The document provides an overview of a lesson on the First New Deal under President Franklin Roosevelt. It includes learning objectives, questions to assess prior knowledge, and an introduction discussing Roosevelt's purpose in a famous speech addressing the Great Depression. Students are asked to practice categorizing New Deal programs and agencies, and to respond to questions to demonstrate their understanding of the First New Deal and its effects on the American people. The closure asks students to consider how those who lived through the Depression may have viewed Roosevelt.
Peran Pers Berantas Korupsi oleh Bibit Samad R (7 Desember 2011)ajijogja
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang peran pers dalam pemberantasan korupsi di Indonesia. Secara singkat, dokumen menjelaskan bahwa pers memiliki peran penting dalam menginformasikan upaya pemberantasan korupsi oleh KPK kepada masyarakat dan berperan sebagai pengawas terhadap upaya pemberantasan korupsi di Indonesia.
Aurora Adventures MedXPD - Adventures in medicine Mary Smith
This document provides contact information for Aurora Adventures, including their phone number, fax number, website, and email address. It encourages contacting them for more details on their MedXPD Adventures experiences.
Tensions rose between Spain and Cuba in the late 1890s, culminating in the United States declaring war on Spain in April 1898 over the sinking of the USS Maine. The US quickly defeated Spanish naval forces in Cuba and the Philippines, taking control of Spanish colonies like Cuba and Puerto Rico and solidifying America's emergence as a global power.
This document discusses personal safety and reducing risks of theft by not wearing flashy jewelry in public or leaving valuables unattended, as pickpocketing is common. It encourages taking action such as being more aware of surroundings and protecting personal belongings to work towards the goal of fewer thefts.
UTS mata kuliah Pengantar Manajemen membahas tentang konsep dasar manajemen, perkembangan pemikiran manajemen, dan studi kasus perusahaan Citasari yang memproduksi tahu. Mahasiswa diuji untuk menjelaskan prinsip-prinsip manajemen, fungsi perencanaan, dan memberikan saran perbaikan sistem pengadaan bahan baku dan pendistribusian untuk meningkatkan daya saing perusahaan.
Alfanous is a free and open-source Arabic search engine API that allows searching of the Quran. It provides a Python API, JSON web interface, and interfaces for desktop, mobile and other platforms. The API has many search features and options for customizing results. Developers can use the API and interfaces to build their own applications, and contributors can help by coding, translating, designing or providing feedback to improve the project.
The document discusses various Python bindings that can be used to create Ubuntu apps with Python, including PyQt, PySide, and PyOtherSide. PyQt and PySide are described as traditional bindings that are synchronous by default and can have slow startup times. PyOtherSide is presented as an alternative that allows for asynchronous calls and has a smaller size and faster startup time than the other options. The document provides details on the pros and cons of each binding and demonstrates how to integrate PyOtherSide into apps for desktop and mobile platforms like Ubuntu phones.
This document provides an overview of object-oriented concepts, including a definition of object-orientation, its core characteristics, and a history of its development and modeling. It discusses the evolution of modeling languages like OMT and UML, and explains the different types of models in object-oriented development, including class, state, and interaction models. Key aspects of object-oriented technology and modeling concepts are defined.
Dokumen tersebut merangkum 7 jenis sistem informasi yang dapat dikembangkan untuk tujuan bisnis yang berbeda, yaitu: (1) Transaction Processing Systems untuk memproses transaksi rutin, (2) Office Automation Systems dan Knowledge Work Systems untuk mendukung pekerja data dan profesional, (3) Management Information Systems untuk analisis keputusan dan pembuat keputusan, (4) Decision Support Systems untuk mendukung proses pengambilan keputusan, (5) Expert Systems dan Artificial Intelligence untuk
Dampak Penylahgunaan Narkotika bagi Generasi Mudalia anggraini
Makalah ini membahas dampak penggunaan narkotika bagi generasi muda dengan meninjau definisi narkotika, jenis-jenisnya, pengguna, faktor penyebab penggunaan, dampak penyalahgunaan terhadap diri, keluarga, sekolah dan masyarakat, serta upaya penanggulangannya.
The document discusses site investigation, which involves gathering subsurface information about a proposed construction project location. It describes the purpose, scope, and stages of a site investigation. The typical stages are a desk study, preliminary investigation including some boreholes, a detailed investigation with more boreholes and sampling, and monitoring during construction. Common investigation methods discussed are the standard penetration test, cone penetration test, and sampling techniques.
The document discusses preparing for risks by bringing a raincoat when going out in the rain, understanding one's biggest risks, and working towards eliminating risks. It encourages taking a different approach to addressing risks and thinking about the largest threats. The document also mentions getting sick and clothes getting wet.
This document discusses vehicle security and reducing risks when parking motorcycles. It encourages taking additional security measures like using double locks and understanding why feeling unsafe when parking is a big risk. The overall message is that it's time to think differently about vehicle security risks and take action to work towards the goal of zero risks.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang komitmen personal terhadap keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (HSSE), serta mengingatkan bahwa menyebrang jalan sembarangan merupakan risiko terbesar yang dapat mengakibatkan kecelakaan. Untuk mencegah hal tersebut, disarankan untuk menyebrang jalan hanya melalui zebra cross atau tangga penyebrangan.
Mengantuk saat bekerja dan berkendara merupakan risiko terbesar yang dapat menimbulkan kecelakaan karena mengurangi kemampuan berkonsentrasi dan respon terhadap bahaya. Untuk meminimalkan risiko ini, perlu tidur lebih awal dan menghindari aktivitas menonton televisi atau online sampai larut malam.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang pentingnya mengelola sampah dengan baik untuk mencegah penyakit dan polusi lingkungan. Sampah yang dibuang sembarangan dapat menjadi tempat berkembang biaknya nyamuk dan menyebabkan berbagai penyakit, sementara membakar atau mengubur barang bekas dapat mencemari lingkungan. Oleh karena itu perlu tindakan untuk membersihkan sampah agar lingkungan tetap sehat dan bersih.
Dokumen ini memberikan peringatan tentang bahaya ledakan tabung gas akibat kesalahan pemasangan selang regulator dan menyarankan untuk selalu mengikuti petunjuk dan prosedur yang benar serta meminta bantuan ahli dalam memasang peralatan gas agar dapat mencegah kebakaran dan korban jiwa.
This document discusses personal safety and reducing risks of theft by not wearing flashy jewelry in public or leaving valuables unattended, as pickpocketing is common. It encourages taking action such as being more aware of surroundings and protecting personal belongings to work towards the goal of fewer thefts.
UTS mata kuliah Pengantar Manajemen membahas tentang konsep dasar manajemen, perkembangan pemikiran manajemen, dan studi kasus perusahaan Citasari yang memproduksi tahu. Mahasiswa diuji untuk menjelaskan prinsip-prinsip manajemen, fungsi perencanaan, dan memberikan saran perbaikan sistem pengadaan bahan baku dan pendistribusian untuk meningkatkan daya saing perusahaan.
Alfanous is a free and open-source Arabic search engine API that allows searching of the Quran. It provides a Python API, JSON web interface, and interfaces for desktop, mobile and other platforms. The API has many search features and options for customizing results. Developers can use the API and interfaces to build their own applications, and contributors can help by coding, translating, designing or providing feedback to improve the project.
The document discusses various Python bindings that can be used to create Ubuntu apps with Python, including PyQt, PySide, and PyOtherSide. PyQt and PySide are described as traditional bindings that are synchronous by default and can have slow startup times. PyOtherSide is presented as an alternative that allows for asynchronous calls and has a smaller size and faster startup time than the other options. The document provides details on the pros and cons of each binding and demonstrates how to integrate PyOtherSide into apps for desktop and mobile platforms like Ubuntu phones.
This document provides an overview of object-oriented concepts, including a definition of object-orientation, its core characteristics, and a history of its development and modeling. It discusses the evolution of modeling languages like OMT and UML, and explains the different types of models in object-oriented development, including class, state, and interaction models. Key aspects of object-oriented technology and modeling concepts are defined.
Dokumen tersebut merangkum 7 jenis sistem informasi yang dapat dikembangkan untuk tujuan bisnis yang berbeda, yaitu: (1) Transaction Processing Systems untuk memproses transaksi rutin, (2) Office Automation Systems dan Knowledge Work Systems untuk mendukung pekerja data dan profesional, (3) Management Information Systems untuk analisis keputusan dan pembuat keputusan, (4) Decision Support Systems untuk mendukung proses pengambilan keputusan, (5) Expert Systems dan Artificial Intelligence untuk
Dampak Penylahgunaan Narkotika bagi Generasi Mudalia anggraini
Makalah ini membahas dampak penggunaan narkotika bagi generasi muda dengan meninjau definisi narkotika, jenis-jenisnya, pengguna, faktor penyebab penggunaan, dampak penyalahgunaan terhadap diri, keluarga, sekolah dan masyarakat, serta upaya penanggulangannya.
The document discusses site investigation, which involves gathering subsurface information about a proposed construction project location. It describes the purpose, scope, and stages of a site investigation. The typical stages are a desk study, preliminary investigation including some boreholes, a detailed investigation with more boreholes and sampling, and monitoring during construction. Common investigation methods discussed are the standard penetration test, cone penetration test, and sampling techniques.
The document discusses preparing for risks by bringing a raincoat when going out in the rain, understanding one's biggest risks, and working towards eliminating risks. It encourages taking a different approach to addressing risks and thinking about the largest threats. The document also mentions getting sick and clothes getting wet.
This document discusses vehicle security and reducing risks when parking motorcycles. It encourages taking additional security measures like using double locks and understanding why feeling unsafe when parking is a big risk. The overall message is that it's time to think differently about vehicle security risks and take action to work towards the goal of zero risks.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang komitmen personal terhadap keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (HSSE), serta mengingatkan bahwa menyebrang jalan sembarangan merupakan risiko terbesar yang dapat mengakibatkan kecelakaan. Untuk mencegah hal tersebut, disarankan untuk menyebrang jalan hanya melalui zebra cross atau tangga penyebrangan.
Mengantuk saat bekerja dan berkendara merupakan risiko terbesar yang dapat menimbulkan kecelakaan karena mengurangi kemampuan berkonsentrasi dan respon terhadap bahaya. Untuk meminimalkan risiko ini, perlu tidur lebih awal dan menghindari aktivitas menonton televisi atau online sampai larut malam.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang pentingnya mengelola sampah dengan baik untuk mencegah penyakit dan polusi lingkungan. Sampah yang dibuang sembarangan dapat menjadi tempat berkembang biaknya nyamuk dan menyebabkan berbagai penyakit, sementara membakar atau mengubur barang bekas dapat mencemari lingkungan. Oleh karena itu perlu tindakan untuk membersihkan sampah agar lingkungan tetap sehat dan bersih.
Dokumen ini memberikan peringatan tentang bahaya ledakan tabung gas akibat kesalahan pemasangan selang regulator dan menyarankan untuk selalu mengikuti petunjuk dan prosedur yang benar serta meminta bantuan ahli dalam memasang peralatan gas agar dapat mencegah kebakaran dan korban jiwa.
Using a phone while driving is a major risk that can lead to accidents. It is time to stop using phones when driving and focus solely on the road to work towards eliminating accidents and injuries. In the past, making a call on a phone while riding a motorcycle resulted in a fall, demonstrating why phones are a driver's biggest distraction.
The document discusses the risks of riding a motorcycle without proper safety gear like helmets, jackets, and masks, and calls on the reader to think about how to reduce this biggest risk by taking different actions and using safety equipment to work towards the goal of zero accidents. It suggests understanding why not wearing gear during riding is the biggest risk, as the author has experienced several accidents.
This document discusses driving safely during wet road conditions to reduce risks. It recommends driving under 40 km/h when roads are slippery and praises taking action to reach the goal of zero accidents. The document also suggests understanding that hydroplaning is a major risk, especially when roads are wet.
This document discusses the risks of driving under the influence of alcohol and not following traffic signs. It encourages taking action such as obeying traffic rules and not drinking alcohol while driving to achieve the goal of zero accidents. Accidents frequently occur on roads, so it is important to understand why irresponsible driving poses the biggest risk.
This document discusses the risks of daydreaming while driving at high speeds and notes that daydreaming has almost caused accidents. It encourages focusing and concentrating while driving fast and working towards the goal of zero accidents. The document suggests it is time to understand why daydreaming is the biggest risk while driving.
This document discusses how fatigue can be a major risk when active and recommends ensuring adequate rest and sleep or reducing late nights to work towards eliminating risks. It also suggests taking time to understand why fatigue may be one's biggest risk, especially for those who get tired easily.
This document discusses the risks of drinking alcohol and driving, as well as following traffic signs. It encourages taking action to avoid drinking and driving in order to achieve the goal of zero accidents. Understanding why drinking and driving is a major risk is important because accidents frequently occur on roads.
This document discusses driving safely, especially when roads are slippery. It encourages driving under 40 km/h in slippery conditions to avoid skidding. The overall message is to recognize driving risks and take action to stay safe, such as by slowing down on wet or icy roads, in order to work towards the goal of zero accidents.
Using a phone while driving is a major risk that can lead to accidents. It is time to stop using phones when driving and focus solely on the road to work towards eliminating accidents and injuries. In the past, making a call on a phone while riding a motorcycle resulted in a fall, demonstrating why phones are a driver's biggest distraction.
This document discusses the risks of electrical accidents and encourages taking action to prevent them. It recommends thinking about electrical safety and understanding the biggest risks, such as getting electrocuted when turning on lights, before touching any electrical equipment or tools. The overall message is that it is time to work towards preventing electrical accidents and achieving the goal of zero harm.
Mimin Juniar
Tertabrak kendaraan saat menyeberang jalan
Selalu menggunakan
jembatan penyebrangan saat
menyebrang walau berjalan
menjadi agak lebih jauh
menyeberang jalan di mana saja,
yang penting dekat dengan tempat
tujuan dan cepat sampai