This document provides information about Bookleteer, a service that allows users to create hybrid books that are both printed and digital. It discusses how Bookleteer offers templates to design handmade books that can be professionally printed from a PDF file uploaded to Bookleteer's site. Once uploaded, the book is available for others to browse online and is printed at home by folding printed sheets. The document outlines the basic steps for creating an account and uploading content to Bookleteer to produce a hybrid printed and digital book.
27. – Download the templates from the help page to
set up a blank document in OpenOffice, Word or
Adobe InDesign
– Select your book size.
The smaller A6 books are made using sheets of
A4/US Letter size paper. The larger A5 books are
made from sheets of A3/Ledger size paper.
– Add your words and pictures, using up to 38
pages for the smaller books or up to 46 pages for
the larger books.
– Save/Export your book as a PDF file.
– Bookleteer adds Front & Back cover pages so
don't include these in your PDF.