The document is a letter from The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India requesting that the accounting firm Dandekar & Co disclose the name of the member(s) responsible for responding to a complaint filed by Shri Trideep Raj Bhandari. The firm and responsible member(s) must submit a written statement in defense within 21 days, or it will be assumed they have nothing to add. Failure to comply with the requirements could result in disciplinary action against the firm and member(s).
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1. Tnn I*rtrrorE oF C"o*t"*o AtcouNrANrs oF I*oto
(Set uP bY an Act of Parliament)
Ref. No. PR-230-A/ 2OL4I DD I 306 I L4
Mts.Mr*'. Dandekar & Co',
No.2?y', (old No. 138)
lnlapPa Naikkan Street'
ennai - 600 OOt.
Dear Sirs,
sub: rn the matter of complaint made by shri rrideep Raj B^handari, Jodhpur under
section 21 of the charter"a l".6untants, nct, rg+g (as amended by the
Chartered Accountants (Amendmt
in the case of comptaints fited againsr o#;;';; il;d"d under the said Rules are'reproduced
herein below for your ready reference:-
"8(1) (b) if the comPlaint is
commission or omission alleged or a c
Provided that while disclosing th
received bY him, her or them'
members who are partners o,.
of that firm as on the date of registration of
the comPlaint.
closed by the firm shall be responsible for
a member was associated, either as paftner or
the complaint has been filed, at the time of
4 ... ilr i :ii{
2. Tnn f*.ttrurE oF C"*r"*"o A"couNrANrs oF I*oro
(Set up by an Act of Parliament)
Provided that if no member, whether erstwhile or present, of the firm, own
responsibility for the allegation or allegations made against the firm, then the firm as a
whole shall be responsible for answering the allegation or allegations and, as such, all
the members who were partners or employees of that firm, as on the date of
occurrence of the alleged misconduct, shall be responsible for answering the allegation
or allegations as contained in the complaint.
(3) A member who has been informed of the complaint filed against him
(hereinafter referred to as the iespcilCent) shall, rvithin 21 davs of the seruice of a copy
of the complain! or within such additional time, not exceeding thity days, as may be
allowed by the Director, forward to the Director, a written statement in his defense."
In terms of the above, you are requested to disclose, the name/s of the member/s who
is/are answerable to the complaint and send a copy of this letter with its enclosures to the said
member/s. While sending the copy of the Complaint to such memberls, helshelthey be
requested to send his/her/their written statement, if any, in triplicate, directly to us within 21
days of the receipt of this letter by the aforesaid member/s duly verified in the following
'I the Respondent do hereby declare that what is stated above is
true to the best of my information and belief.
Verified today the-day of- at
A separate communication be sent to Direct6r (Discipline), oisciprinilinslrT;;r" of the
Institute disclosing the name(s) of the member(s) answerable to the complaint along with a
declaration in the enclosed format duly signed by the member/s answerable to the Complaint.
It may be noted that in the event of non-receipt of your Written Statement within a
period of 21 days as specified above, it shall be presumed that you have nothing fufther to
state and the Complaint will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the aforesaid r
Rules without any fufther reference to you.
( sHA
Encl: as above.
y to: Shri Trideep Raj Bhandari,
"Gulaab Vaatikai Paota'B' Road,
Jodhpur -342006 - For information
"ICAI Bhawan", Indraprastha Marg,
Post Box No. 7100. New Delhi - 110 002.
Phone: (+91) (01 l) 3989 3989 ; Fax: (+Ql) (01 l) 301 I 0581
Email: ; Website: http:i/www.icai.ore