injuries, female sex, and litigation involvement can impact prognosis.
Pain Physiology Presented At St Thomases Hospital 2.3.07London Pain Clinic
Pain Physiology.
Presented At St Thomases Hospital for trainee Anaesthetists as part of their FRCA (Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists) examination preparations.
2nd March 2007
Quel est le retour sur investissement de mon site Internet ?CYB@RDECHE
Un site qui se veut performant doit id辿alement 棚tre con巽u par les internautes eux-m棚mes ou, d辿faut, sapprocher au maximum de ce quils attendent. Pour cela, un site Internet sappuie sur deux piliers : la connaissance des internautes et le respect des bonnes pratiques. D辿velopper un site Web pour son entreprise demande de d辿finir une strat辿gie digitale ainsi que des objectifs (communication, marketing) et ce, afin d辿valuer les retours sur investissement...
Les marques auront-elles encore un blog dans 5 ans ? Les m辿dias diffuseront-ils encore leurs articles sur leurs supports dans 10 ans ? Apr竪s la r辿volution du mobile, voici venu un moment encore plus charni竪re, celui de la distribution d辿port辿e du contenu. Facebook Instant Articles, Google AMP (et les autres) : d辿couvrez comment les g辿ants du net s'appr棚tent avaler la cr辿ation de contenu des m辿dias, des marques et de lecommerce.
Cette "plateformisation" du contenu est-elle une opportunit辿 ou un risque ? Faut-il y aller et si oui comment, avec quelle strat辿gie et quels objectifs ?
Pr辿sentation au Blend Web Mix 2016 Lyon
On November 9-10, 2015, Hedgeopolis New York, the Hedge Fund Associations Annual Member Conference co-hosted by Agecroft Partners, will gather hundreds of alternative investment professionals for one and a half days of panel discussions by some of the worlds most influential investors. Speakers include decision makers at pension funds, funds of hedge funds, endowments, foundations and family offices. Attendees will enjoy many hours to connect with investors and fellow HFA members.
The document provides information about the AI World Conference & Expo taking place in Boston, MA from December 11-13. It outlines the conference agenda, speakers, and topics that will be covered. The conference aims to help attendees gain insights to develop strategies for deploying AI in their enterprises and harnessing the power of disruptive technologies. It will provide the industry's most comprehensive program and analysis of enterprise AI.
This document summarizes an advisory board meeting to create an investor-driven agenda. It thanks the advisory board members for their time and input. It then provides an agenda for the two-day meeting, which includes panels on the global economy, the state of the hedge fund industry, best practices for risk management, and achieving non-correlated returns. The agenda also lists the panelists and moderators for each session.
Startup presentations to angel seed stage investors and partnersTelmoSF
This document provides recommendations for startup companies giving presentations to angel and seed stage investors. It discusses objectives for the initial meeting from both the company and investor perspectives. It recommends including an executive summary, company overview, market opportunity, business model, management team, financial projections, and next steps. The presentation should highlight the problem being solved, market size, competitive advantages, and path to profitability. An appendix defines key terms. The editorial review board consists of experienced entrepreneurs and investors.
Hit Barcelona is a unique global event with a format that integrates spaces dedicated to knowledge, revolutionary ideas and great business opportunities. For two days, it will bring together business leaders, innovators, investors and entrepreneurs to share ideas, promote projects and redefine the keys to business success.
This document provides information about the ISACA Silicon Valley 2011 Summer Conference, which will take place on August 25-26 in San Jose, California. It includes the schedule of events, speaker biographies, sponsor information, and logistical details. The conference will offer a full day of seminars on both days related to auditing and securing the cloud. Topics will include risks and controls for infrastructure as a service providers, controls automation in cloud architectures, managing threats in virtual environments, privacy in the cloud, and more. There will be opportunities for networking with sponsors at breakfast, lunch, and a reception. The document provides contact information for the conference committee.
Growing Your Business In The Modern Economy: 6 VCs Weigh InEric Dahl
Venture capitalists discuss how startup growth and risk have changed in recent years. Fewer startups are going public, with acquisitions now the more common exit. Growth rates and timelines can vary significantly by company and industry. While conventional wisdom says growth only occurs early, some companies like Omniture grew revenues over 2,000% in four years after being founded. VCs say there is no single definition of growth, and it depends on factors like revenue, users, or net revenue. Managing risk and building for the long-term is most important.
This document thanks sponsors of the Minnesota High Tech Association (MHTA) events in 2009 and provides information on sponsorship opportunities for 2010. It lists the various sponsors for MHTA programs, conferences, and initiatives in 2009, including companies like Medtronic, Microsoft, General Mills, and 3M. It also provides details on an upcoming 2010 New Years Social hosted by the Digital Technology Center at the University of Minnesota to discuss science and technology-based economic development, with sponsorship from the host Medtronic.
This document provides information about the 5th Annual Asset Management Symposium hosted by GreenPearl Events and the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM). The symposium will take place on March 21, 2012 in New York City and will feature presentations and panels on topics related to real estate asset and property management. Speakers will discuss best practices for increasing cash flow, maximizing asset value, and managing costs. Additional sessions will focus on refinancing capital structures and reducing energy usage through proactive building management. The event aims to provide industry leaders and experts the opportunity to share knowledge on performance and excellence in real estate asset management.
The document provides details of the 13th MAP Convention to be held on 18 December 2012 in Karachi, Pakistan. It includes the list of confirmed speakers such as Magnus Lindkvist, Shahid Javed Burki, Dr. Marie Lall, and Mike Sherman. The agenda outlines presentations and panel discussions on topics ranging from macroeconomic trends and strategic perspectives to innovation, entrepreneurship, and the future of banking. The convention aims to bring together business leaders to discuss opportunities and challenges for growth in Pakistan.
HITEC enables business and professional growth for our members and fill the executive pipeline with the next generation of Hispanic IT leaders. Learn more about HITEC, membership benefits, and sponsorship opportunities.
ipCG announces the detailed agenda for the upcoming 9th Annual Thought Leadership Conference - Connectovate: Innovate Across Connections to Create Value on 2-4Nov11 in Stowe VT. Includes agenda for main event and information about three add-on sessions for 2Nov11.
Ron Moritz is an executive with over 25 years of experience in technology companies such as Microsoft, Symantec, and CA. He has advised C-level executives on strategy, acquisitions, and technology decisions. Currently he is a venture partner focusing on technology startups, and also co-founded renewable energy and coffee companies.
The document summarizes tensions and disputes between America and Britain in the early 19th century that led to an undeclared "War of Words". It discusses attacks on American culture in British publications, American debt to British lenders after costly infrastructure projects, a boundary dispute over land claimed by Maine and Canada, and the eventual settlement of the Maine boundary dispute through negotiations.
Whiplash Injury
Presented To AMLED (Association of Medicolegal Doctors) in London
1st December 2006.
Tour de force of the main topics regarding Whiplash injury
Pollution is the contamination of air, soil, or water that makes the environment harmful or unable to sustain life. There are several types of pollution including air, water, land, noise, and radioactive pollution. Air pollution involves chemicals and particles in the atmosphere. Water pollution is the contamination of water sources. Land pollution impacts soil quality through waste accumulation and chemical changes. Noise pollution occurs from loud machinery and vehicles. Radioactive pollution stems from nuclear energy use and testing.
Neuropathic Pain
Causes, Mechanisms and Treatment of Neuropathic Pain
Presented At Primed, QE2 Conference Centre, Westminster, London to National Audience of Primary Care Doctors
5th November 2009
This document discusses whiplash injury, providing definitions, clinical findings, management, and prognosis. Whiplash is defined as a sudden hyperextension or hyperflexion injury to the neck caused by an acceleration/deceleration mechanism. It most commonly results from rear-end motor vehicle collisions. Clinical findings can include neck pain, stiffness, reduced range of motion, headaches, and neurological symptoms. Treatment involves education, medications, physical therapy, and potentially minimally invasive procedures like injections. Most people recover within a month, though a small percentage may have long-term issues. Factors like additional injuries, female sex, and litigation involvement can impact prognosis.
Pain Physiology Presented At St Thomases Hospital 2.3.07London Pain Clinic
Pain Physiology.
Presented At St Thomases Hospital for trainee Anaesthetists as part of their FRCA (Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists) examination preparations.
2nd March 2007
Quel est le retour sur investissement de mon site Internet ?CYB@RDECHE
Un site qui se veut performant doit id辿alement 棚tre con巽u par les internautes eux-m棚mes ou, d辿faut, sapprocher au maximum de ce quils attendent. Pour cela, un site Internet sappuie sur deux piliers : la connaissance des internautes et le respect des bonnes pratiques. D辿velopper un site Web pour son entreprise demande de d辿finir une strat辿gie digitale ainsi que des objectifs (communication, marketing) et ce, afin d辿valuer les retours sur investissement...
Les marques auront-elles encore un blog dans 5 ans ? Les m辿dias diffuseront-ils encore leurs articles sur leurs supports dans 10 ans ? Apr竪s la r辿volution du mobile, voici venu un moment encore plus charni竪re, celui de la distribution d辿port辿e du contenu. Facebook Instant Articles, Google AMP (et les autres) : d辿couvrez comment les g辿ants du net s'appr棚tent avaler la cr辿ation de contenu des m辿dias, des marques et de lecommerce.
Cette "plateformisation" du contenu est-elle une opportunit辿 ou un risque ? Faut-il y aller et si oui comment, avec quelle strat辿gie et quels objectifs ?
Pr辿sentation au Blend Web Mix 2016 Lyon
On November 9-10, 2015, Hedgeopolis New York, the Hedge Fund Associations Annual Member Conference co-hosted by Agecroft Partners, will gather hundreds of alternative investment professionals for one and a half days of panel discussions by some of the worlds most influential investors. Speakers include decision makers at pension funds, funds of hedge funds, endowments, foundations and family offices. Attendees will enjoy many hours to connect with investors and fellow HFA members.
The document provides information about the AI World Conference & Expo taking place in Boston, MA from December 11-13. It outlines the conference agenda, speakers, and topics that will be covered. The conference aims to help attendees gain insights to develop strategies for deploying AI in their enterprises and harnessing the power of disruptive technologies. It will provide the industry's most comprehensive program and analysis of enterprise AI.
This document summarizes an advisory board meeting to create an investor-driven agenda. It thanks the advisory board members for their time and input. It then provides an agenda for the two-day meeting, which includes panels on the global economy, the state of the hedge fund industry, best practices for risk management, and achieving non-correlated returns. The agenda also lists the panelists and moderators for each session.
Startup presentations to angel seed stage investors and partnersTelmoSF
This document provides recommendations for startup companies giving presentations to angel and seed stage investors. It discusses objectives for the initial meeting from both the company and investor perspectives. It recommends including an executive summary, company overview, market opportunity, business model, management team, financial projections, and next steps. The presentation should highlight the problem being solved, market size, competitive advantages, and path to profitability. An appendix defines key terms. The editorial review board consists of experienced entrepreneurs and investors.
Hit Barcelona is a unique global event with a format that integrates spaces dedicated to knowledge, revolutionary ideas and great business opportunities. For two days, it will bring together business leaders, innovators, investors and entrepreneurs to share ideas, promote projects and redefine the keys to business success.
This document provides information about the ISACA Silicon Valley 2011 Summer Conference, which will take place on August 25-26 in San Jose, California. It includes the schedule of events, speaker biographies, sponsor information, and logistical details. The conference will offer a full day of seminars on both days related to auditing and securing the cloud. Topics will include risks and controls for infrastructure as a service providers, controls automation in cloud architectures, managing threats in virtual environments, privacy in the cloud, and more. There will be opportunities for networking with sponsors at breakfast, lunch, and a reception. The document provides contact information for the conference committee.
Growing Your Business In The Modern Economy: 6 VCs Weigh InEric Dahl
Venture capitalists discuss how startup growth and risk have changed in recent years. Fewer startups are going public, with acquisitions now the more common exit. Growth rates and timelines can vary significantly by company and industry. While conventional wisdom says growth only occurs early, some companies like Omniture grew revenues over 2,000% in four years after being founded. VCs say there is no single definition of growth, and it depends on factors like revenue, users, or net revenue. Managing risk and building for the long-term is most important.
This document thanks sponsors of the Minnesota High Tech Association (MHTA) events in 2009 and provides information on sponsorship opportunities for 2010. It lists the various sponsors for MHTA programs, conferences, and initiatives in 2009, including companies like Medtronic, Microsoft, General Mills, and 3M. It also provides details on an upcoming 2010 New Years Social hosted by the Digital Technology Center at the University of Minnesota to discuss science and technology-based economic development, with sponsorship from the host Medtronic.
This document provides information about the 5th Annual Asset Management Symposium hosted by GreenPearl Events and the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM). The symposium will take place on March 21, 2012 in New York City and will feature presentations and panels on topics related to real estate asset and property management. Speakers will discuss best practices for increasing cash flow, maximizing asset value, and managing costs. Additional sessions will focus on refinancing capital structures and reducing energy usage through proactive building management. The event aims to provide industry leaders and experts the opportunity to share knowledge on performance and excellence in real estate asset management.
The document provides details of the 13th MAP Convention to be held on 18 December 2012 in Karachi, Pakistan. It includes the list of confirmed speakers such as Magnus Lindkvist, Shahid Javed Burki, Dr. Marie Lall, and Mike Sherman. The agenda outlines presentations and panel discussions on topics ranging from macroeconomic trends and strategic perspectives to innovation, entrepreneurship, and the future of banking. The convention aims to bring together business leaders to discuss opportunities and challenges for growth in Pakistan.
HITEC enables business and professional growth for our members and fill the executive pipeline with the next generation of Hispanic IT leaders. Learn more about HITEC, membership benefits, and sponsorship opportunities.
ipCG announces the detailed agenda for the upcoming 9th Annual Thought Leadership Conference - Connectovate: Innovate Across Connections to Create Value on 2-4Nov11 in Stowe VT. Includes agenda for main event and information about three add-on sessions for 2Nov11.
Ron Moritz is an executive with over 25 years of experience in technology companies such as Microsoft, Symantec, and CA. He has advised C-level executives on strategy, acquisitions, and technology decisions. Currently he is a venture partner focusing on technology startups, and also co-founded renewable energy and coffee companies.
The document summarizes a commercial real estate conference that took place on January 26, 2012 in New York City. The conference included panels on office, retail, finance/investment, and global real estate economics markets. It also promoted upcoming real estate events from the organization GreenPearl Events and thanked attendees of their 2011 events. Additional details were provided on membership benefits for the New York Metro CCIM Chapter.
April 16 sasb delta series financials iw gs & standards overviewLeland Lehrman
The document provides an agenda for an event discussing sustainability accounting standards for the financial sector. It includes sessions on integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into investment analysis and valuation, the development of SASB standards for different financial industries through working groups, and current gaps in sustainability reporting among financial companies. The event aims to help financial firms improve their ESG disclosure and performance.
This document provides an overview of Company Advisory Services, known as SoundView. SoundView is a strategic advisory firm that specializes in providing research and advisory services to emerging technology companies. The firm's two managing partners have decades of experience in investment research and working with tech companies. SoundView produces research reports and valuations to help improve companies' visibility with investors. It also assists with business development, introductions to potential investors/partners, and capital structure formation. SoundView is not a broker-dealer but has relationships with brokers if needed. It is based in Boston with additional locations.
Sample investor presentation for other entrepreneurs to look at. Our old slides for GoingOn Networks from 2007, which is a social media platform for companies and organizations. BusinessWeek recognized GoingOn Networks in their "Best of the Web: Social Networking Tools" list for 2007.
The document summarizes an upcoming cyber security conference hosted by InfoSec Foundation in four Indian cities - Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi, and Kolkata. It provides the schedule and agenda for each event, including keynote speeches, panel discussions on topics like AI/ML in cyber security and the latest CERT-In guidelines, and presentations from cyber security experts. It also notes that the conference aims to bring together stakeholders from government, industry, and academia to discuss emerging technology trends and cyber security best practices.
The document provides information about the 2011 CES Government conference, including:
- The conference agenda takes place January 4-5, 2011 in Las Vegas and includes a golf tournament, registration, luncheons, and panels on topics like cyber security and protecting borders.
- Biographies are provided for several speakers and panelists participating in the conference, including an NBC analyst and government officials.
- The conference is organized by the Government Business Executive Forum, a membership group for senior executives from government contractors.
This document advertises and provides information about the New York CISO Executive Summit event. It promises top CISO leaders from the region, nation, and globe who openly share ideas, experiences, successes, and failures. The summit will take place on May 23, 2016 at the Conrad New York and feature keynote speakers, breakout sessions, and networking opportunities. It provides an agenda overview and lists many of the speakers and governing body members involved in planning the event. The goal is to leverage the expertise of peers, share innovative ideas, and inspire the CISO community.
1. 3RD
March 6, 2012 1777 F Street, NW
Washington, DC
Corporate CEOs and CFOs Institutional investors
Venture Capital & Private Equity funds Government officials
Commercial & Investment banks Corporate M&A officers
Washington DC | Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Networking cocktail reception on the
evening prior to the conference
8:30AM - 8:50AM STATE OF THE MARKET Brought to you by
Douglas Lloyd
CEO, Global Security pipeline
10:05AM - 11:25AM COMPANY PRESENTATIONS (4, 5, 6, 7)
11:40AM - 12:20PM M&A PANEL Sponsored by
Understanding, explaining and analyzing the
current M&A environment and likely future trends
12:20PM - 1:20PM LUNCH Sponsored by
Networking lunch sponsored by leading
international law firm Williams Mullen
Opening remarks from a senior industry
1:30PM - 2:50PM COMPANY PRESENTATIONS (8, 9, 10, 11) We were delighted to
present at the HSFF
seminar in Washington
3:05PM - 3:45PM FUNDRAISING PANEL DC. The event
3:45PM - 4:00PM NETWORKING BREAK was well attended
and professionally
4:00PM - 5:00PM COMPANY PRESENTATIONS (12, 13, 14)
A stylish end to the event with an Vice President of
opportunity to continue discussions over Strategic Development
canap辿s and cocktails Universal Detection Technology
Washington DC | Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Partner, Acorn Growth Companies Partner, In Q Tel
Chairman, American Security Challenge Managing Director, Insite Security
Director, Arcapita Ventures CEO, Invincea Browser Protection
Partner, Arent Fox LLP CEO, InZero Systems
Managing Director, Argon Holdings CEO, Kratos Defense & Security Solutions Inc.
Managing Director, Aronson Capital Partners Managing Director, Legend Merchant Group
Chief Technology Officer, Ashcroft Senior Vice President, ManTech International Corp.
Managing Director, Bank Street President of US Operations, MaxID Corp.
General Partner, Battelle Ventures LP Principal, Merrill Advisory Group
Managing Principal, BIA Digital Partners Vice President, Monument Capital Group
Chairman, Billet Group Managing Director, Morgan Keegan & Co. Inc.
Associate, Booz Allen Hamilton President, NetWitness Corporation
Managing Director, Capital Source Principal, New Venture Partners
Managing Member, Carillon Capital Partners CEO, New World Apps Inc.
Managing Principal, Cerca Group LLC General Partner, Novak Biddle - Venture Partners
Principal, Chart Venture Partners Deputy Commissioner, Office of the Mayor NYC
Vice President, Charter Capital Chairman, Omnitru Capital
Managing Director, CI Capital Partners CEO, ORIX Venture Finance LLC
Vice President, Cobham plc Senior Associate, Paladin
Senior Vice President, CoVant Management CFO & COO, Passport Systems Inc.
President, Creative Capital Associates Managing Director, Pegasus Global LLC
CCO, Department of Homeland Security CEO, Perceptics LLC
General Partner, EGIS Capital Partners Vice President, PIVOT3
CEO, Enova Technology Corporation President, Polimaster Inc.
Managing Director, Entrada Partners Ltd CEO, R. Nicholls Distributors
CEO, Entrepreneurial Transitions Senior Vice President, Raymond James
Principal, Excellere Partners CEO, Republic Capital Access
Managing Director, Focus Capital Group CEO, ScanTech Holdings
Senior Vice President, Force Protection Inc. Principal, SeeView Security Inc.
Extremely worthwhile
Managing General Partner, FreightWatch International CMO, SentryLight Emergency Lighting
one-day event with
Partner, GA Capital Partners CEO, Skybitz excellent presentations
Venture Partner, Garage Technology Ventures LLC Founder & President, Starting Gate Global and high-quality
Managing Partner, Genacast Ventures Managing Director, Sverica International attendees. A small
Principal, Generation3 Capital Strategy Director, Thales investment relative to
CFO, Global Defense Technology & Systems Managing Director, The PrivateBank the excellent networking
Executive Vice President & General Counsel, Grid Point Inc. Senior Managing Director, The SPECTRUM Group opportunities.
Managing Partner, Gryphon Venture Partners LP Chairman & CEO, The White Oak Group Inc.
Partner, HF Strategy Associate, Torch Hill Investment Partners
CEO, Hudson Fairfax Group Vice Consul, UK Trade & Investment
Associate, ICx Technologies Vice President, Wells Fargo Finance CEO
Vice President, Identive Group Partner, Williams Mullen R Nicholls Distribution
Washington DC | Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Established by Global Security pipeline
The Homeland Security Finance Forum (HSFF) is a senior executive, by-invitation only, in 2010, the Homeland Security Finance
event where industry leaders and finance professionals in the security industry meet to Forum (HSFF) is now in its third year.
identify and discuss business opportunities.
Since inception the event has welcomed
attendees from more than 200 leading
In one single day HSFF offers a unique combination of presentations and panels hosted companies in the sector.
by C-level corporate executives, VC and PE investors, government decision makers and
financial advisors on business and transaction opportunities in the security market globally. Previous speakers include the Department
of Homeland Security, Cobham, ATAC,
Freightwatch, Skybitz, Arent Fox,
WHY ATTEND NetWitness, Force Protection, and the
If you are eligible to attend by meeting the strict entry criteria, you will be able to:
Gain direct access to more than 150 C-level corporate executives, investment
professionals, advisors and stakeholders active in the security sector
Network with an unrivalled group of corporate and financial decision makers in an
exclusive and discrete environment throughout the day and at two cocktail receptions
Hear directly from industry experts about the M&A and fundraising landscape today,
how it is evolving and how you can succeed in the current economic environment
Attend individual corporate presentations to understand their strategies and their views
on where they are identifying new business opportunities
Discuss deals and business partnerships in an informal environment, whilst maintaining
Build long-lasting relationships with influential business and financial players in the
Global Security pipeline, the online
business news and financial data service,
is the leading independent source of
THE VENUE information and data about the physical,
cyber and identity security and defense
Held just a block from the White House, HSFF is hosted in a modern and intimate location, sectors. Our news team delivers real-time
business news and identifies the latest
which includes a large conference room for presentations as well as discrete break-out and most relevant policy announcements,
rooms for more private conversations. The venue also offers an on-site business center investment, M&A and new funds and
and Wi-Fi access. fund closes. This news is supplemented
with opinion-pieces based on in-depth
interviews with senior-level executives,
advisors, investors and policy-makers.
In addition, we offer detailed transaction
data (VC/PE, M&A) and a global directory
of professionals active in the sector, which
is fully searchable online. Global Security
pipeline also offers customized research
and senior-level networking events
including the Homeland Security Finance
Forum and the Cyber Security Finance
1777 F Street, NW
Washington DC, 20006
Washington DC | Tuesday, March 6, 2012
HSFF only offers a single track of presentations. This means that every presenter is allocated
a dedicated 20 minute slot to present to more than 150 C-level corporate executives, The HSFF offers
investment professionals, advisors and stakeholders active in the security sector. Whether a forum so unique
you are looking to raise equity, acquire or dispose of a business or outline your corporate
strategy, HSFF offers an unrivalled opportunity to promote your business to some of the
that it achieved a
most senior and well connected decision makers in the industry. perfect setting
bringing diverse and
accomplished leaders
4 tickets to the Homeland Security Finance Forum 2012
2 licenses (annual) to Global Security pipeline
from the world of
Full page advertisement in the HSFF 2012 Guide Homeland Security
together for one day
GOLD PRESENTER PACKAGE to exchange valuable
3 tickets to the Homeland Security Finance Forum 2012 business insight.
1 license (annual) to Global Security pipeline
2 tickets to the Homeland Security Finance Forum 2012
President and CEO
Washington DC | Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Given the difficulty of raising capital in the current environment, the
fundraising panel is one of the most important panels during the entire
event. The fundraising sponsor moderates the panel and personally selects
up to four panellists to discuss the complexities and best practices of
raising capital in the sector. The fundraising panel sponsor is also offered
a full page ad in the HSFF 2012 Guide and four additional guest tickets.
The networking sponsorship includes signage during each network break,
the sponsors logo on all online and offline marketing materials, a full page
advert in the HSFF 2012 Guide and four free tickets to attend the event.
The breakfast sponsor will receive a full page in the HSFF 2012 Guide,
signage at breakfast and four tickets to the event.
The post-event reception sponsor will receive a full page advert in the HSFF
2012 Guide, signage, four tickets to the event and one read-only annual
licence to Global Security pipeline.
2012 M&A PANEL
All attendees are required to wear a badge at the event. The badge sponsor
will have their company logo in clear view of over 150 industry leaders at
this carefully vetted and exclusive C-level event. FreightWatch
The HSFF 2012 Guide offers a very targeted advertising opportunity to
reach out to key decision makers who reference this source for months
after the event.
Platinum supporters receive four tickets to the event and the inclusion of
their logo on all online and offline marketing materials.
Gold supporters receive two tickets to the event and the inclusion of their
logo on all online marketing materials.
Washington DC | Tuesday, March 6, 2012
ATTENDEE PACKAGE (FULL): pre- & post-event cocktail and 1 day conference pass
Investors ($645) Corporates ($845)
Government officials ($845) Service providers ($2,995) Outstanding! We
ATTENDEE PACKAGE (DAY EVENT): post-event cocktail and 1 day conference pass have more serious
Investors ($555) Corporates ($695) funding opportunities
Government officials ($705) Service providers ($2,495) from this one event
than all other efforts
SPONSOR HSFF 2012 combined.
Advertise in the official HSFF 2012 Guide
Event sponsor (Platinum / Gold)
Badge sponsor
Networking sponsor Partner
Platinum presenter package ($6,995)
(4 tickets, 2 licenses to Global Security pipeline, full page ad in HSFF 2012 Guide)
Gold presenter package ($5,995) ON AIN
(3 tickets, 1 license to Global Security pipeline)
Silver presenter package ($3,995)
(2 tickets)
Rashmi Nelson
Head of Business Development, North America
+1 (516) 801 0536
Credit Card Details: Billing Address:
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Expiry Date: Security Code: Email Address:
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