The document contains an embedded YouTube video of a dance performance set to different seasons. It also includes links and images promoting a blog about scrapbooking, animated greetings, tips, and leisure activities.
The document contains embedded YouTube videos and links about automated teller machines (ATMs). It includes two YouTube embeds showing ATM usage and a link to download an ATM simulation program. A final link directs to an article on how to use an ATM.
This document embeds a YouTube video that is 640 pixels wide and 385 pixels tall and allows full screen viewing of the video located at
This document embeds a YouTube video 480 pixels wide and 385 pixels tall displaying a video in Spanish about an unknown topic, as it contains no other descriptive text.
The document embeds a YouTube video that is 500 pixels wide and 405 pixels tall. The video URL is for a video titled "sROp2KfWng4" and allows for full screen viewing and script access.
The document embeds a YouTube video but does not provide any context or description of the content of the video. It includes parameters to play the video at a width of 480 pixels and height of 385 pixels, allow full screen viewing, and always allow script access.
The document embeds a YouTube video but does not provide any context or description of the content of the video. It includes parameters to play the video at a width of 480 pixels and height of 385 pixels, allow full screen viewing, and always allow script access.
This document embeds a YouTube video showing how to make homemade pizza dough in 3 easy steps: mixing the ingredients, kneading the dough, and letting it rise before baking. The video is in Spanish and is approximately 2 minutes and 30 seconds long.
This document embeds a YouTube video showing how to make homemade pizza in 3 easy steps: preparing the dough, spreading the sauce and toppings, and then baking the pizza until cooked through. The video is approximately 3 minutes long and provides visual instructions for people looking to make pizza at home.
The document embeds a YouTube video showing how to make homemade pizza dough in 3 easy steps: mixing the ingredients, kneading the dough, and shaping and topping the pizza. The video is in Spanish and is approximately 2 minutes and 30 seconds long.
The document embeds a YouTube video about a new smartphone that was recently released. It has several advanced features, including a large high-resolution touchscreen display, powerful processing capabilities, and an improved camera. The video provides an overview of the phone's specifications and new capabilities.
The document embeds a YouTube video that is 425 pixels wide and 344 pixels tall. The video has the ID "UHk7WQx8mnc" and is set to play in English with full screen capability enabled.
The document provides information about publishing Flash content on the web. It discusses embedding SWF files in HTML pages using <embed> and <object> tags, as well as publishing Flash files dynamically using SWFObject. It also covers using preloaders to display loading progress before a Flash movie plays. Students are assigned to work on final projects and add scoring and game over triggers to their games.
The document discusses HTML5 and related technologies such as CSS3 and JavaScript. It provides an overview of new HTML5 semantic elements like header, nav, article, etc. It also covers HTML5 features for multimedia, like video and audio tags, geolocation API, drag and drop, web sockets and more. The document aims to introduce developers to the capabilities of HTML5.
This document contains embedded YouTube links to a video titled "Practice". The document shares the YouTube video URL and provides two ways to embed the video on a webpage using iframe tags, one with a width and height of 480 by 390 pixels and the other with a width and height of 425 by 344 pixels.
The document is a comic strip that tells a story through images and captions. It appears to show two characters, one who is trying to convince the other to do something by making exaggerated claims, while the other remains skeptical and doubtful of the claims being made. In the end, the skeptical character still seems unsure about whatever was being proposed to them.
The document contains an embedded YouTube video of a kookaburra sitting in an old gum tree. The video URL is provided along with parameters and tags to embed the video on a webpage.
The document discusses signs of awakening and includes embedded YouTube videos about the 12 signs of awakening consciousness. It presents awakening as a multi-part process with lessons to be learned in stages represented by the videos. The overall message is about spiritual growth and enlightenment.
Discovery Education streaming and Google EarthMike Bryant
Mostly shows a few quick embed codes to use in the google earth environment.
Built in Keynote. Media Page doesn\'t show images, movie or play sound but the codes are what you\'re here for.
The document contains code for embedding multiple widgets and scripts including flash animations, clocks, and calendars onto a website. Specifically, it embeds 4 flash animations of varying sizes onto the corners and edges of the page. It also includes code for a digital clock and Google calendar viewer.
Secure Coding With Wordpress (BarCamp Orlando 2009)Mark Jaquith
1) The document discusses secure coding practices for WordPress, including preventing XSS attacks, SQL injection, and CSRF.
2) It provides examples of properly sanitizing user input and escaping output to prevent XSS, using prepared statements to prevent SQL injection, and implementing nonces to prevent CSRF on forms and AJAX requests.
3) The document emphasizes the importance of escaping data, using current_user_can to enforce authorization, and not allowing privilege escalation via things like exec() or directly embedding user input.
The human heart is a muscular organ that pumps blood through the circulatory system. It is located in the chest cavity between the lungs. The heart has four chambers that receive and pump blood to different parts of the body through the two main circuits of the circulatory system, the pulmonary and systemic circuits. The heart works nonstop to supply the tissues and organs of the body with oxygen and nutrients.
The document contains a clickable button linking to an external site and a video embedded from another site. It promotes "Zaby Navarra" and includes a link to view a slideshow.
The Elgato Stream Deck has transformed live streaming, production, and general productivity. It is a nifty little box with customizable buttons that can do just about anything. Best of all, you can build custom plugins and extensions. Join James Montemagno as he walk through what the Elgato Stream Deck is, what it can do, and how you can build your first Plugin completely in C# and .NET!
Clover is a code coverage tool that helps developers write better test code faster. It shows which parts of an application's code have been tested and which haven't. Using Clover, teams can prioritize their testing efforts and selectively test only the code that has changed. Clover helps tests run smarter by only running the necessary tests and ordering tests to fail fast, reducing build times from an average of 40 minutes to just 7 minutes. This provides developers with faster and clearer feedback on failures.
The document discusses paper sculpture, mentioning artists like Lars England and Tom Friedman who create modular and scored paper sculptures. It provides links to resources on pepakura, a method for making 3D models by folding and assembling paper pieces, as well as a YouTube video and website demonstrating metamorphic paper sculptures that transform shapes. Additional links direct to websites with templates and instructions for creating paper sculptures through folding techniques.
O documento celebra o Dia Internacional das Pessoas com Deficiência em 3 de dezembro, destacando a data para aumentar a conscientização e promover os direitos e o bem-estar das pessoas com deficiência em todo o mundo.
This document embeds a YouTube video showing how to make homemade pizza in 3 easy steps: preparing the dough, spreading the sauce and toppings, and then baking the pizza until cooked through. The video is approximately 3 minutes long and provides visual instructions for people looking to make pizza at home.
The document embeds a YouTube video showing how to make homemade pizza dough in 3 easy steps: mixing the ingredients, kneading the dough, and shaping and topping the pizza. The video is in Spanish and is approximately 2 minutes and 30 seconds long.
The document embeds a YouTube video about a new smartphone that was recently released. It has several advanced features, including a large high-resolution touchscreen display, powerful processing capabilities, and an improved camera. The video provides an overview of the phone's specifications and new capabilities.
The document embeds a YouTube video that is 425 pixels wide and 344 pixels tall. The video has the ID "UHk7WQx8mnc" and is set to play in English with full screen capability enabled.
The document provides information about publishing Flash content on the web. It discusses embedding SWF files in HTML pages using <embed> and <object> tags, as well as publishing Flash files dynamically using SWFObject. It also covers using preloaders to display loading progress before a Flash movie plays. Students are assigned to work on final projects and add scoring and game over triggers to their games.
The document discusses HTML5 and related technologies such as CSS3 and JavaScript. It provides an overview of new HTML5 semantic elements like header, nav, article, etc. It also covers HTML5 features for multimedia, like video and audio tags, geolocation API, drag and drop, web sockets and more. The document aims to introduce developers to the capabilities of HTML5.
This document contains embedded YouTube links to a video titled "Practice". The document shares the YouTube video URL and provides two ways to embed the video on a webpage using iframe tags, one with a width and height of 480 by 390 pixels and the other with a width and height of 425 by 344 pixels.
The document is a comic strip that tells a story through images and captions. It appears to show two characters, one who is trying to convince the other to do something by making exaggerated claims, while the other remains skeptical and doubtful of the claims being made. In the end, the skeptical character still seems unsure about whatever was being proposed to them.
The document contains an embedded YouTube video of a kookaburra sitting in an old gum tree. The video URL is provided along with parameters and tags to embed the video on a webpage.
The document discusses signs of awakening and includes embedded YouTube videos about the 12 signs of awakening consciousness. It presents awakening as a multi-part process with lessons to be learned in stages represented by the videos. The overall message is about spiritual growth and enlightenment.
Discovery Education streaming and Google EarthMike Bryant
Mostly shows a few quick embed codes to use in the google earth environment.
Built in Keynote. Media Page doesn\'t show images, movie or play sound but the codes are what you\'re here for.
The document contains code for embedding multiple widgets and scripts including flash animations, clocks, and calendars onto a website. Specifically, it embeds 4 flash animations of varying sizes onto the corners and edges of the page. It also includes code for a digital clock and Google calendar viewer.
Secure Coding With Wordpress (BarCamp Orlando 2009)Mark Jaquith
1) The document discusses secure coding practices for WordPress, including preventing XSS attacks, SQL injection, and CSRF.
2) It provides examples of properly sanitizing user input and escaping output to prevent XSS, using prepared statements to prevent SQL injection, and implementing nonces to prevent CSRF on forms and AJAX requests.
3) The document emphasizes the importance of escaping data, using current_user_can to enforce authorization, and not allowing privilege escalation via things like exec() or directly embedding user input.
The human heart is a muscular organ that pumps blood through the circulatory system. It is located in the chest cavity between the lungs. The heart has four chambers that receive and pump blood to different parts of the body through the two main circuits of the circulatory system, the pulmonary and systemic circuits. The heart works nonstop to supply the tissues and organs of the body with oxygen and nutrients.
The document contains a clickable button linking to an external site and a video embedded from another site. It promotes "Zaby Navarra" and includes a link to view a slideshow.
The Elgato Stream Deck has transformed live streaming, production, and general productivity. It is a nifty little box with customizable buttons that can do just about anything. Best of all, you can build custom plugins and extensions. Join James Montemagno as he walk through what the Elgato Stream Deck is, what it can do, and how you can build your first Plugin completely in C# and .NET!
Clover is a code coverage tool that helps developers write better test code faster. It shows which parts of an application's code have been tested and which haven't. Using Clover, teams can prioritize their testing efforts and selectively test only the code that has changed. Clover helps tests run smarter by only running the necessary tests and ordering tests to fail fast, reducing build times from an average of 40 minutes to just 7 minutes. This provides developers with faster and clearer feedback on failures.
The document discusses paper sculpture, mentioning artists like Lars England and Tom Friedman who create modular and scored paper sculptures. It provides links to resources on pepakura, a method for making 3D models by folding and assembling paper pieces, as well as a YouTube video and website demonstrating metamorphic paper sculptures that transform shapes. Additional links direct to websites with templates and instructions for creating paper sculptures through folding techniques.
O documento celebra o Dia Internacional das Pessoas com Deficiência em 3 de dezembro, destacando a data para aumentar a conscientização e promover os direitos e o bem-estar das pessoas com deficiência em todo o mundo.
Este documento descreve um projeto de promoção da leitura em famÃlia para crianças em jardins-de-infância. O projeto encoraja os pais a lerem com as crianças por um minuto por dia usando livros da escola e fornece dicas sobre como criar um ambiente agradável para a leitura em famÃlia.
Este livro infantil conta a história de dois amigos, o Pequeno Azul e o Pequeno Amarelo, que gostam muito de brincar juntos. Quando o Pequeno Azul vai procurar o Pequeno Amarelo em sua casa, ele não o encontra e fica triste. Depois de procurá-lo por toda parte, ele finalmente o encontra e eles vão brincar juntos no parque.
The video discusses the history and importance of the Magna Carta. It explains that the Magna Carta established for the first time that neither monarch nor government was above the law. The document limited the power of English kings and protected basic rights for residents of England.
The document discusses body image issues in media and its effects on women. It notes that most media portrays very thin women as the beauty standard which only 2% of real women can achieve. This unrealistic standard has led many women to feel badly about their own appearance and weight, with nearly half thinking they are too heavy and over 90% wanting to change their looks. The document links this media influence to the rise of eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia, and body dysmorphic disorder among women.
The document contains an embedded YouTube video of a kookaburra sitting in an old gum tree. The video URL is provided along with parameters and tags to embed the video on a webpage.
The document discusses how understanding a target audience's "tribe" or interests can help design a magazine to cater to their needs. It describes "trendies" as people who seek out the latest fashion trends and music discoveries. By identifying readers as belonging to the "trendie" tribe, a magazine could design its content around the latest styles and underground artists to appeal to these trend-focused individuals.
This document embeds a slideshow player that displays photos from a feed on the website The slideshow player is configured to autoplay the photos without a share link and gets its data from the specified photo feed URL on that site. A link is provided to view more photos from thirdcloud.
The document discusses the early development of the internet through two YouTube videos. The first video describes the creation of the ARPANET and how it eventually led to the development of the worldwide web. The second related video provides additional context on the history and growth of digital networking technologies over time that made the internet possible.
This document contains an embedded slideshow widget with links to 4 slides from a presentation titled "SeccióN Eg2 M1 2009 I". It also includes an object displaying the slideshow presentation. Below is information about the presentation and a link to more presentations from the creator.
This document contains a presentation about correlation plans for 11th grade. The presentation discusses the objectives and contents that should be covered for each subject area, including the correlations between different subject areas. It provides a framework to help guide lesson planning and ensure all required topics are addressed for 11th grade students.
This document contains HTML code for embedding a slideshow widget on a website. The widget displays photos from a user on the photo sharing site ºÝºÝߣ.com and includes links to view more photos from that user on ºÝºÝߣ.com.
Give me a home amongst the gum trees by john williamsonRobyn Scott
This song expresses a man's longing to return to the Australian bush and live amongst the gum trees. It describes the natural beauty of the bush with its gum trees, peace and quiet. The singer expresses his wish to build a small home in the bush country and escape from the worries of city life.
This document provides information about the Flickr API and how to use it. It includes:
- An overview of the Flickr API and what can be done with it, including searching for photos by a user ID.
- Examples of calling specific Flickr API methods like and to search for a user's photos and get information on a single photo.
- Details on authentication requirements like the API key and how to structure API requests.
- A list of the different Flickr API methods that are available to access data through the REST interface.
This document provides instructions on how to properly attribute movie clips from sources like YouTube when embedding them online. It includes examples of embedded movie clips from the YouTube channels of Warner Bros Pictures and FoxMovies with the proper parameters to allow full screen viewing and script access.
This document contains a presentation about ancient Greece. The presentation includes slides about various aspects of Greek culture, history, and society. Viewers can watch the full presentation online through an embedded player on the page. The presentation was created by user emiliamacri on the presentation sharing website AuthorStream.
Illuminated Hacks -- Where 2.0 101 Tutorialmikel_maron
Some of my favorite hacks
for the pleasure of your hacking sensibility
with the hopeful outcome of illuminating
best practices of putting your website on the geoweb
and hinting at the means
to get exactly what you need.
cause I likes the hacks.
hacks are rad.
This document contains an embedded screencast demonstrating the accessibility feature Narrator in Windows. The screencast is included as an object tag containing parameters to load the Flash video from a URL on the website. The summary cannot be played as Adobe Flash is required.
This document contains an embedded screencast demonstrating the accessibility feature Narrator in Windows. The screencast is included as an object tag containing parameters to load the Flash video from a URL on the website. The summary cannot be played as Adobe Flash is required.
This document provides an overview of adding interactivity to Plone sites using JavaScript and various Plone-specific tools. It discusses including JavaScript via the resource registry and browser resources, using the Kinetic Style Sheets (KSS) framework to add behaviors with CSS syntax, common JavaScript libraries, debugging techniques, and notes that KSS may be removed from core Plone in future versions due to its large size and lack of adoption.
The document discusses energy transfer through food chains and webs. It explains that the sun provides energy for most life on Earth and defines producers, consumers, and decomposers in a food chain. A video and diagram of a food pyramid are embedded to illustrate food webs and the transfer of energy between trophic levels in an ecosystem.
Video is accessible when every person, no matter what limitations in language understanding, hearing, seeing, or other senses, can follow what is happening in a video and navigate it. Video accessibility is fundamentally about providing textual and other additional information about the video to help provide information in channels other than eyes and ears.
Captions and subtitles are only one type of accessibility features - there are also audio annotations for the blind, and many other text representations that are related. For years, people have been requesting a solution for Ogg content with subtitles/captions. So far, the main solution was to create a text file (e.g. a srt file) and load it together with the video file into a media player that was then able to do the subtitling ("soft subs"). Now that Firefox supports Ogg Theora/Vorbis out of the box, an encapsulated solution is required ("hard subs").
Silvia is working for Xiph and Mozilla on this and has recently proposed a generic mapping of "text codecs" into Ogg. This will encapsulate the W3C TimedText standard as well as your fansubber's typical formats.
Inventory Reporting in Odoo 17 - Odoo 17 Inventory AppCeline George
This slide will helps us to efficiently create detailed reports of different records defined in its modules, both analytical and quantitative, with Odoo 17 ERP.
Unit 1 Computer Hardware for Educational Computing.pptxRomaSmart1
Computers have revolutionized various sectors, including education, by enhancing learning experiences and making information more accessible. This presentation, "Computer Hardware for Educational Computing," introduces the fundamental aspects of computers, including their definition, characteristics, classification, and significance in the educational domain. Understanding these concepts helps educators and students leverage technology for more effective learning.
Research Publication & Ethics contains a chapter on Intellectual Honesty and Research Integrity.
Different case studies of intellectual dishonesty and integrity were discussed.