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Company review session 
Siva Sivani Institute of management TPS-A
 FFoouunnddeerrss LLaarrrryy PPaaggee,, SSeerrggeeyy BBrriinn 
 FFoouunnddeedd 11999988 
 CCEEOO EErriicc SScchhmmiiddtt 
 IInndduussttrryy MMeeddiiaa aanndd IInntteerrnneett SSeerrvviicceess 
 HHeeaaddqquuaarrtteerrss Mountain View, California 
 OOrrggaanniizzaattiioonnaall MMiissssiioonn 
OOrrggaanniizzee tthhee wwoorrlldd''ss iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn aanndd mmaakkee iitt 
uunniivveerrssaallllyy aacccceessssiibbllee aanndd uusseeffuull 
 OOrrggaanniizzaattiioonnaall GGoooogglleess CCuullttuurree 
IInnnnoovvaattiioonn aanndd CCrreeaattiivviittyy
What have the Google 
Triumvirate provided 
for Googlers?
o Benefits off wwoorrkkiinngg aatt GGooooggllee 
TThhee ggooaall iiss ttoo ssttrriipp aawwaayy eevveerryytthhiinngg tthhaatt ggeettss iinn oouurr eemmppllooyyeeeess 
 WWee pprroovviiddee aa ssttaannddaarrdd ppaacckkaaggee ooff ffrriinnggee bbeenneeffiittss,, bbuutt oonn ttoopp ooff tthhaatt 
aarree ffiirrsstt--ccllaassss ddiinniinngg ffaacciilliittiieess,, ggyymmss,, llaauunnddrryy rroooommss,, mmaassssaaggee rroooommss,, 
hhaaiirrccuuttss,, ccaarrwwaasshheess,, ddrryy cclleeaanniinngg,, ccoommmmuuttiinngg bbuusseess 
 jjuusstt aabboouutt aannyytthhiinngg aa hhaarrddwwoorrkkiinngg eemmppllooyyeeee mmiigghhtt wwaanntt.. 
EErriicc SScchhmmiiddtt,, CCEEOO GGooooggllee
What does it exactly 
Look like 
@ Workplace?
AAtt tthhee wwoorrkkppllaaccee 
HHeeaalltthhyy wwoorrkk--lliiffee bbaallaannccee 
 Flexible work hours, 
part time 
 work options
AAllssoo,, PPeerrkkss aanndd BBeenneeffiittss 
 2277 ddaayyss ooff ppaaiidd ttiimmee ooffff aafftteerr oonnee yyeeaarr ooff eemmppllooyymmeenntt 
 1188 wweeeekkss ooff aaddddiittiioonnaall PPAAIIDD ttiimmee ooffff ppoosstt mmaatteerrnniittyy lleeaavvee;; nneeww ffaatthheerrss ccaann ttaakkee 77 
wweeeekkss ooffff 
 FFuueell EEffffiicciieennccyy VVeehhiiccllee IInncceennttiivvee PPrrooggrraamm pprroovviiddeess aa $$55,,000000 rreebbaattee ttoo eemmppllooyyeeeess 
ppuurrcchhaassiinngg hhyybbrriidd ccaarrss 
 UUnnlliimmiitteedd SSiicckk LLeeaavvee 
 OOnnssiittee MMeeddiiccaall aanndd ddeennttaall ffaacciilliittiieess,, ooiill cchhaannggee aanndd ccaarr wwaasshh,, ccoouurriieerr,, ffiittnneessss cceenntteerr,, 
bbaannkkiinngg cceenntteerr,, ffrreeee bbrreeaakkffaasstt,, lluunncchh aanndd ddiinnnneerr oonn aa ddaaiillyy bbaassiiss 
 AAnnnnuuaall oonnssiittee HHeeaalltthh FFaaiirr ooffffeerriinngg ffrreeee tteessttiinngg sseerrvviicceess,, iinncclluuddiinngg eeyyee eexxaammss aanndd 
cchhoolleesstteerrooll tteessttiinngg.. 
 $8K/year for you to continue your 
 $5K if you are adopting a kid. 
 Stay in Google for 1 year and get away 
with $2.5 lakh. 
 120 hours of Training per year. 
 2 million Job Applicants per year.
,, iinn sshhoorrtt 
 HR functions and policies align with business model and vision 
makes Google the most exciting young technology company to 
work for. 
 Healthy work-life balance is motivating people. 
 "I trust the people I work for, have pride in what I do, and enjoy the 
people I work with 
 Good employment relations, employee relations 
 High Employee involvement 
 More likely engage in discretionary behavior 
 Positive Organizational citizenship behavior 
 High job satisfaction and commitment, even self-motivated
 Cross check the documents describing 
roles and duties. 
 Conduct several meetings with Head 
 Final Report related to the Job Profile
 Promote from within 
 Suitable Profile Search 
 Challenging Interviews and Selection 
 On boarding the candidate (Induction) 
 How they decide?
 3600 Performance Appraisal: 
Performance Management
 On  the  job training 
 Class training 
 Departmental meetings 
 Lectures by famous personnel 
 Search Inside Yourself (S.I.Y) 
 Google EDU 
 Training on Soft Skills as well as Hard 
 Pay  for  performance. 
 Employees were paid 12% 
above the market. 
 Low Performance Improvement 
People dont work at Google 
for the money. They work at 
Google because they want to 
change the world with enjoying 
their life!
We put our users (and employees) first
Thank you... 
Any queries?

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Human resource(google vs yahoo)

  • 1. Company review session PRESENTATION ON BY, I.SRIPRIYA 2T3-18 Siva Sivani Institute of management TPS-A
  • 2. 2 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn FFoouunnddeerrss LLaarrrryy PPaaggee,, SSeerrggeeyy BBrriinn FFoouunnddeedd 11999988 CCEEOO EErriicc SScchhmmiiddtt IInndduussttrryy MMeeddiiaa aanndd IInntteerrnneett SSeerrvviicceess HHeeaaddqquuaarrtteerrss Mountain View, California OOrrggaanniizzaattiioonnaall MMiissssiioonn OOrrggaanniizzee tthhee wwoorrlldd''ss iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn aanndd mmaakkee iitt uunniivveerrssaallllyy aacccceessssiibbllee aanndd uusseeffuull OOrrggaanniizzaattiioonnaall GGoooogglleess CCuullttuurree IInnnnoovvaattiioonn aanndd CCrreeaattiivviittyy
  • 3. So, What have the Google Triumvirate provided for Googlers?
  • 4. o Benefits off wwoorrkkiinngg aatt GGooooggllee TThhee ggooaall iiss ttoo ssttrriipp aawwaayy eevveerryytthhiinngg tthhaatt ggeettss iinn oouurr eemmppllooyyeeeess wwaayy.. WWee pprroovviiddee aa ssttaannddaarrdd ppaacckkaaggee ooff ffrriinnggee bbeenneeffiittss,, bbuutt oonn ttoopp ooff tthhaatt aarree ffiirrsstt--ccllaassss ddiinniinngg ffaacciilliittiieess,, ggyymmss,, llaauunnddrryy rroooommss,, mmaassssaaggee rroooommss,, hhaaiirrccuuttss,, ccaarrwwaasshheess,, ddrryy cclleeaanniinngg,, ccoommmmuuttiinngg bbuusseess jjuusstt aabboouutt aannyytthhiinngg aa hhaarrddwwoorrkkiinngg eemmppllooyyeeee mmiigghhtt wwaanntt.. EErriicc SScchhmmiiddtt,, CCEEOO GGooooggllee
  • 5. So, What does it exactly Look like @ Workplace?
  • 6. AAtt tthhee wwoorrkkppllaaccee HHeeaalltthhyy wwoorrkk--lliiffee bbaallaannccee Flexible work hours, part time work options
  • 7. AAllssoo,, PPeerrkkss aanndd BBeenneeffiittss MMoonneettaarryy 2277 ddaayyss ooff ppaaiidd ttiimmee ooffff aafftteerr oonnee yyeeaarr ooff eemmppllooyymmeenntt 1188 wweeeekkss ooff aaddddiittiioonnaall PPAAIIDD ttiimmee ooffff ppoosstt mmaatteerrnniittyy lleeaavvee;; nneeww ffaatthheerrss ccaann ttaakkee 77 wweeeekkss ooffff FFuueell EEffffiicciieennccyy VVeehhiiccllee IInncceennttiivvee PPrrooggrraamm pprroovviiddeess aa $$55,,000000 rreebbaattee ttoo eemmppllooyyeeeess ppuurrcchhaassiinngg hhyybbrriidd ccaarrss NNoonn--MMoonneettaarryy UUnnlliimmiitteedd SSiicckk LLeeaavvee OOnnssiittee MMeeddiiccaall aanndd ddeennttaall ffaacciilliittiieess,, ooiill cchhaannggee aanndd ccaarr wwaasshh,, ccoouurriieerr,, ffiittnneessss cceenntteerr,, bbaannkkiinngg cceenntteerr,, ffrreeee bbrreeaakkffaasstt,, lluunncchh aanndd ddiinnnneerr oonn aa ddaaiillyy bbaassiiss AAnnnnuuaall oonnssiittee HHeeaalltthh FFaaiirr ooffffeerriinngg ffrreeee tteessttiinngg sseerrvviicceess,, iinncclluuddiinngg eeyyee eexxaammss aanndd cchhoolleesstteerrooll tteessttiinngg.. EETTCC
  • 8. INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT GOOGLE $8K/year for you to continue your education. $5K if you are adopting a kid. Stay in Google for 1 year and get away with $2.5 lakh. 120 hours of Training per year. 2 million Job Applicants per year.
  • 9. ,, iinn sshhoorrtt HR functions and policies align with business model and vision makes Google the most exciting young technology company to work for. Healthy work-life balance is motivating people. "I trust the people I work for, have pride in what I do, and enjoy the people I work with Good employment relations, employee relations High Employee involvement More likely engage in discretionary behavior Positive Organizational citizenship behavior High job satisfaction and commitment, even self-motivated
  • 10. HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING Cross check the documents describing roles and duties. Conduct several meetings with Head Engineers. Final Report related to the Job Profile
  • 11. RECRUITMENT & SELECTION Promote from within Process Suitable Profile Search Challenging Interviews and Selection Process On boarding the candidate (Induction) How they decide?
  • 12. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL 3600 Performance Appraisal: SELF PEER EVALUATION SUBORDINATE SUPERIOR Performance Management
  • 13. TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT On the job training Class training Departmental meetings Lectures by famous personnel Search Inside Yourself (S.I.Y) Google EDU Training on Soft Skills as well as Hard Skills
  • 14. COMPENSATION STRUCTURE Pay for performance. Employees were paid 12% above the market. Low Performance Improvement Plan
  • 16. People dont work at Google for the money. They work at Google because they want to change the world with enjoying their life!
  • 17. 17
  • 18. We put our users (and employees) first
  • 20. Thank you... Any queries?