This document provides an overview of HTML and how to build basic webpages. It defines HTML as the standard markup language used to create webpages and contains hyperlinks to other documents on the World Wide Web. The document then lists common HTML tags like <p> for paragraphs and <img> for inserting images. It explains how to structure a webpage with tags for the head and body. Finally, it discusses how to add and resize images on a webpage using the <img> tag.
2. During this fourth application lesson, the
learners will gain the following knowledge
Know what HTML stands for, and be able to define it.
Design a webpage using basic HTML tags.
Add images on a webpage.
3. Definition of HTML
HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language
Hypertext Markup Language, a standardized systemfor tagging text files to achieve font,
colour, graphic, and hyperlink effects in World Wild Web pages.
Webpage is a hypertext connected to the World Wide Web
5. Basic HTML tags and their meaning
<!DOCTYPE> Defines the document type
<a> Defines a hyperlink
<b> Defines bold text
<body> Defines the documents body
<br /> Defines a single line break
<h1> to <h6> Defines HTML headings
<head> Defines the information about the document
<header> Defines a header for a document or section
<HTML> Defines the root of an HTML document
<i> Defines italic
6. Creating a webpage
To make a tag you use the following format (<), something in the middle e.g. p for
paragraph and then (>).
Doctype tag, only used once per webpage. <!doctype html>. Tells your browswer about
what type of document it is trying to look at.
Entire webpage goes between your HTML tags.
Forward slash indicates an end.
Website is made of two parts: Head and Body
Head is different from header
8. Adding images on a webpage
To insert an image, create an HTML folder and first paste the image there on your
Use the following tag <img src=/slideshow/html-79188503/79188503/name of the image. File type/>
Resize image <img src=/slideshow/html-79188503/79188503/name of image. File type height=150/>
9. In conclusion
This lesson plan has covered the basic HTML tags.
Two parts of a website (Head and Header).
Difference between double tags and special tags.
How to enlarge header/text
How to insert an image on a webpage
A more practical part to be done in the next session