The visual elements of art include color, line, shape, form, space, and texture. Color has characteristics of hue, value, and intensity. Lines can be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, curved, or zigzag. Shapes are either geometric or organic. Form and space are also visual elements. Principles of art such as balance, variety, harmony, emphasis, proportion, movement, rhythm, unity, and contrast are used along with the visual elements.
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1. Language of Art has its own vocabulary, and yet the
vocabulary of art is not made up of words but with Visual
What are the visual elements?
2. Line
3. Shape
4. Form
5. Space
6. Texture
Medium and elements are the
materials the artist uses in creating
a work of art.
The distinction between them is
easy but hard to define. So to get
their distinction, we can use the
question, what is it made of?
From the point of view of
building, we say that a
building is made up of
bricks and stone, we are
dealing with the medium
but if we say, it is made of
right angles and vertical
lines, we are referring to
the elements
2. Thus, Medium is the physical means through
which we can come in contact with a work of art;
the Elements are its qualities or properties.
Mediums are concrete, elements are abstract.
1. Color
Characteristics of Colors
a. Hue is the name of the color, the dimension
of the color, which is referred to a scale ranging
through re, yellow, green and blue.
1.Primary colors
2.Secondary colors
3. Complementary colors
4. Intermediate colors
3. b. Value is the lightness or darkness of a color. The value can be
changed by adding black or white. It is the name given to relative
degrees of light and dark.
c. Intensity or saturation is the
brightness or dullness of a hue. Pure
hues are high intensity colors. Dull hues
are low intensity colors. It is used to
describe the purity of a color.
Color schemes
1. Monochromatic
2. Analogous
3. Warm or cool color scheme
4. Ways of Using Color
1. Representational Use
2. Impressionist Use
3. Decorative or ornamental Use
4. Personal Use
5. Scientific Use
6. Symbolic Use
6. Kinds of Line
a. Horizontal Line
b. Vertical Line
c. Diagonal Line
d. Curve Line
e. Zigzag Line