The document provides a media plan for promoting an art exhibition happening in Mumbai from October 10-13, 2019. It recommends a budget of Rs. 2.65 lakhs to be allocated across digital (Hotstar, YouTube), cinema (slide ads), and print (Bombay Times newspaper) platforms over 2 weeks. The target audience is HNIs from South Mumbai between ages 20-50 years. The objective is to drive footfall to the exhibition. Next steps outlined are to get feedback on the plan from the brand, finalize the budget, and have Media Ant share a detailed marketing calendar.
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Hyperlocal Media Plan for Exhibition in South Mumbai
2. Client Brief
皰Product: An exhibition is been organised at Mumbai, TAJ Mahal on from
10th to 13th Oct 2019. The exhibition would be related to the Art and Artist.
Interiors as well as Decors.
皰Objective: Footfall to the event
皰Budget : Rs 2 - 3 lakhs
皰Campaign Duration: 2 Weeks
皰Geography: South Mumbai, Dadar to Churchgate & Dadar to CST
3. Customer Profile
皰 HNIs Audience & HNI Areas
皰 South Bombay Only from
Dadar to Churchgate &
Dadar to CST
皰 TAJ Hotel & Near by
皰 Age Group: 20yrs to 50 yrs
4. Media Selection Criteria
Has high index with HNI audience
Hyperlocal targeting possible
Can be run for 2 weeks
5. Recommended Media and Budget
Platform Hyperlocal Can be run for 2
Media Details Recommended
Budget in INR
Hotstar Video Ad with HNI and
Geo targeting
You Tube Video Ad with Interest
and Geo targeting
Cinema 際際滷 ads with audio
for 2 weeks in Regal,
Eros, Liberty, Metro
Newspaper Bombay Times Cuff
Parade edition. Full
Rs 2,65,000
6. Next Steps
1. Share plan feedback - Brand
2. Finalize budget - Brand
3. Media Ant to share detailed marketing calendar - Media Ant
8. Newspaper Jacket Advertisements
Jacket ads are full page
advertisements in the front page of the
It can be Jacket Page 1 and Jacket
Page 1&2
When and how to use it?
Used to maximize reach as well as
9. Cinema 際際滷 Ads
Click to play->
In 際際滷 ads one can advertise via an image
creative with or without audio. 際際滷 ads can be
played either before the movie begins, during
the movie interval or both. Minimum duration is
10 seconds and max is 90 seconds
When and how to use it?
Cost of slide ads is the same as video. Only
reason brands would use slide ads is
because making a video is expensive and
time taking
Optimal ad length for slide ads is 10 sec -
cost effective yet long enough to
Click to Play->
10. Hotstar and You Tube Video Ads
Video Ads are 5-60 second videos that may be
played before, during or after video content
When and how to use it?
Video ads are a good tool for both Branding as
well as for performance
By using a combination of the right platforms
and targeting options, video ads can deliver
high ROI