Hult International Business School offers an optional Global Campus Rotation program that allows students to study at up to three of their five campuses located in Boston, San Francisco, London, Dubai, and Shanghai. This program provides an invaluable opportunity for students to gain an international business education and experience different cultures firsthand. The rotation takes place during specific modules and students can choose to graduate from their home campus or the campus where they rotate last.
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Hult\'s Global Rotation Program 2012
1. See and experience the world with our
unique Global Rotation Program
Hults MBA offers an extraordinary opportunity to live and study at any one of our campuses in Boston, San Francisco, London, Dubai, or
Shanghai. During your program you can study at up to three of our five locations. This is an invaluable way to establish international
business credentials and to see and experience the world. Hults Global Campus Rotation is fully integrated into our curriculum. Unlike other
business schools that offer exchange programs with other schools, Hult prides itself on being the full provider of the Global Campus Rotation.
This structure gives us complete control over the curriculum and ensures that you receive the finest education as well as a dynamic
international experience.
Global Campus Rotation Details
1. The rotation takes place during Module D (May to June) or Module E (July to August)
2. The rotation program is optional and not a study requirement
3. The Global Campus Rotation option is included in your tuition but a deposit is required. Airfare, visas, and accommodation are not included
in the tuition
4. Student Services provides resources for travel, accommodation, and visa arrangements during your rotation
5. In order to participate in the rotation, you must be in good academic standing; students must have a GPA of 2.67 or higher
6. Global Campus Rotation is subject to each campuss capacity. If demand exceeds capacity, a lottery will be used to ascertain placement
7. You may choose to graduate from your home campus or from the campus to which you will rotate during Module E
To be eligible for rotation you must:
Be in good academic standing (i.e. must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.67)
Be up-to-date on all tuition and fee payments
Electives are published during Module A
OctoberDecember During Module A you can join rotation information sessions
You pre-register your choice of campus(es) and classes during the allocated period in Module A
JanuaryFebruary You are given an opportunity to add/drop classes and to change campus choices at the beginning of Module B
You apply for the necessary travel permits/visas during Module B and C
You start your rotation in Module D and/or E
Boston San Francisco London Dubai Shanghai
2. Bringing the study of Expand your international network
international business to life Mingle with classmates from other
The advantage of our Global Campus campuses during your Global Campus
Rotation is immediately clear when Rotation. Build valuable contacts as you
you consider the benefits of learning study alongside new faces and learn from
international business in a global setting. different faculty on our campuses.
Learn about Islamic Finance on our The Career Services and Student Services
Dubai campus, then enjoy a fascinating teams on each campus will ensure that
roundtable discussion with the leading you have many opportunities to network
bankers of the region. Discuss a case with your peers and industry professionals
study at our Shanghai campus about the alike. No other school offers such an
J. Alex Mason
manufacturing industry and then go on a opportunity to graduate with a valuable
Canada, Class of 2011
factory tour of the worlds largest textile network of friends and contacts all over
factory the next day. the world.
Hults rotation was a truly memorable
International business cannot be taught experience. By working with professionals Hults full program of classes is
in the classroomnothing can replace from around the world, I gained priceless complemented with an exciting range of
the experience of really getting an experience about opportunities and activities, distinguished speakers,
on-the-ground understanding of what is challenges in different markets around the company visits, and excursions during
happening in different parts of the world. globe. The connections and friendships your Global Rotation.
that I have created are not only additions
to my network, but are impacting my
career choices and global movements
moving forward.
Global Campus Rotation Highlights
Visit to Philips Healthcare, Welcome boat party on the A desert safari, indoor
Visit to Napa Valley to Company tours of: Giant,
division headquarters for investigate the economics
River Thames skiing trips, and a diving Chinas largest bicycle
one of the worlds biggest of the wine industry and
Wide range of speakers and snorkeling trip to Dibba manufacturer; the Tyco
electronics companies running a vineyard
on campus from a Impressive range of Electronics factory;
First annual Hult Energy Tech treks to Silicon Valley, former CEO of Apple to the speakers from a managing Baosteel, the worlds
Conference on campus, Sandhill Road, Palo Alto, Head of Sustainability of a director of HSBC to a largest steel company; the
with guest speakers, and Mountain View Fortune 500 company best-selling Middle Eastern data monitoring center
exhibitions from clean-tech Sciences industry career business author of Alibaba, the largest
West End plays, e-commerce group in
companies, and industry workshop led by Dr. Toby Wimbledon tennis Panel discussion on
networking sessions China; and the solar power
Beth Freedman, President tournament, the London Supply Chain Management panel plant of Ferrotec, a
American cultural and Founder of Synapse food festival, Olympic and Logistics, led by Sean Japanese-listed company
immersion trips to Red Sox Search walking tours, and Royal Bradley, Managing Director
baseball games, Cape Cod Company visit to Autodesk, parades of Barloworld Logistics The CEO of Sapa Group,
beaches, and amphibious the COO of Tally Weijl,
the leading company in 3D Networking events with Workshop on Customer and the founder of Qingyu
tours of Boston design, engineering, and executives from Nokia and Brand Value in the Trading speak and offer
Social get-togethers entertainment software and Grapple Mobile and Digital Age hosted by Larry advice on doing business in
including karaoke, BBQs, San Francisco Giants one-on-one career service Hochman, former Director China and share strategies
and outings for students, baseball game at 3M sessions with personalized of British Airways and about winning the Asian
families, and alumni Stadium job advice 2011 European Business consumer markets
Spectacular Independence Social activities like football Speaker of the Year
Business networking
Day fireworks on the tournaments, drinks at the Arabic lessons for all opportunities with senior
Charles River Gherkin, wine tastings, and students executives in Shanghai
the Hults Got Talent Show
All students received
Mandarin lessons
Rankings and Accreditations
Hult International Business School is ranked Hult International Business School is ranked Hult International Business Schools Hult International Business Schools MBA Hult International Business School is
in the top 20 business schools in the U.S. in the top 65 business schools by the worldwide operations are accredited by the program is accredited by the Association of recognized as efficient by the British
and top 30 in the world by The Economist. Financial Times. Hult is also ranked 1st in New England Association of Schools and MBAs (AMBA). Accreditations Council of Independent
International Experience and 3rd in Colleges (NEASC). Further and Higher Education.
International Business by the Financial Times.