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>>                                                                       MMD2093| FUNDAMENTAL OF WEB DESIGN


What you need?

     1. A web browser
          A browser is the program that makes it possible to browse and open websites.
          E.g  Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox
     2. Simple text editor
        Notepad, Wordpad

What is HTML?

     1. Hyper is the opposite of linear. In the good old days - when a mouse was
        something the cat chased - computer programs ran linearly: when the
        program had executed one action it went to the next line and after that,
        the next line and so on. But HTML is different - you can go wherever you
        want and whenever you want. For example, it is not necessary to visit
        MSN.com before you visit HTML.net.
     2. Text is self-explanatory.
     3. Mark-up is what you do with the text. You are marking up the text the same
        way you do in a text editing program with headings, bullets and bold text
        and so on.
     4. Language is what HTML is. It uses many English words.

HTML Element

     1.   An HTML element starts with a start tag / opening tag
     2.   An HTML element ends with an end tag / closing tag
     3.   The element content is everything between the start and the end tag
     4.   Some HTML elements have empty content
     5.   Empty elements are closed in the start tag
     6.   Most HTML elements can have attributes

                                     Start Tag

                                            Empty Element

                                             End Tag

                                       Khairul Noor Azwa binti Kamarudin                                  I
                        Kolej Multimedia (Utara), Jalan Lumba Kuda, 34672 Taiping, Perak
>>                                                                       MMD2093| FUNDAMENTAL OF WEB DESIGN

HTML Attributes

     1.   HTML elements can have attributes
     2.   Attributes provide additional information about an element
     3.   Attributes are always specified in the start tag
     4.   Attributes come in name/value pairs like: name="value"


Attribute        Value                       Description
class            classname                   Specifies a classname for an element
id               id                          Specifies a unique id for an element
style            style_definition            Specifies an inline style for an element
title            text                        Specifies extra information about an element

Example for Title attribute

Example for Style attribute

                                       Khairul Noor Azwa binti Kamarudin                                  II
                        Kolej Multimedia (Utara), Jalan Lumba Kuda, 34672 Taiping, Perak
>>                                                                   MMD2093| FUNDAMENTAL OF WEB DESIGN

Example for Class attribute

Example for ID attribute

HTML Element

Tag             Description
<!--...-->      Defines a comment
<!DOCTYPE>      Defines the document type
<a>             Defines an anchor
<abbr>          Defines an abbreviation
<acronym>       Defines an acronym
<address>       Defines contact information for the author/owner of a
<applet>        Deprecated. Defines an embedded applet
<area />        Defines an area inside an image-map
<b>             Defines bold text
<base />        Defines a default address or a default target for all links on

                                   Khairul Noor Azwa binti Kamarudin                                 III
                    Kolej Multimedia (Utara), Jalan Lumba Kuda, 34672 Taiping, Perak
>>                                                                  MMD2093| FUNDAMENTAL OF WEB DESIGN

               a page
<basefont />   Deprecated. Defines a default font, color, or size for the
               text in a page
<bdo>          Defines the text direction
<big>          Defines big text
<blockquote>   Defines a long quotation
<body>         Defines the document's body
<br />         Defines a single line break
<button>       Defines a push button
<caption>      Defines a table caption
<center>       Deprecated. Defines centered text
<cite>         Defines a citation
<code>         Defines computer code text
<col />        Defines attribute values for one or more columns in a table
<colgroup>     Defines a group of columns in a table for formatting
<dd>           Defines a description of a term in a definition list
<del>          Defines deleted text
<dfn>          Defines a definition term
<dir>          Deprecated. Defines a directory list
<div>          Defines a section in a document
<dl>           Defines a definition list
<dt>           Defines a term (an item) in a definition list
<em>           Defines emphasized text
<fieldset>     Defines a border around elements in a form
<font>         Deprecated. Defines font, color, and size for text
<form>         Defines an HTML form for user input
<frame />      Defines a window (a frame) in a frameset
<frameset>     Defines a set of frames
<h1> to <h6>   Defines HTML headings
<head>         Defines information about the document
<hr />         Defines a horizontal line
<html>         Defines an HTML document
<i>            Defines italic text
<iframe>       Defines an inline frame
<img />        Defines an image
<input />      Defines an input control
<ins>          Defines inserted text
<isindex>      Deprecated. Defines a searchable index related to a

                                  Khairul Noor Azwa binti Kamarudin                                 IV
                   Kolej Multimedia (Utara), Jalan Lumba Kuda, 34672 Taiping, Perak
>>                                                                MMD2093| FUNDAMENTAL OF WEB DESIGN

<kbd>        Defines keyboard text
<label>      Defines a label for an input element
<legend>     Defines a caption for a fieldset element
<li>         Defines a list item
<link />     Defines the relationship between a document and an
             external resource
<map>        Defines an image-map
<menu>       Deprecated. Defines a menu list
<meta />     Defines metadata about an HTML document
<noframes>   Defines an alternate content for users that do not support
<noscript>   Defines an alternate content for users that do not support
             client-side scripts
<object>     Defines an embedded object
<ol>         Defines an ordered list
<optgroup>   Defines a group of related options in a select list
<option>     Defines an option in a select list
<p>          Defines a paragraph
<param />    Defines a parameter for an object
<pre>        Defines preformatted text
<q>          Defines a short quotation
<s>          Deprecated. Defines strikethrough text
<samp>       Defines sample computer code
<script>     Defines a client-side script
<select>     Defines a select list (drop-down list)
<small>      Defines small text
<span>       Defines a section in a document
<strike>     Deprecated. Defines strikethrough text
<strong>     Defines strong text
<style>      Defines style information for a document
<sub>        Defines subscripted text
<sup>        Defines superscripted text
<table>      Defines a table
<tbody>      Groups the body content in a table
<td>         Defines a cell in a table
<textarea>   Defines a multi-line text input control
<tfoot>      Groups the footer content in a table

                                Khairul Noor Azwa binti Kamarudin                                 V
                 Kolej Multimedia (Utara), Jalan Lumba Kuda, 34672 Taiping, Perak
>>                                                            MMD2093| FUNDAMENTAL OF WEB DESIGN

<th>      Defines a header cell in a table
<thead>   Groups the header content in a table
<title>   Defines the title of a document
<tr>      Defines a row in a table
<tt>      Defines teletype text
<u>       Deprecated. Defines underlined text
<ul>      Defines an unordered list
<var>     Defines a variable part of a text




                            Khairul Noor Azwa binti Kamarudin                                 VI
             Kolej Multimedia (Utara), Jalan Lumba Kuda, 34672 Taiping, Perak
>>                                                              MMD2093| FUNDAMENTAL OF WEB DESIGN

Image source

                              Khairul Noor Azwa binti Kamarudin                                VII
               Kolej Multimedia (Utara), Jalan Lumba Kuda, 34672 Taiping, Perak

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  • 1. >> MMD2093| FUNDAMENTAL OF WEB DESIGN >> HTML What you need? 1. A web browser A browser is the program that makes it possible to browse and open websites. E.g Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox 2. Simple text editor Notepad, Wordpad What is HTML? 1. Hyper is the opposite of linear. In the good old days - when a mouse was something the cat chased - computer programs ran linearly: when the program had executed one action it went to the next line and after that, the next line and so on. But HTML is different - you can go wherever you want and whenever you want. For example, it is not necessary to visit MSN.com before you visit HTML.net. 2. Text is self-explanatory. 3. Mark-up is what you do with the text. You are marking up the text the same way you do in a text editing program with headings, bullets and bold text and so on. 4. Language is what HTML is. It uses many English words. HTML Element 1. An HTML element starts with a start tag / opening tag 2. An HTML element ends with an end tag / closing tag 3. The element content is everything between the start and the end tag 4. Some HTML elements have empty content 5. Empty elements are closed in the start tag 6. Most HTML elements can have attributes Start Tag Empty Element End Tag Khairul Noor Azwa binti Kamarudin I Kolej Multimedia (Utara), Jalan Lumba Kuda, 34672 Taiping, Perak
  • 2. >> MMD2093| FUNDAMENTAL OF WEB DESIGN HTML Attributes 1. HTML elements can have attributes 2. Attributes provide additional information about an element 3. Attributes are always specified in the start tag 4. Attributes come in name/value pairs like: name="value" Attributes Attribute Value Description class classname Specifies a classname for an element id id Specifies a unique id for an element style style_definition Specifies an inline style for an element title text Specifies extra information about an element Example for Title attribute Example for Style attribute Khairul Noor Azwa binti Kamarudin II Kolej Multimedia (Utara), Jalan Lumba Kuda, 34672 Taiping, Perak
  • 3. >> MMD2093| FUNDAMENTAL OF WEB DESIGN Example for Class attribute Example for ID attribute HTML Element Tag Description <!--...--> Defines a comment <!DOCTYPE> Defines the document type <a> Defines an anchor <abbr> Defines an abbreviation <acronym> Defines an acronym <address> Defines contact information for the author/owner of a document <applet> Deprecated. Defines an embedded applet <area /> Defines an area inside an image-map <b> Defines bold text <base /> Defines a default address or a default target for all links on Khairul Noor Azwa binti Kamarudin III Kolej Multimedia (Utara), Jalan Lumba Kuda, 34672 Taiping, Perak
  • 4. >> MMD2093| FUNDAMENTAL OF WEB DESIGN a page <basefont /> Deprecated. Defines a default font, color, or size for the text in a page <bdo> Defines the text direction <big> Defines big text <blockquote> Defines a long quotation <body> Defines the document's body <br /> Defines a single line break <button> Defines a push button <caption> Defines a table caption <center> Deprecated. Defines centered text <cite> Defines a citation <code> Defines computer code text <col /> Defines attribute values for one or more columns in a table <colgroup> Defines a group of columns in a table for formatting <dd> Defines a description of a term in a definition list <del> Defines deleted text <dfn> Defines a definition term <dir> Deprecated. Defines a directory list <div> Defines a section in a document <dl> Defines a definition list <dt> Defines a term (an item) in a definition list <em> Defines emphasized text <fieldset> Defines a border around elements in a form <font> Deprecated. Defines font, color, and size for text <form> Defines an HTML form for user input <frame /> Defines a window (a frame) in a frameset <frameset> Defines a set of frames <h1> to <h6> Defines HTML headings <head> Defines information about the document <hr /> Defines a horizontal line <html> Defines an HTML document <i> Defines italic text <iframe> Defines an inline frame <img /> Defines an image <input /> Defines an input control <ins> Defines inserted text <isindex> Deprecated. Defines a searchable index related to a Khairul Noor Azwa binti Kamarudin IV Kolej Multimedia (Utara), Jalan Lumba Kuda, 34672 Taiping, Perak
  • 5. >> MMD2093| FUNDAMENTAL OF WEB DESIGN document <kbd> Defines keyboard text <label> Defines a label for an input element <legend> Defines a caption for a fieldset element <li> Defines a list item <link /> Defines the relationship between a document and an external resource <map> Defines an image-map <menu> Deprecated. Defines a menu list <meta /> Defines metadata about an HTML document <noframes> Defines an alternate content for users that do not support frames <noscript> Defines an alternate content for users that do not support client-side scripts <object> Defines an embedded object <ol> Defines an ordered list <optgroup> Defines a group of related options in a select list <option> Defines an option in a select list <p> Defines a paragraph <param /> Defines a parameter for an object <pre> Defines preformatted text <q> Defines a short quotation <s> Deprecated. Defines strikethrough text <samp> Defines sample computer code <script> Defines a client-side script <select> Defines a select list (drop-down list) <small> Defines small text <span> Defines a section in a document <strike> Deprecated. Defines strikethrough text <strong> Defines strong text <style> Defines style information for a document <sub> Defines subscripted text <sup> Defines superscripted text <table> Defines a table <tbody> Groups the body content in a table <td> Defines a cell in a table <textarea> Defines a multi-line text input control <tfoot> Groups the footer content in a table Khairul Noor Azwa binti Kamarudin V Kolej Multimedia (Utara), Jalan Lumba Kuda, 34672 Taiping, Perak
  • 6. >> MMD2093| FUNDAMENTAL OF WEB DESIGN <th> Defines a header cell in a table <thead> Groups the header content in a table <title> Defines the title of a document <tr> Defines a row in a table <tt> Defines teletype text <u> Deprecated. Defines underlined text <ul> Defines an unordered list <var> Defines a variable part of a text Example Font Table Khairul Noor Azwa binti Kamarudin VI Kolej Multimedia (Utara), Jalan Lumba Kuda, 34672 Taiping, Perak
  • 7. >> MMD2093| FUNDAMENTAL OF WEB DESIGN Image source Khairul Noor Azwa binti Kamarudin VII Kolej Multimedia (Utara), Jalan Lumba Kuda, 34672 Taiping, Perak