This document discusses a SWOT analysis performed by Robin Saxby for ARM Ltd. in 1990 and provides lessons learned from Saxby's experience founding and growing ARM. The SWOT identified technology and team strengths but also weaknesses in resources, market share, and patents. Opportunities existed in new markets but threats included big rivals and a small team relying on individuals. Saxby recommends developing a global standard business model, partnerships, and sales/marketing skills to turn threats into opportunities and succeed.
Strength Tool
? Weakness
Technology Team Poor Start Point Resources
?Low Power ?Flexible ?Market share ?Limited Resources
?Low Cost ?Responsive ?Market Profile ?Lack of third party
?Simple ?Dynamic ?Revenue development tool support
?Small ?Successful ?Marketing ?Characterisation/test
?Enthusiastic expertise ?Reliance on foundry
?Extensive systems expertise manufacturing
Opportunities Threats
Markets Places and partnerships
?Portables ?Japan/Far East ?Big Rivals
?Embedded ?Europe OMI ?Own No Patents
Control ?Silicon manufacturers ?Small team relying on individuals
?Automotive ?Silicon Users ?Existing Commitments yielding low
?Radiation Hard ?Silicon Distributors revenues
?Apple ?Single customer at present
?Consultancy ?No control over income
? Source : Robin Saxby