Predictive behavioral targeting uses data from website users' clicks and surveys to create profiles and statistical models that predict user interests and demographics. This allows targeted ads to be delivered to the predicted relevant users, achieving higher reach within target groups, click-through rates, conversions, and reducing wasted media spend. Budget efficiency is improved as predictive targeting reduces the percentage of the target audience not receiving relevant ads from 67% to 36%, saving advertisers 43% on their real cost per thousand impressions.
2. 1.
What we do
Predictions & Predicting Explained
3. Challenge | Lack of Product Relevant Websites
Traditional Behavioural Targeting (BT) works for Cars, Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) requires
Finance and Travel. But no online behaviour is user data on Socio-Demographics, Interests and
available for Lemonade, Chocolate or Cosmetics. Lifestyle.
5. Element 1| Click Behaviour Measurement
Click Behaviour
Measurements taken from all
active cookies
Measuring click behaviour
(using cookies) delivers
information on the
subject and frequency of
visits to each page of
your website.
6. Element 2 | Surveying
Online Surveying
Measurement of all
non-deleted cookies
Surveying website users
delivers important data
on socio-demographics,
lifestyle and
product interests
9. Element 3 | Creation of Profiles / Statistical Models
Creation of Profiles
Measurement data from all active cookies
Surveyed users are
Surveying compared with non-
of website surveyed users in real-
time, using statistical
models = Predictions
100% Site Visitor Coverage
10. Element 5 | Delivery of the Predictions
100% coverage of all website users Profile Delivery
Measurement data from all active cookies
An advertisement, e.g.
Survey of for toilet paper, will only
be delivered to the
person who does the
visitors household shopping
12. Segmentation | Recommended Construction
Combination of sociodemographic data, affinities and/or product interests
1. Sociodemographical Data 2. Product Interests:
Body, hair or dental-care products
Age Groups Household hygiene papers
Household Leader Cleaning agents
Houshold Income Health supplements
Employment status Max. 3 Further Interests/Affinities
criteria Autos
combined Travel
recommended Finance
age group or/and education available in product interests available in combination
combination with gender with gender or/and age group
13. | Target Groups (on the German market)
Top Groups; Travel & Cars, Beauty & Care, Demographics
Travel & Cars Fashion
Private & Business
Food & Drink Lifestyle & Leisure
Finance Consumer Electronics
Beauty & Care Health
Home & Garden
17. Reduce Media Loss | with PBT
Rate Card CPM Real CPM Efficiency
Percentage of target group
33% 10.00 30.30
reached without PBT
Percentage of target group
reached with PBT
69% 12.00 17.39 +43%
only 33% of users are Female => 67% media loss
PBT reduces media loss by 36 percentage points
Advertisers save 43% in terms of real CPM
18. Closing Statement | Carrie Frohlich
..You are not advertising for clicks or
gross rating points.What you're
advertising for is to sell me stuff or
change perception, and that's what we
need to be measuring again..
Carrie Frolich, Managing Partner, Digital Interaction MEC Interaction NYC