Dialysis machines, also known as kidney machines, pump a patient's blood out of their arm artery, through an artificial kidney or dialysis tubing that acts as a semi-permeable membrane, and back into their vein. The dialysis tubing runs through a salt water tank, filtering out waste and excess fluid from the blood while keeping blood cells and protein inside, similar to the function of healthy kidneys.
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1. D I A L Y S I S M A C H I N E S
Dialysis machine are also called kidney machines.
Blood from artery in the arm of a patient is pumped
through an artificial kidney and returned to the
patients body through a vein
In the dialysis machine blood is passed throuh
dialysis tubing that runs through a tank containing
Dialysis tubing act like a semi-pemeable membrane
filtering substance through it. This means blood cells
and protein do not leave the blood
Solution in the tank is vey much like blood plasma
except it does not contain protein and urea.