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Harbor Technical Advisory Committee Wednesday March 2, 2011 Superior Public Library
The U.S. Coast Guard in 2011 Continued primary emphasis on the services eleven core missions. Ongoing recapitalization of ships, boats, airborne resources, and shoreside facilities to best meet the needs of the American public, domestic and international maritime communities.
The U.S. Coast Guard in 2011 Mission engagement on all 7 continents including International Port Security Liaison Activities and inspections of U.S. flagged merchant vessels in Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, South America, and Australia;  icebreaking to support  the U.S. Navy in Antarctica etcetera.
The U.S. Coast Guard in 2011
Your local Coast Guard in 2011 No significant changes in locally based Coast Guard resources which include: USCG Aids to Navigation Team Duluth (OPFAC: 09-41976) USCGC ALDER (WLB 216) (OPFAC: 09-15256) USCG Auxiliary 9 th  Coast Guard District Central Region Flotilla 30-4 USCG Auxiliary 9 th  Coast Guard District Central Region Flotilla 30-5 USCG Auxiliary 9 th  Coast Guard District Central Region Flotilla 30-7 USCG Electronic Systems Support Detachment Duluth (OPFAC: 49-54240) USCG Marine Safety Unit Duluth (OPFAC: 09-33262) USCG Station Duluth (OPFAC: 09-30364-10A) USCG Station North Superior (OPFAC: 09-30364) [Seasonal operation] USCG Vintage Vessel National Center of Excellence (OPFAC: 23-64207)
Your local Coast Guard in 2011 Coast Guard forces remain a mix of active duty, reserve, civilian, and auxiliary personnel. Transfer of approx. 1/3 of forces this season to other assignments.  This allows new enlisted accessions to obtain primary training in a technical specialty; the development & maintenance of a wide array of skill sets; and consistency of approach to maritime issues.
Your local Coast Guard in 2011 Proactively examining long term operational resource needs in Northern Minnesota and Wisconsin, including the initiation of an in-house written assessment considering Congressional intent, Coast Guard roles & missions, mission performance standards, intelligence - threat assessments & other factors such as incident & boating accident statistics.
MSU Duluth 2010  Operational Highlights In partnership with the sponsors and other governmental agencies addressed all port and vessel safety and security concerns for the July 28th-August 3 rd  Tall Ships Duluth 2010 including conformity with safety zones, adherence with transit requirements and verification of vessel suitability for the embarkation of passengers.
MSU Duluth 2010  Operational Highlights Approximately 50% of MSU Duluths staff provided support to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in various roles such as contamination assessment, monitoring of remediation efforts, and vessel inspection activity.
MSU Duluth 2010  Operational Highlights Continued effort to promote and maintain the safety of the Great Lakes freighter fleet including extensive coordination with the newly established Vintage Vessel National Center of Excellence, USCG Headquarters Travelling Marine Inspectors and underway inspections and operational oversight on eight ships.
MSU Duluth 2010  Operational Highlights Use of partnerships with other agencies and groups to promote the public welfare, maritime safety and security, and prevention of environmental harm. Public and industry education, enforcement actions when necessary.
MSU Duluth 2010  Operational Highlights 18 reported spill incidents Largest single spill 25 gallons Ave spill size 3.3 gallons 61% vessel related 6% facility related 22% mystery source 11 % other (such as vehicles, snowmobiles)
MSU Duluth in 2011 Executive Officer LCDR Robert Haggerty retiring; incoming replacement is LCDR Al Moore Jr. LT Aaron Gross, Chief Port Operations & Planning departing from the MSU; assignment of replacement pends. Approximately 25% of enlisted staff transferring.
MSU Duluth in 2011 24 Hour Contact Number: (218) 522-0707

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HTAC 03-02-11 USCG MSU Duluth Annual Report

  • 1. Harbor Technical Advisory Committee Wednesday March 2, 2011 Superior Public Library
  • 2. The U.S. Coast Guard in 2011 Continued primary emphasis on the services eleven core missions. Ongoing recapitalization of ships, boats, airborne resources, and shoreside facilities to best meet the needs of the American public, domestic and international maritime communities.
  • 3. The U.S. Coast Guard in 2011 Mission engagement on all 7 continents including International Port Security Liaison Activities and inspections of U.S. flagged merchant vessels in Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, South America, and Australia; icebreaking to support the U.S. Navy in Antarctica etcetera.
  • 4. The U.S. Coast Guard in 2011
  • 5. Your local Coast Guard in 2011 No significant changes in locally based Coast Guard resources which include: USCG Aids to Navigation Team Duluth (OPFAC: 09-41976) USCGC ALDER (WLB 216) (OPFAC: 09-15256) USCG Auxiliary 9 th Coast Guard District Central Region Flotilla 30-4 USCG Auxiliary 9 th Coast Guard District Central Region Flotilla 30-5 USCG Auxiliary 9 th Coast Guard District Central Region Flotilla 30-7 USCG Electronic Systems Support Detachment Duluth (OPFAC: 49-54240) USCG Marine Safety Unit Duluth (OPFAC: 09-33262) USCG Station Duluth (OPFAC: 09-30364-10A) USCG Station North Superior (OPFAC: 09-30364) [Seasonal operation] USCG Vintage Vessel National Center of Excellence (OPFAC: 23-64207)
  • 6. Your local Coast Guard in 2011 Coast Guard forces remain a mix of active duty, reserve, civilian, and auxiliary personnel. Transfer of approx. 1/3 of forces this season to other assignments. This allows new enlisted accessions to obtain primary training in a technical specialty; the development & maintenance of a wide array of skill sets; and consistency of approach to maritime issues.
  • 7. Your local Coast Guard in 2011 Proactively examining long term operational resource needs in Northern Minnesota and Wisconsin, including the initiation of an in-house written assessment considering Congressional intent, Coast Guard roles & missions, mission performance standards, intelligence - threat assessments & other factors such as incident & boating accident statistics.
  • 8. MSU Duluth 2010 Operational Highlights In partnership with the sponsors and other governmental agencies addressed all port and vessel safety and security concerns for the July 28th-August 3 rd Tall Ships Duluth 2010 including conformity with safety zones, adherence with transit requirements and verification of vessel suitability for the embarkation of passengers.
  • 9. MSU Duluth 2010 Operational Highlights Approximately 50% of MSU Duluths staff provided support to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in various roles such as contamination assessment, monitoring of remediation efforts, and vessel inspection activity.
  • 10. MSU Duluth 2010 Operational Highlights Continued effort to promote and maintain the safety of the Great Lakes freighter fleet including extensive coordination with the newly established Vintage Vessel National Center of Excellence, USCG Headquarters Travelling Marine Inspectors and underway inspections and operational oversight on eight ships.
  • 11. MSU Duluth 2010 Operational Highlights Use of partnerships with other agencies and groups to promote the public welfare, maritime safety and security, and prevention of environmental harm. Public and industry education, enforcement actions when necessary.
  • 12. MSU Duluth 2010 Operational Highlights 18 reported spill incidents Largest single spill 25 gallons Ave spill size 3.3 gallons 61% vessel related 6% facility related 22% mystery source 11 % other (such as vehicles, snowmobiles)
  • 13. MSU Duluth in 2011 Executive Officer LCDR Robert Haggerty retiring; incoming replacement is LCDR Al Moore Jr. LT Aaron Gross, Chief Port Operations & Planning departing from the MSU; assignment of replacement pends. Approximately 25% of enlisted staff transferring.
  • 14.
  • 15. MSU Duluth in 2011 24 Hour Contact Number: (218) 522-0707