- The document discusses a braneworld model where a 3-brane moves in a 5-dimensional anti-de Sitter bulk. The brane behaves effectively as a tachyon field with an inverse quartic potential.
- When the backreaction of the radion field (related to fluctuations of the brane position) is included, the tachyon Lagrangian is modified by its interaction with the radion. This results in an effective equation of state at large scales that describes "warm dark matter".
- The model extends the second Randall-Sundrum braneworld model to include nonlinear effects from the radion field, which distorts the anti-de Sitter geometry.
Dejan Stojkovic - Crne rupe u kosmosu i laboratorijiSEENET-MTP
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Dejan Stojkovic (Unversity at Buffalo, The State University of New York, USA) on March 21, 2012 at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Ni邸
Alexandru Marcu - "Faculty of physics, University of Cluj"SEENET-MTP
Prof. Alexandru Marcu presented Faculty of Physics, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca (Romania) at the SEENET-MTP RC & EC meeting held in Timisoara (Romania), November 22, 2014.
D. Mladenov - On Integrable Systems in CosmologySEENET-MTP
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Dimitar Mladenov (Theoretical Physics Department, Faculty of Physics, Sofia University, Bulgaria) on December 7, 2011 at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Nis, Serbia.
The document summarizes the Southeastern European Network in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics (SEENET-MTP). It was established in 2003 with participants from several Balkan countries to provide institutional capacity building in mathematical and theoretical physics. It has grown to include over 450 individual members from 15 full network nodes and 8 other network nodes across Southeastern Europe. Over the past 15 years, the SEENET-MTP has realized over 18 projects, held 30 network meetings, facilitated over 300 exchanges, and generated over 225 joint scientific papers and 15 publications. The network continues to promote research collaboration in mathematical and theoretical physics across the region.
Milan Milo邸evi "The shape of Fe K留 line emitted from relativistic accretion ...SEENET-MTP
The document discusses simulations of the Fe K留 emission line from accretion disks around supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in active galactic nuclei (AGN). Ray tracing simulations in Kerr spacetime were used to model the line profiles for different black hole spins, disk radii, inclinations, and emissivity profiles. Relativistic effects like Doppler shifts and gravitational redshift distort the line profiles. Comparisons with observed profiles can determine SMBH properties like mass and spin, providing insights into plasma physics and strong gravity near AGN.
This document discusses nonlocal cosmology and modifications to Einstein's theory of gravity. It presents three cases of nonlocal modified gravity models:
1. When P(R)=R and Q(R)=R, nonsingular bounce cosmological solutions were found with scale factor a(t)=a0(e了t+e-了t).
2. When P(R)=R-1 and Q(R)=R, several power-law cosmological solutions were obtained, including a(t)=a0|t-t0|留.
3. For the case P(R)=Rp and Q(R)=Rq, the trace and 00 equations of motion were transformed into an equivalent
Dragoljub Dimitrijevi "Tachyon Inflation in the RSII Framework"SEENET-MTP
This document summarizes research on tachyon inflation in an anti-de Sitter (AdS) braneworld framework. The researchers study a tachyon field on a dynamical 3-brane embedded in a 5-dimensional AdS bulk spacetime. They derive the equations of motion for the tachyon field and radion field in this braneworld cosmology. Dimensionless equations are obtained and numerical results show that the model can produce over 60 e-folds of inflation with observable parameters consistent with current data. The analysis provides a novel mechanism for tachyon inflation distinct from standard 4D models, with predictions depending on only one free parameter related to the AdS curvature scale.
Vesna Borka Jovanovi "Constraining Scalar-Tensor gravity models by S2 star o...SEENET-MTP
This document summarizes research that uses observations of S-star orbits around the Galactic Center to constrain scalar-tensor gravity models. The authors simulate orbits of the S2 star in scalar-tensor potentials and compare them to observations. They find that certain scalar-tensor parameters produce a better fit to the observed S2 star orbit than Newtonian gravity. In particular, they identify ranges of scalar-tensor coupling constants and self-interaction strengths that are consistent with the orbital precession and trajectory of S2. This allows them to test scalar-tensor theories of gravity using stellar dynamics near the Galactic Center.
Elena Mirela Babalic "Generalized alpha-attractor models for hyperbolic surfa...SEENET-MTP
This document discusses generalized two-field 留-attractor models of inflation where the scalar manifold is any hyperbolic surface rather than just the Poincar辿 disk. It introduces uniformization techniques to study trajectories on such surfaces by lifting them to the Poincar辿 half-plane and projecting back. Near the ends of non-compact surfaces, trajectories typically follow spiral paths around ideal points. The document focuses on geometrically finite hyperbolic surfaces and potentials that are well-behaved at the ends.
Mihai Visinescu "Action-angle variables for geodesic motion on resolved metri...SEENET-MTP
This document discusses complete integrability on various geometries related to the Sasaki-Einstein space T1,1:
1. The geodesic flow on T1,1 space itself is completely integrable, with the Hamiltonian depending on conjugate momenta and conserved quantities like total angular momenta.
2. On the metric cone over T1,1, the geodesic flow separates into independent radial and angular parts. The angular part can be formulated using action-angle variables while the radial part involves unbounded motion.
3. For the resolved metric cone, which involves deformations or resolutions of the conical singularity, the complete integrability structure carries over by extending the action-angle
Sabin Stoica "Double beta decay and neutrino properties"SEENET-MTP
Double beta decay and its potential to explore beyond Standard Model physics was summarized. Double beta decay is the rarest nuclear decay measured, where a nucleus transforms into another nucleus with the same mass but a change of two units in nuclear charge. It can occur even if single beta decay is forbidden. There are two types of double beta decay processes - two neutrino double beta decay (2僚硫硫) and neutrinoless double beta decay (0僚硫硫). 0僚硫硫 decay has the potential to provide information about neutrino properties like mass hierarchy and explore beyond Standard Model physics by constraining parameters associated with different mechanisms that could contribute to 0僚硫硫. Challenges include accurately calculating nuclear matrix elements and reducing background in experiments searching
Yurri Sitenko "Boundary effects for magnetized quantum matter in particle and...SEENET-MTP
This document discusses boundary conditions for quantized spinor matter fields and their impact on physical systems. It proposes a general boundary condition for spinor fields that ensures the self-adjointness of the Dirac Hamiltonian operator. This boundary condition confines the spinor matter inside spatial boundaries. The condition reduces to the MIT bag boundary condition in a specific case. Quantized spinor fields obeying this boundary condition can be used to study phenomena in hot dense magnetized matter found in particle physics and astrophysics.
Predrag Milenovi "Physics potential of HE/HL-LHC and future circular"SEENET-MTP
The document discusses latest Higgs boson physics results from the LHC and prospects for physics performance at the HL-LHC. Key results presented include measurements of the Higgs boson mass, production cross sections and branching ratios using H4l and H粒粒 decay channels. Differential measurements are also shown. First direct evidence is reported for ttH production in multilepton final states with a significance of 3.3. The increased luminosity of the HL-LHC is expected to improve measurements and search sensitivity.
Marija Dimitrijevi iri "Matter Fields in SO(2,3) Model of Noncommutative ...SEENET-MTP
This document summarizes a talk given at a workshop on field theory and the early universe. The talk discussed a model of noncommutative gravity based on an SO(2,3) gauge theory. Key points:
1) The model treats gravity as an SO(2,3) gauge theory that is spontaneously broken to SO(1,3), relating it to general relativity. An action is constructed and expanded to obtain corrections from noncommutativity.
2) Adding matter fields like spinors and U(1) gauge fields yields modified actions and propagators with corrections depending on the noncommutativity tensor.
3) As an example, the noncommutative Landau problem is solved, giving
Zvonimir Vlah "Lagrangian perturbation theory for large scale structure forma...SEENET-MTP
This document discusses using Lagrangian perturbation theory and the effective field theory (EFT) approach to model large-scale structure (LSS) formation, including nonlinear effects. Key points include:
- The Lagrangian framework tracks fluid elements as they move due to gravity, described by a displacement field. This allows modeling of shell crossing nonlinearities.
- The EFT approach introduces a stress tensor to account for short-distance effects on long-wavelength modes. Counterterms are included to absorb uncertainties from neglected short-scale physics.
- Power spectrum and correlation function results from the Lagrangian EFT approach match those of the standard Eulerian EFT approach. The Lagrangian approach provides insights into counterterm structures and infrared resummation
Vitaly Vanchurin "General relativity from non-equilibrium thermodynamics of q...SEENET-MTP
1) The document proposes that general relativity can emerge from quantum mechanics in the limit of many degrees of freedom, similar to how thermodynamics emerges from classical mechanics with many particles.
2) It suggests defining statistical ensembles over wave functions using an "infoton field" to obtain a spatially covariant description of quantum information, represented by an information tensor.
3) A dual theory description of computational complexity is developed using the infoton field, arriving at a Klein-Gordon theory with an inverse metric related to computational parameters like the number of qubits. This provides a space-time covariant description of quantum computation.
Sergey Sibiryakov "Galactic rotation curves vs. ultra-light dark matter: Impl...SEENET-MTP
The document discusses ultra-light dark matter and its implications for galactic rotation curves. It begins by providing theoretical background on ultra-light dark matter and how it can form soliton cores within dark matter halos. It then discusses how the properties of these soliton cores, such as their mass and size, relate to the properties of the ultra-light dark matter particle. Finally, it discusses how measurements of galactic rotation curves could provide insights into ultra-light dark matter models by probing the presence and characteristics of these soliton cores.
Radoslav Rashkov "Integrable structures in low-dimensional holography and cos...SEENET-MTP
This document outlines R.C. Rashkov's presentation on integrable structures in low-dimensional holography and cosmology. The presentation covers several topics: (1) the M旦bius structure of entanglement entropy and its relation to dispersionless Toda hierarchies, (2) holographic entanglement entropy of excited states, (3) higher spin holography and higher projective invariants, and (4) bulk reconstruction and its consequences. The presentation also discusses conceptual issues regarding the duality between gravity/string theories and gauge theories, such as how information is encoded in the boundary theory and whether spacetime and gravity can emerge from a boundary theory.
Nikola Godinovi "The very high energy gamma ray astronomy"SEENET-MTP
This document discusses using gamma-ray astronomy to study fundamental physics. It outlines how gamma-ray telescopes like IACT arrays and satellites are used to search for dark matter by looking for gamma rays from annihilation. Combining data from Fermi and IACTs like MAGIC improves sensitivity to constrain dark matter models. No evidence of dark matter has been found so far, but future instruments like CTA will provide stronger limits. The document also mentions how gamma-ray observations can probe Lorentz invariance violation and the origin of cosmic rays.
Miroljub Dugi "The concept of Local Time. Quantum-mechanical and cosmologica...SEENET-MTP
This document discusses the concept of local time from quantum mechanical and cosmological perspectives. It provides a historical overview, discussing Schrodinger's work developing the nonstationary wave equation and Hitoshi Kitada's view that both equations are valid when time is altered. The document then examines the Enss' theorem, which establishes a link between time and Hamiltonian through the dynamical evolution of a system. This leads to a new reading of the Enss' theorem and concept of local time - that time is dynamically generated for each system based on its Hamiltonian. Basic elaborations explore properties of local time, including its inherent uncertainty and role in quantum dynamics.
Cemsinan Deliduman "Astrophysics with Weyl Gravity"SEENET-MTP
This document summarizes a presentation on astrophysical aspects of Weyl gravity. It discusses how Weyl gravity may help explain galaxy rotation curves without dark matter by having the Einstein-Hilbert term dominate in the inner region and the Weyl term dominate in the outer region. It also examines gravitational lensing predictions in Weyl gravity. Future directions are proposed such as matching interior and exterior solutions, investigating scale invariance breaking, and applications to other astrophysical problems.
Radu Constantinescu "Scientific research: Excellence in International context"SEENET-MTP
The University of Craiova is located in Craiova, Romania and was founded in 1947. It has over 16,000 students studying across 16 faculties, with the most popular being sciences, economics, and engineering. The university focuses its research efforts on nanosciences, information technology, energy, environment, transport, food and agriculture, and social sciences. It also operates a research hub called INCESA to foster cooperation with industry.
The document summarizes the Southeastern European Network in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics (SEENET-MTP). It was established in 2003 with participants from several Balkan countries to provide institutional capacity building in mathematical and theoretical physics. It has grown to include over 450 individual members from 15 full network nodes and 8 other network nodes across Southeastern Europe. Over the past 15 years, the SEENET-MTP has realized over 18 projects, held 30 network meetings, facilitated over 300 exchanges, and generated over 225 joint scientific papers and 15 publications. The network continues to promote research collaboration in mathematical and theoretical physics across the region.
Milan Milo邸evi "The shape of Fe K留 line emitted from relativistic accretion ...SEENET-MTP
The document discusses simulations of the Fe K留 emission line from accretion disks around supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in active galactic nuclei (AGN). Ray tracing simulations in Kerr spacetime were used to model the line profiles for different black hole spins, disk radii, inclinations, and emissivity profiles. Relativistic effects like Doppler shifts and gravitational redshift distort the line profiles. Comparisons with observed profiles can determine SMBH properties like mass and spin, providing insights into plasma physics and strong gravity near AGN.
This document discusses nonlocal cosmology and modifications to Einstein's theory of gravity. It presents three cases of nonlocal modified gravity models:
1. When P(R)=R and Q(R)=R, nonsingular bounce cosmological solutions were found with scale factor a(t)=a0(e了t+e-了t).
2. When P(R)=R-1 and Q(R)=R, several power-law cosmological solutions were obtained, including a(t)=a0|t-t0|留.
3. For the case P(R)=Rp and Q(R)=Rq, the trace and 00 equations of motion were transformed into an equivalent
Dragoljub Dimitrijevi "Tachyon Inflation in the RSII Framework"SEENET-MTP
This document summarizes research on tachyon inflation in an anti-de Sitter (AdS) braneworld framework. The researchers study a tachyon field on a dynamical 3-brane embedded in a 5-dimensional AdS bulk spacetime. They derive the equations of motion for the tachyon field and radion field in this braneworld cosmology. Dimensionless equations are obtained and numerical results show that the model can produce over 60 e-folds of inflation with observable parameters consistent with current data. The analysis provides a novel mechanism for tachyon inflation distinct from standard 4D models, with predictions depending on only one free parameter related to the AdS curvature scale.
Vesna Borka Jovanovi "Constraining Scalar-Tensor gravity models by S2 star o...SEENET-MTP
This document summarizes research that uses observations of S-star orbits around the Galactic Center to constrain scalar-tensor gravity models. The authors simulate orbits of the S2 star in scalar-tensor potentials and compare them to observations. They find that certain scalar-tensor parameters produce a better fit to the observed S2 star orbit than Newtonian gravity. In particular, they identify ranges of scalar-tensor coupling constants and self-interaction strengths that are consistent with the orbital precession and trajectory of S2. This allows them to test scalar-tensor theories of gravity using stellar dynamics near the Galactic Center.
Elena Mirela Babalic "Generalized alpha-attractor models for hyperbolic surfa...SEENET-MTP
This document discusses generalized two-field 留-attractor models of inflation where the scalar manifold is any hyperbolic surface rather than just the Poincar辿 disk. It introduces uniformization techniques to study trajectories on such surfaces by lifting them to the Poincar辿 half-plane and projecting back. Near the ends of non-compact surfaces, trajectories typically follow spiral paths around ideal points. The document focuses on geometrically finite hyperbolic surfaces and potentials that are well-behaved at the ends.
Mihai Visinescu "Action-angle variables for geodesic motion on resolved metri...SEENET-MTP
This document discusses complete integrability on various geometries related to the Sasaki-Einstein space T1,1:
1. The geodesic flow on T1,1 space itself is completely integrable, with the Hamiltonian depending on conjugate momenta and conserved quantities like total angular momenta.
2. On the metric cone over T1,1, the geodesic flow separates into independent radial and angular parts. The angular part can be formulated using action-angle variables while the radial part involves unbounded motion.
3. For the resolved metric cone, which involves deformations or resolutions of the conical singularity, the complete integrability structure carries over by extending the action-angle
Sabin Stoica "Double beta decay and neutrino properties"SEENET-MTP
Double beta decay and its potential to explore beyond Standard Model physics was summarized. Double beta decay is the rarest nuclear decay measured, where a nucleus transforms into another nucleus with the same mass but a change of two units in nuclear charge. It can occur even if single beta decay is forbidden. There are two types of double beta decay processes - two neutrino double beta decay (2僚硫硫) and neutrinoless double beta decay (0僚硫硫). 0僚硫硫 decay has the potential to provide information about neutrino properties like mass hierarchy and explore beyond Standard Model physics by constraining parameters associated with different mechanisms that could contribute to 0僚硫硫. Challenges include accurately calculating nuclear matrix elements and reducing background in experiments searching
Yurri Sitenko "Boundary effects for magnetized quantum matter in particle and...SEENET-MTP
This document discusses boundary conditions for quantized spinor matter fields and their impact on physical systems. It proposes a general boundary condition for spinor fields that ensures the self-adjointness of the Dirac Hamiltonian operator. This boundary condition confines the spinor matter inside spatial boundaries. The condition reduces to the MIT bag boundary condition in a specific case. Quantized spinor fields obeying this boundary condition can be used to study phenomena in hot dense magnetized matter found in particle physics and astrophysics.
Predrag Milenovi "Physics potential of HE/HL-LHC and future circular"SEENET-MTP
The document discusses latest Higgs boson physics results from the LHC and prospects for physics performance at the HL-LHC. Key results presented include measurements of the Higgs boson mass, production cross sections and branching ratios using H4l and H粒粒 decay channels. Differential measurements are also shown. First direct evidence is reported for ttH production in multilepton final states with a significance of 3.3. The increased luminosity of the HL-LHC is expected to improve measurements and search sensitivity.
Marija Dimitrijevi iri "Matter Fields in SO(2,3) Model of Noncommutative ...SEENET-MTP
This document summarizes a talk given at a workshop on field theory and the early universe. The talk discussed a model of noncommutative gravity based on an SO(2,3) gauge theory. Key points:
1) The model treats gravity as an SO(2,3) gauge theory that is spontaneously broken to SO(1,3), relating it to general relativity. An action is constructed and expanded to obtain corrections from noncommutativity.
2) Adding matter fields like spinors and U(1) gauge fields yields modified actions and propagators with corrections depending on the noncommutativity tensor.
3) As an example, the noncommutative Landau problem is solved, giving
Zvonimir Vlah "Lagrangian perturbation theory for large scale structure forma...SEENET-MTP
This document discusses using Lagrangian perturbation theory and the effective field theory (EFT) approach to model large-scale structure (LSS) formation, including nonlinear effects. Key points include:
- The Lagrangian framework tracks fluid elements as they move due to gravity, described by a displacement field. This allows modeling of shell crossing nonlinearities.
- The EFT approach introduces a stress tensor to account for short-distance effects on long-wavelength modes. Counterterms are included to absorb uncertainties from neglected short-scale physics.
- Power spectrum and correlation function results from the Lagrangian EFT approach match those of the standard Eulerian EFT approach. The Lagrangian approach provides insights into counterterm structures and infrared resummation
Vitaly Vanchurin "General relativity from non-equilibrium thermodynamics of q...SEENET-MTP
1) The document proposes that general relativity can emerge from quantum mechanics in the limit of many degrees of freedom, similar to how thermodynamics emerges from classical mechanics with many particles.
2) It suggests defining statistical ensembles over wave functions using an "infoton field" to obtain a spatially covariant description of quantum information, represented by an information tensor.
3) A dual theory description of computational complexity is developed using the infoton field, arriving at a Klein-Gordon theory with an inverse metric related to computational parameters like the number of qubits. This provides a space-time covariant description of quantum computation.
Sergey Sibiryakov "Galactic rotation curves vs. ultra-light dark matter: Impl...SEENET-MTP
The document discusses ultra-light dark matter and its implications for galactic rotation curves. It begins by providing theoretical background on ultra-light dark matter and how it can form soliton cores within dark matter halos. It then discusses how the properties of these soliton cores, such as their mass and size, relate to the properties of the ultra-light dark matter particle. Finally, it discusses how measurements of galactic rotation curves could provide insights into ultra-light dark matter models by probing the presence and characteristics of these soliton cores.
Radoslav Rashkov "Integrable structures in low-dimensional holography and cos...SEENET-MTP
This document outlines R.C. Rashkov's presentation on integrable structures in low-dimensional holography and cosmology. The presentation covers several topics: (1) the M旦bius structure of entanglement entropy and its relation to dispersionless Toda hierarchies, (2) holographic entanglement entropy of excited states, (3) higher spin holography and higher projective invariants, and (4) bulk reconstruction and its consequences. The presentation also discusses conceptual issues regarding the duality between gravity/string theories and gauge theories, such as how information is encoded in the boundary theory and whether spacetime and gravity can emerge from a boundary theory.
Nikola Godinovi "The very high energy gamma ray astronomy"SEENET-MTP
This document discusses using gamma-ray astronomy to study fundamental physics. It outlines how gamma-ray telescopes like IACT arrays and satellites are used to search for dark matter by looking for gamma rays from annihilation. Combining data from Fermi and IACTs like MAGIC improves sensitivity to constrain dark matter models. No evidence of dark matter has been found so far, but future instruments like CTA will provide stronger limits. The document also mentions how gamma-ray observations can probe Lorentz invariance violation and the origin of cosmic rays.
Miroljub Dugi "The concept of Local Time. Quantum-mechanical and cosmologica...SEENET-MTP
This document discusses the concept of local time from quantum mechanical and cosmological perspectives. It provides a historical overview, discussing Schrodinger's work developing the nonstationary wave equation and Hitoshi Kitada's view that both equations are valid when time is altered. The document then examines the Enss' theorem, which establishes a link between time and Hamiltonian through the dynamical evolution of a system. This leads to a new reading of the Enss' theorem and concept of local time - that time is dynamically generated for each system based on its Hamiltonian. Basic elaborations explore properties of local time, including its inherent uncertainty and role in quantum dynamics.
Cemsinan Deliduman "Astrophysics with Weyl Gravity"SEENET-MTP
This document summarizes a presentation on astrophysical aspects of Weyl gravity. It discusses how Weyl gravity may help explain galaxy rotation curves without dark matter by having the Einstein-Hilbert term dominate in the inner region and the Weyl term dominate in the outer region. It also examines gravitational lensing predictions in Weyl gravity. Future directions are proposed such as matching interior and exterior solutions, investigating scale invariance breaking, and applications to other astrophysical problems.
Radu Constantinescu "Scientific research: Excellence in International context"SEENET-MTP
The University of Craiova is located in Craiova, Romania and was founded in 1947. It has over 16,000 students studying across 16 faculties, with the most popular being sciences, economics, and engineering. The university focuses its research efforts on nanosciences, information technology, energy, environment, transport, food and agriculture, and social sciences. It also operates a research hub called INCESA to foster cooperation with industry.
25. 丐丐FTRFTR (Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor)(Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor)
PPPL P i t USAPPPL, Princeton, USA
510 MK510 MK510 MK510 MK
- 于亳 亠从仗亠亳仄亠仆 舒 亳亳仄仂仄 弌 1993-97.
39. - JET 亳 JT-60U: Q>1
D + T He (3.5 MeV, plasma) + n (14 MeV)( , p ) ( )
n + Li He + T (in blanket)
- 丐仂仂亳亟舒仍仆仂 仄舒亞仆亠仆仂 仗仂亠
- 个亰亳仂仆亠 亠舒从亳亠 亠 仂亟亢舒于舒 个 亰舒亞亠于舒亠仄 舒仍舒 亠亳舒
- 500 MW, 15 MA, Q 10: ~ 5 s ( => 1000 s )
Belgian State (Ecole Royale Militaire/ Koninklijke Militaire School) and on behalf of Universit旅 Libre de
B ll d C t d'Et d d l'E i N l i / St di t K i (M l)Bruxelles and Centre d'Etude de l'Energie Nucl旅aire/ Studiecentrum voor Kernergie (Mol)
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT) (Spain)
Commissariat l'Energie Atomique (CEA) (France)
Dublin City University (DCU) (Ireland)
E t l N T l i L'E i l'A bi t (ENEA) (It l ) Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie, L'Energia e l'Ambiente (ENEA) (Italy)
Forschungszentrum Juelich (Germany)
Grand Duche of Luxembourg represented by its Minister for Energy
Hellenic Republic represented by the National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos" (NSCR)
Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungary)
Institute of Plasma Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (IPP/AS) (Czech Republic)
Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST) (Portugal)
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (Germany)
Max-Planck-Institut fr Plasmaphysik (IPP, Garching) (Germany)
National Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (Romania)
sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (AW) (Austria)
Ris淡 National Laboratory (RIS) (Denmark)y ( ) ( )
Stichting voor Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie (FOM) (The Netherlands)
Swedish Natural Science Research Council (NRF) (Sweden)
Swiss Confederation on behalf of The Centre de Recherches en Physique des Plasmas (CRPP-EPF
Lausanne) and of other Swiss organisations repr. by the Head of the Swiss Mission to the EU
Technology Development Centre Finland (TEKES) (Finland)
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) (UK)
The Slovenian Association Ministry of High Education, Science and Sport (MHST)
75. Bz
仗仍舒亰仄舒 仄仍舒亰
- 800800 亮亮F, 4 kVF, 4 kV
FAz Iz
IImaxmax ~~ 11000 kA0 kA
仂仆舒 仂仆亳亰舒亳亠
J. Puri, I.P. Dojinovi V.M. Astashynski, M.M. Kuraica and B.M. Obradovi,
Electric and Thermodynamic Properties of Plasma Flows Created by Magnetoplasma Compressor,
Plasma Sources Sci. Tech., 13 (2004) 74-84.