2. Samúel Jón Gunnarsson
BSc DataIngenør frá SDU Sönderborg 2004
▸ Red Hat Certified Engineer
▸ Rúm 7 ár hjá Advania
▸ Rekstur á Linux og unix stýrikerfum, lamplausnum og
Oracle gagnagrunnum og viðfangamiðlurum
▸ Áhugamaður um opinn og frjálsan hugbúnað
7. Þrískölun - Triscale
Skalað upp
▸ Greitt skv. notkun
▸ Í 100Mbps þrepum
Skalað út
▸ Klasahögun
Skalað inn
▸ Samþætting gagnavera
▸ Allt að 40 einangraðar NS
uppsetningar á einu boxi
8. •Númer 7 – Forrit og ferlar
Viðfang •Viðmót notenda og ferli forrita
•Númer 6 – Forrit og ferlar
•Forsnið sem birt eru af viðföngum. Þegar Indriði var
•Dæmi myndir, texti
•Númer 5 – Forrit og ferlar
beðinn um að hanna
Seta •Sér um setu meðhöndlun
•RPC, SQL, NFS, NetBIOS OSI lagskiptinguna
•Númer 4 – Host to Host
Flutningur •Sér um flutning skilaboða milli staða
•Númer 3 - Internet
Netkerfi •Beinir umferð á neti réttar leiðir
•Númer 2 - Net
Gagnatengingar •Tryggir flutning á gagnarömmum (e. Frames)
•Switch, Bridge, WAP, PPP
•Númer 1 – Net
Raunlæg tenging •Hrár gagnastraumur yfir raunlægar tengingar
•Kaplar, Hub
9. ѱðöԻܲ
Öryggi og
umferðar á
Hröðun Samþætting
21. So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
samuel.gunnarsson (hjá) advania.is
Einnig á samfélagsmiðlum sem “samueljon”
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/samueljon
LinkedIN: http://is.linkedin.com/in/samueljon
ݺߣShare: http://www.slideshare.net/samueljon
Editor's Notes
#2: Mynd af http://thequirkyglobe.blogspot.com/2010/12/nagging-can-cause-serious-health.html
#4: Mynd af http://thequirkyglobe.blogspot.com/2010/12/nagging-can-cause-serious-health.html
#5: Mynd af http://www.neiltolbert.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/googlebrain.jpg
#6: Eða hvað finnst ykkur ?Mynd af http://www.neiltolbert.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/googlebrain.jpg
#7: Mynd af http://thequirkyglobe.blogspot.com/2010/12/nagging-can-cause-serious-health.html
#8: Pay as you grow módel. Einnig er boðið upp á sprengipakka til að anna tímabundnu álagi. Í klasahögun er nýtt sameiginlegt afl klasans Samþætting gerir lausnina mjög sveigjanlega og öflugaSjá nánar á: http://blogs.citrix.com/2012/04/17/netscaler-triscale-%E2%80%93-we%E2%80%99ve-delivered-the-missing-piece-to-the-enterprise-cloud/
#9: Open System InterconnectionLag 4 (Flutningur) og 7 (viðfang) eru þau lög sem Netscaler-inn framkvæmir mikið af sinni bestun.
#12: Layer 7 content switching• Policies: URL, URL Query, URL Wildcard,Domain, Source/Destination IP, HTTP Header,Custom, HTTP and TCP Payload Values, UDP• Switch requests based on protocol ofincoming packetsDatabase load balancing• Support for: Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL• Switching algorithms include SQL queryparameters such as user and database namesand command parameters• Token-based load balancing providesadvanced configuration for persistence andfault tolerant deployments
#13: NetScaler Application Firewall with hybrid security model5• Positive security model protects against:Buffer Overflow, CGI-BIN Parameter Manipulation,Form/Hidden Field Manipulation, ForcefulBrowsing, Cookie or Session Poisoning, BrokenACLs, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), CommandInjection, SQL Injection, Error Triggering SensitiveInformation Leak, Insecure Use of Cryptography,Server Misconfiguration, Back Doors and DebugOptions, Rate-based Policy Enforcement, WellknownPlatform Vulnerabilities, Zero-day Exploits,Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF), credit cardand other sensitive data leakage prevention• Negative security model with signatures to protectagainst L7 and HTTP application vulnerabilities.• Integrates with third party scanning tools• Common event format (CEF) logs• XML security: XML Denial of Service (xDoS)• XML SQL injection and cross site scripting, XMLmessage validation, format checks, WS-I basic profilecompliance, XML, xPath injection attachment check ,XQuery Injection protection• WSDL scan prevention• Attachment checks• URL transformation• Cookie proxying and encryption• SOAP array attack protection
#14: NetScaler Application Firewall with hybrid security model5• Positive security model protects against:Buffer Overflow, CGI-BIN Parameter Manipulation,Form/Hidden Field Manipulation, ForcefulBrowsing, Cookie or Session Poisoning, BrokenACLs, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), CommandInjection, SQL Injection, Error Triggering SensitiveInformation Leak, Insecure Use of Cryptography,Server Misconfiguration, Back Doors and DebugOptions, Rate-based Policy Enforcement, WellknownPlatform Vulnerabilities, Zero-day Exploits,Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF), credit cardand other sensitive data leakage prevention• Negative security model with signatures to protectagainst L7 and HTTP application vulnerabilities.• Integrates with third party scanning tools• Common event format (CEF) logs• XML security: XML Denial of Service (xDoS)• XML SQL injection and cross site scripting, XMLmessage validation, format checks, WS-I basic profilecompliance, XML, xPath injection attachment check ,XQuery Injection protection• WSDL scan prevention• Attachment checks• URL transformation• Cookie proxying and encryption• SOAP array attack protection
#15: TCP optimization• Multiplexing, Buffering, Connection Keep-alive,Windows Scaling, Selective Acknowledgement,Fast RampAppCompress• Gzip-based compression for HTTPtraffic AppCache5• Caching for static and dynamic application content• HTTP GET and POST method support• Policies defined based upon HTTP headerand body valuesNetScaler CloudConnectors• On-premise proxy providing symmetricTCP optimizations, data compression and datade-duplication• Available on NetScaler MPX, SDX and VPX
#17: EdgeSight for NetScaler5• Real-time and historical userexperience monitoring• Trending and reporting for web applicationperformance service level management