17. jWebSocket
?? ????
Browser Version Comment
? Chrome includes native WebSockets since 4.0.249.
Chrome 5.0.x
4.0.249+ ? Tested and verified by jWebSocket team 2010-02-28.
? Safari 5.x includes native WebSockets
Safari - tested and verified by jWebSocket team 2010-06-08.
? Safari 4.x does not yet provide the WebSocket class.
4.0b1 ? Firefox 3.7a6 and 4.0b1 now include native WebSockets
Firefox 3.7a6 - tested and verified by jWebSocket team 2010-07-14
3.0+ ? including new Security features (Sec-WebSocket-Key header processing)
Opera with 9+
? Tested and verified by jWebSocket team 2010-03-28.
FlashBridge 10+
WebSocket - http://zany.kr (@ohmyzany) 17
18. jWebSocket
?? ?? ??
?? ?? ????.
Windows, Linux, Unix ?? ??.
Prerequisites on the Server
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.5
JAVA_HOME ?? ?? : Java Home Directory.
JWEBSOCKET_HOME ?? ?? : jWebSocket Home Directory.
Windows ????? java.exe ? PATH ? ???? ?? ?? ??.
WebSocket - http://zany.kr (@ohmyzany) 18