Civil Rights power point that focuses on the contributions of Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X and the Black Panther Party
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HUS Civil Rights
1. How do you legally create social change?
The Power of Individuals and Grassroots Movements
2. What they didnt teach you in grade school
about Dr. King
strong opponent of the Vietnam War
supporter of war on poverty
arrested and beaten
FBI and the CIA
assassination conspiracies
Life's most urgent question is: what are you doing for others?
3. Of
A. Lhe.,ld,sslqg ,Irc T#illFoJEg 1. the Problen
foiaindex/king.htm &r NsvEr$er1, 1975, llllllarD C. Sulllvan, &rer
Asslstgrt Dlrector, hstl.e Inteltl.Bence Dlvlslcr,
Fe&ral &seau of lrrvesdgadrn, tesdfid before the
SenaceSelect Ccrn'tttee to Snrty Goverrcncal Operat{,ms
trlth Respect to IntelLLgenca Actlvldes. Ile rclsted that
fr'6 late 1953 and ccncfndng rntlt the essasslngclerr of
Dr. t{artfn l-uther Rlng, Jn . KJng nas r.he target of an
LOOK--> lntenshe c4atgn by rne F.B.I. to nestr&ffze hls 8s gr
effeetlw dvll
Text leader.
rf$rrc SulUrrarr ststed t]ar tn
LOOK--> the rnar egalnsc Kfng 'Nt
holds rlere berred." (Saate
Ecpcrrt lb. 9b755, IY,nal Seporc of the Select Cosd,ttee
to SErrrftGcnrcmcrrtal 0pratJcrrs wlt$ Respect to
IntelEgence Acdvfds, Bock II, p, 11). thls srd otlrer
testlury descrtblng, thls F.B.I. cornterlntelllgmce
cryalgn agafns! Klrg reached r.he pr$ftc througfi tlre
newsp+<lle. As a ccrlsegEncethere $as a re8eneratlcr of
the rridespread gpeqd^atlm m t}re posslblllty thet the
ereau uy trarn had sG, rsponslbltlty tn Dr. Rlng'r.
&atlr and uy not hate dare n &partlal ard tlro"prdl
tmnsctgadorr of the sssasslnatlcr.
4. X and the Nation of Islam
Why did X and the Nation become popular?
bio connections
change cant be legislated
6. Differences:
MLK vs X
non violent direct action whatever means necessary
integration separation*
use the system system is corrupt
frustration and depression impact of the Hajj
7. Similarities
(partially) inspired by religion
took a stand against the status quo
investigated by the FBI and CIA
opposed the war in Vietnam
assassinated for their beliefs/conspiracies
9. Who?
originally formed in Cali
BPP for Self Defense
formed shortly after the assassination of X
grass roots programs
supported all minority groups
black power!
10. Black Panther Programs
police patrol
day care
medical care
reduce street violence
11. Problems
the media (image vs impact)
role of white people
arrest of founding member
police shoot outs
"the greatest threat to the internal security of the country"
--J. Edgar Hoover