Video entry into the Hult Prize 2013 - This presentation highlights a plausible solution to the current global food crisis and proposes an innovative process of implementing this social enterprise idea.
. . . Changing the global food supply
chain landscape through efficient waste
management, increased corporate
social responsibility and cost saving
incentives that generate employment
while preserving finite natural
resources . . .
3. *Encouraging waste management excellence
*Accrediting CSR (Corporate Social
Responsibility) and CSA (Consumer Social
*Utilising reverse logistics (backward integration
of supply chain and operations efficiency)
*Empowering farmers, producers, suppliers and
retailers with rewarding incentives
*Cost saving green initiatives to protect the
environment and generate employment
4. STAGE 1 an agreement is brokered with superstores,
retailers and suppliers of food items to trade in-demand
currently wasted food products to the SUANAE PROJECT.
These products are purchased or traded for a minimal price
and green units allocated to respective partys. The CSR
value adds-up towards cost savings, environmental/green
points and other intangible benefits to all stakeholders.
The traded products are then taken to a distribution centre
(HUB) and recorded onto a system which values each food
item according to the type, quality, quantity and the actual
edible life span thats left. Produce are then allocated value
units accordingly and processed for distribution.
5. STAGE 2 - The foods are then converted into various
edible and transportable forms and moved on to
awaiting dispatch trucks and vans.
Food vans store and deliver ready meals on the go
within a given urban area easily accessible from the
HUB. They double as collection points where
households can return unused food items and trade
them in without leaving their locality.
The consumer is encouraged to trade-in unopened
food items that are still edible and of nutritional
value. The items returned by the consumer are
registered on a customer social awareness scale and
appropriate value units allocated to each individual
6. STAGE 3 Food packages in each truck is then
prioritised based on what area, region or country they
are needed for distribution.
Establishing the supply chain operations required to
get these food items to different areas or regions
where food aid is urgently needed is paramount to the
success of the entire project.
Already established cargo, transport and haulage
routes which are operated by various parties within
the food industry are utilised.
Source of revenue and employment for these
operators. (Reverse logistics)
7. CSR units, green points and value units are all incentives to
businesses which represent a percentage of the cost of the
food produce that is saved by all parties.
Engaging consumers in waste reduction can generate added
value to the household, supply chain and the food industry in
Due to the large demand that food production puts on other
natural resources including land, water and energy, the
project targets long term sustainability and reduced
environmental risk.
Governments, Aid/relief organisations and corporate bodies
already engaged in food aid and waste management
programmes can play a vital role in implementing this
8. All stakeholders gain cost savings, additional revenue
and increased corporate social responsibility equity
through progressive collaboration with this social
enterprise initiative
Improved trade relations between farmers,
suppliers and retailers which leads to lower
overhead costs and better prices for food
products worldwide.
Providing nutritious food products for
everyone especially those in
undernourished urban slums and rural
areas at an affordable price.
Significant household savings from returned
food items and the added availability of an
affordable alternative means to buy foods.
9. Addressing the global food crisis
through social enterprise
An innovative idea
Team Suanae
The University of Lincoln, UK
10. { STAGE 1} [STAGE 2]
Within locality a Every household has
Edible food waste fresh food van
Edible food waste Most relevant foods that access to nutritious
from supermarkets, Most relevant foods that
from supermarkets, are in high demand and service delivers and affordable food.
suppliers and are in high demand and
suppliers and can be further processed ready meals within This also provides a
retailers is can be further processed
retailers is to yield packaged fresh the urban areas means to save money
collected, recorded to yield packaged fresh sold at $1 per meal
collected, recorded meals are sorted out and & environment by
and quantified meals are sorted out and
and quantified distributed immediately trading unopened
distributed immediately
packaged foods that
will otherwise be
The margins wasted for Value
Food transported to areas, Collected
saved will HUB regions and countrys with whole,
significantly unopened
agreements to supply these
boost food products. foods taken
revenues to HUB
(STAGE 3) Food items
distributed to
Food items are delivered to low income and
Food items are delivered to under- nourished
Food items are also delivered to regions, areas and communities
Food items are also delivered to regions, areas and communities in urban slums
farmers and producers in developing where bilateral agreements with
farmers and producers in developing where bilateral agreements with and rural areas.
countries who mostly do not see the local governments, aid agencies
countries who mostly do not see the local governments, aid agencies
end products of the produce they and other stakeholders exist. This
end products of the produce they and other stakeholders exist. This
cultivate. This will foster a trade service may be based on a trade
cultivate. This will foster a trade service may be based on a trade
partnership or cooperative where treaty, level of need and/or the
partnership or cooperative where treaty, level of need and/or the
excess/wasted food items are availability of a transportation
excess/wasted food items are availability of a transportation
purchased at discounted rates and means
purchased at discounted rates and means
equivalent green value units
equivalent green value units
Employing the reverse logistics
functions of all stakeholders
(Supermarkets, Retailers,
FARMERS & Hauliers Governments etc.)
PRODUCERS where possible thereby
generating new business.