The document discusses HTML5, its features, and how to use it for mobile development. Some key points covered include:
- HTML5 allows creating richer web experiences without plugins and adds features like canvas, geolocation, and web storage.
- Tools like jQueryMobile can be used to build mobile apps with HTML5 that are packaged into native apps using PhoneGap.
- Examples shown include building a basic canvas animation, geolocation app, and a photo app called PhoastXplora using these HTML5 features.
3. So what is HTML5?
Its what comes after HTML4 right?
Actually its a 600 page speci鍖cation
describing re鍖nements and new additions to
Designed to address the needs of modern
web applications
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4. Whats cool about it?
Do cool shit in the browser without plugins
Create richer web experiences
Create web content which can be parsed by
machines. Welcome to the semantic web!
Add data attributes to HTML elements
Drag and drop (See:
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5. Whats cool about it?
Geolocation - use GPS information to power
location aware applications
Canvas - graphics and animation
WebSockets - low level network
LocalStorage - Key / Value store for local
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6. Whats cool about it?
WebSQL - store data in a local SQL database
WebGL - OpenGL 3D graphics for the web!
WebWorkers - Parallel programming in the
SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics
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8. HTML5 features we'll
encounter in this
Data attributes
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9. Whats it good for?
Building modern web applications: Facebook,
Google Plus, YouTube, Cloud9 IDE (which well
look at shortly)
Building mobile-friendly apps
Building games
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10. Featured HTML5 Games
Cut the rope:
Cube Slam:
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11. HTML5 Games recap
HTML5 and related tech empowers
compelling game experiences
HTML5 games on mobile will become
increasingly more common as HTML5 support
evolves in leading mobile web browsers.
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13. Low cost of entry
Low cost to get started. Text editor and
browser might be all you need
Cooler ways exists to build and share small
HTML5 code snippets.
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25. IDE takeaways
Lots of ways to develop web applications:
Locally and in the cloud
The tool you use should depend on your
Industrial strength IDEs are readily availble
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32. The role of JavaScript
Many HTML5 features require code to bring
them to life
The HTML5 canvas demo we saw earlier is
one such example
However, programming those interactions
doesnt have to be in JavaScript directly
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33. Using other languages
Today, transcoders exists to allow
programmers to code in other languages
Here are just a few: Google Dart,
CoffeeScript, Python, and custom
JavaScript is has been called the new
assembly language
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34. Mozilla
Built using a tool that compiles C++ and
OpenGL into JavaScript and WebGL.
Created in part to prove that games of this
nature can run in JavaScript and WebGL.
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35. jQuery
Programming the DOM sucks
jQuery makes it easier to code against the
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42. Creating app mockups
using JQM
jQueryMobile can be used to create
application mockups without writing a single
line of code!
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43. codiqa: UI mobile builder
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47. Phoast
Phoast is my personal project which
combines my interest in web development
with my interest in Photography
Im using the Phoast backend with a new
mobile application Ive created PhoastXplora
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48. PhoastXplorer FrontEnd
HTML5 Mobile app written using
Communicates with Phoast backend using
Packaged as a PhoneGap app for deployment
to mobile devices
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50. Phoast Backend
An API server written in JavaScript and
running on NodeJS
Server backend uses MongoDB and Redis
Communicates with Google,,
Yahoo API servers.
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52. Quick recap
In this presentation weve looked at HTML5
and related features.
Weve built simple mobile applications using
HTML5 and jQuery and jQueryMobile
Weve used PhoneGap to build and deploy an
HTML5 based mobile app to physical
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54. Next steps:
Learn more at key sites
jQueryMobile site:
TIP: visit it on your mobile device!
PhoneGap site:
Wednesday, September 25, 13
56. Next steps:
Watch vids
jQuery Mobile Web Applications (3hrs 13mins)
jQuery Mobile Essential Training (3hrs 11mins)
Up and Running with PhoneGap (1hrs 57mins)
HTML5 for Flash Developers (3hrs 16mins)
and many more HTML5 videos!
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57. Re鍖ecting on
HTML5 is approachable tech
Easy to explore
Useful for mobile dev
Here to stay
Cause for re鍖ection
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