This document summarizes a lecture on selected poems by Sylvia Plath. It provides biographical details about Plath's life and mental health struggles. It then analyzes three of her poems: "Daddy," "Tulips," and "Lady Lazarus." For each poem, it gives a brief synopsis of the themes and symbolism. It discusses the poetic devices Plath used and major themes in her work, like gender, death, and suffering. Key details are emphasized, like Plath's troubled relationships and her use of surrealism to process trauma.
This document provides context and analysis of Flannery O'Connor's short story "Good Country People". It discusses the author, plot summary, setting, characters, themes of identity and deception, and connects the story to other works dealing with similar topics. The document also examines literary elements like irony and existentialism at play in the text.
George Orwell was a British author best known for his dystopian novels 1984 and Animal Farm. 1984 depicts a totalitarian future where the government controls every aspect of life through surveillance and propaganda. The protagonist Winston rebels against the ruling party but is ultimately broken through torture and mind control. Animal Farm uses allegory to satirize Stalinism and the Soviet Union, depicting an animal rebellion on a farm that leads to the pigs becoming the new oppressors. Orwell was motivated by his opposition to totalitarianism which was on the rise in the 1930s and 1940s.
The Struggle of Memory against Forgetting: Reading Kamila Shamsie's Salt and ...Khan Touseef Osman
This document discusses Aliya's melancholy and mourning in Kamila Shamsie's novel Salt and Saffron. It explores how Aliya is unconsciously defined by the past through class structures and postmemory, but uses her agency to move from melancholy to mourning through consciously reconstructing and deconstructing family history to find her cousin Mariam. The document also discusses how states' silence around Partition trauma perpetuates violence and how literature can help the process of mourning through listening to silences of the past alongside other narratives.
The document provides an in-depth analysis of Bapsi Sidhwa's novel Ice-Candy-Man and its portrayal of the partition of India. The summary is:
1) Ice-Candy-Man uses the perspective of a young girl to depict the rising tensions and violence between Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs during the partition.
2) The novel illustrates the breakdown of communal relations and social mores as religious extremism took hold.
3) Sidhwa provides historical context and accurately captures the trauma experienced by all communities during this violent period of history.
It is a PowePoint presentation about a book of a serbian writer - Bora Stankovi (belonging to the school of realism). The name of this novel is Impure Blood.
Gothic horror originated from Gothic fiction novels of the 1800s, such as Frankenstein and Dracula. It uses elements like desolate landscapes, dark architecture, supernatural occurrences, and characters in danger to create an emotional, visceral response in audiences rather than an intellectual one. Common tropes include ruined abbeys, secret passages, apparitions, and dual worlds representing light and dark. Gothic fiction explores the conflict between subconscious desires and social conventions through the journey of characters between these two worlds.
Zora Neale Hurston was an influential African American author during the Harlem Renaissance. She is best known for her 1937 novel Their Eyes Were Watching God. The novel follows Janie Crawford and her journey to find her voice and independence through three marriages in early 20th century Florida. Though initially criticized, Alice Walker helped revive interest in the novel in the 1970s for its portrayal of black women's sexuality and empowerment.
Ngugi wa Thiong'o argues in his book "Decolonizing the Mind" that African literature should be written in African languages rather than European languages imposed by colonial powers. He asserts that language is integral to culture, and that by teaching African children in English instead of their native tongues, colonialism subjugated them spiritually and culturally. Thiong'o draws on his own experience being educated exclusively in English in Kenya to show how this disconnected him from his community and culture expressed through the Gikuyu language. He concludes that for literature to truly capture the African experience, it must be composed in African languages.
The short story "Cat in the Rain" by Ernest Hemingway features an unnamed American wife staying in a hotel in Italy with her husband George. She sees a cat sheltering from the rain and wants to get it, but cannot find it. She expresses dissatisfaction with her marriage and desire for more freedom and a child. The story explores themes of unsatisfied emotional needs, selfishness in marriage, and a wife's desire for independence through its symbolic use of the cat and rain.
Samuel Beckett was an Irish absurdist playwright, novelist and poet born in 1906 who studied at Trinity College Dublin. He was heavily influenced by James Joyce and published his first work defending Joyce in 1929. Beckett taught in Paris and did secretarial work for Joyce before the second world war, during which he joined the French resistance. He is known for his minimalist and pessimistic works which were translated into over 20 languages, exploring themes of existential isolation through increasingly cryptic styles. Beckett was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1969.
Ibsen, Henrik: Nora / Lutkina kua (norve邸ki modernizam, moderna psiholo邸ka drama (drama), elementi drame s tezom, komorne drame, moderne graanske tragedije ili drame, 1879. g.)
- Mahesh Dattani is an Indian playwright, screenwriter, and director who has written and produced several critically acclaimed plays and films.
- He was the first playwright in English to receive the Sahitya Akademi Award, India's highest literary honor, which he won in 1998 for his play Final Solutions.
- Final Solutions explores religious tensions and communal violence in India through the lens of characters who take refuge in a house during Hindu-Muslim riots following the demolition of the Babri Masjid in 1992. It examines themes of prejudice, minority struggles, and clashes between traditions and modern values.
This document provides a partial list of elements of poetry, including structure, sound, imagery, figurative language, elements of fiction, and poetic forms. It defines common poetic devices such as rhyme, meter, similes, and allusions. Examples are given for most elements to illustrate their use. The document is intended as a reference for understanding and analyzing different aspects of poetic works.
El documento resume la evoluci坦n hist坦rica de la econom鱈a petrolera en Venezuela desde el siglo XIX hasta la actualidad. Se analizan los diversos procesos pol鱈ticos y econ坦micos que atraves坦 el petr坦leo venezolano durante cada presidencia, incluyendo hitos como la creaci坦n de PDVSA, la nacionalizaci坦n de la industria petrolera en 1976, y los cambios en la fijaci坦n de precios y regulaciones bajo distintos l鱈deres. El objetivo es conocer el desarrollo de esta industria clave a lo largo de la
Come (e perch竪) un'istituzione finanziaria pu嘆 costruire un ottimo blog azien...AdviseOnly
Molte aziende oggi stanno spostando la propria attenzione sul content marketing e sulla produzione ed erogazione di contenuti attraverso blog proprietario, native advertising su blog terzi e piattaforme social.
Content is king!
La rivoluzione del content marketing 竪 qui per rimanere.
George Orwell was a British author best known for his dystopian novels 1984 and Animal Farm. 1984 depicts a totalitarian future where the government controls every aspect of life through surveillance and propaganda. The protagonist Winston rebels against the ruling party but is ultimately broken through torture and mind control. Animal Farm uses allegory to satirize Stalinism and the Soviet Union, depicting an animal rebellion on a farm that leads to the pigs becoming the new oppressors. Orwell was motivated by his opposition to totalitarianism which was on the rise in the 1930s and 1940s.
The Struggle of Memory against Forgetting: Reading Kamila Shamsie's Salt and ...Khan Touseef Osman
This document discusses Aliya's melancholy and mourning in Kamila Shamsie's novel Salt and Saffron. It explores how Aliya is unconsciously defined by the past through class structures and postmemory, but uses her agency to move from melancholy to mourning through consciously reconstructing and deconstructing family history to find her cousin Mariam. The document also discusses how states' silence around Partition trauma perpetuates violence and how literature can help the process of mourning through listening to silences of the past alongside other narratives.
The document provides an in-depth analysis of Bapsi Sidhwa's novel Ice-Candy-Man and its portrayal of the partition of India. The summary is:
1) Ice-Candy-Man uses the perspective of a young girl to depict the rising tensions and violence between Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs during the partition.
2) The novel illustrates the breakdown of communal relations and social mores as religious extremism took hold.
3) Sidhwa provides historical context and accurately captures the trauma experienced by all communities during this violent period of history.
It is a PowePoint presentation about a book of a serbian writer - Bora Stankovi (belonging to the school of realism). The name of this novel is Impure Blood.
Gothic horror originated from Gothic fiction novels of the 1800s, such as Frankenstein and Dracula. It uses elements like desolate landscapes, dark architecture, supernatural occurrences, and characters in danger to create an emotional, visceral response in audiences rather than an intellectual one. Common tropes include ruined abbeys, secret passages, apparitions, and dual worlds representing light and dark. Gothic fiction explores the conflict between subconscious desires and social conventions through the journey of characters between these two worlds.
Zora Neale Hurston was an influential African American author during the Harlem Renaissance. She is best known for her 1937 novel Their Eyes Were Watching God. The novel follows Janie Crawford and her journey to find her voice and independence through three marriages in early 20th century Florida. Though initially criticized, Alice Walker helped revive interest in the novel in the 1970s for its portrayal of black women's sexuality and empowerment.
Ngugi wa Thiong'o argues in his book "Decolonizing the Mind" that African literature should be written in African languages rather than European languages imposed by colonial powers. He asserts that language is integral to culture, and that by teaching African children in English instead of their native tongues, colonialism subjugated them spiritually and culturally. Thiong'o draws on his own experience being educated exclusively in English in Kenya to show how this disconnected him from his community and culture expressed through the Gikuyu language. He concludes that for literature to truly capture the African experience, it must be composed in African languages.
The short story "Cat in the Rain" by Ernest Hemingway features an unnamed American wife staying in a hotel in Italy with her husband George. She sees a cat sheltering from the rain and wants to get it, but cannot find it. She expresses dissatisfaction with her marriage and desire for more freedom and a child. The story explores themes of unsatisfied emotional needs, selfishness in marriage, and a wife's desire for independence through its symbolic use of the cat and rain.
Samuel Beckett was an Irish absurdist playwright, novelist and poet born in 1906 who studied at Trinity College Dublin. He was heavily influenced by James Joyce and published his first work defending Joyce in 1929. Beckett taught in Paris and did secretarial work for Joyce before the second world war, during which he joined the French resistance. He is known for his minimalist and pessimistic works which were translated into over 20 languages, exploring themes of existential isolation through increasingly cryptic styles. Beckett was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1969.
Ibsen, Henrik: Nora / Lutkina kua (norve邸ki modernizam, moderna psiholo邸ka drama (drama), elementi drame s tezom, komorne drame, moderne graanske tragedije ili drame, 1879. g.)
- Mahesh Dattani is an Indian playwright, screenwriter, and director who has written and produced several critically acclaimed plays and films.
- He was the first playwright in English to receive the Sahitya Akademi Award, India's highest literary honor, which he won in 1998 for his play Final Solutions.
- Final Solutions explores religious tensions and communal violence in India through the lens of characters who take refuge in a house during Hindu-Muslim riots following the demolition of the Babri Masjid in 1992. It examines themes of prejudice, minority struggles, and clashes between traditions and modern values.
This document provides a partial list of elements of poetry, including structure, sound, imagery, figurative language, elements of fiction, and poetic forms. It defines common poetic devices such as rhyme, meter, similes, and allusions. Examples are given for most elements to illustrate their use. The document is intended as a reference for understanding and analyzing different aspects of poetic works.
El documento resume la evoluci坦n hist坦rica de la econom鱈a petrolera en Venezuela desde el siglo XIX hasta la actualidad. Se analizan los diversos procesos pol鱈ticos y econ坦micos que atraves坦 el petr坦leo venezolano durante cada presidencia, incluyendo hitos como la creaci坦n de PDVSA, la nacionalizaci坦n de la industria petrolera en 1976, y los cambios en la fijaci坦n de precios y regulaciones bajo distintos l鱈deres. El objetivo es conocer el desarrollo de esta industria clave a lo largo de la
Come (e perch竪) un'istituzione finanziaria pu嘆 costruire un ottimo blog azien...AdviseOnly
Molte aziende oggi stanno spostando la propria attenzione sul content marketing e sulla produzione ed erogazione di contenuti attraverso blog proprietario, native advertising su blog terzi e piattaforme social.
Content is king!
La rivoluzione del content marketing 竪 qui per rimanere.
Osservatorio Socio Digitale Major Appliances 2015TEIA
Che ruolo hanno gli elettrodomestici nella vita quotidiana? Quali sono le marche pi湛 discusse e cosa pensano di loro i consumatori?
Scopri questo e molto altro nell'Osservatorio Socio-Digitale sulle Major Appliances 2015
El s鱈ndrome de Tourette es un trastorno neurol坦gico caracterizado por movimientos repetitivos e involuntarios llamados tics que generalmente comienzan en la ni単ez entre los 7 y 10 a単os. Los varones se ven m叩s afectados que las mujeres. Aunque no tiene cura, los s鱈ntomas suelen mejorar en la adultez y se trata con medicamentos o terapia.
The document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. It states that regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive function. Exercise causes chemical changes in the brain that may help boost feelings of calmness and happiness.
The document provides a questionnaire to help assess needs for aging in place. It addresses housing, health, finances, transportation, and community/social needs. The housing section asks about comfort and affordability of current residence and preferences. The health section asks about medicare/insurance coverage, daily living abilities, and legal planning. The finance section asks about income, expenses, benefits, and planning tools. The transportation section asks about driving ability and alternative transportation options. The social section asks about social interaction and support systems. The goal is to help individuals identify any needs and resources to help them continue living independently.
The document discusses secondary education in India's five year plans from 1951 to 2017. Key points include:
- Early plans focused on making secondary education relevant to adolescents' needs and the economy through vocational training.
- Later plans aimed to expand access through new schools, upgrade existing schools, strengthen science/math education, and introduce vocational courses.
- Recent plans seek to achieve universal secondary education, address quality and skills training, implement common curricula, and reduce gender/social gaps.
- Enrollment in secondary schools grew from 1.27 million students in 1950-51 to over 17 million students in 1998-99 according to plan period data.
Audiovisual: 多Contratar Freelance o Full Time? Natalia G坦mez
El documento discute los tipos de contrataci坦n en la producci坦n audiovisual, recomendando el uso de contratos de obra o servicio de duraci坦n flexible pero bien definida, y advirtiendo sobre posibles problemas legales al contratar a trav辿s de agencias en lugar de empresas de trabajo temporal. Lo m叩s importante es centrarse en la producci坦n audiovisual propiamente dicha y asegurarse de cumplir con la legislaci坦n laboral para evitar problemas.
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