This document describes the process of creating zirconia crowns with marginal preparations. It involves scanning a dental impression to create stone models. The models are then used to design and mill zirconia crowns with knife edge margins lingually and interproximally, and rounded chamfer margins buccally. The crowns are tried and and then cemented onto the patient's teeth.
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Hybrid abutments preparation in combination with zirconia crowns
1. U n i v e r s i t à d i S i e n a 1 2 4 0 - S c h o o l o f M e d i c a l B i o t e c h n o l o g i e s
D e p a r t m e n t o f P r o s t h o d o n t i c s & D e n t a l M a t e r i a l sZirconia crowns (Aadva, HT, GC) with iuxtagengival chanfer margin buccally
and knife edge lingually and interproximally.
3. Final chanfer prep buccally
Final knife edge prep
lingually and